First hunt planning


AH enthusiast
Jan 28, 2015
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Hunting reports
South Africa, England, Scotland, USA
Unfortunately I bought and sold my first home in 2014 and moved from NY to SC for an opportunity for a promotion and a loss on my house. Due to this I'm looking at 2017 hunt. This will be my first guided hunt, and definitely my first time in Africa. I hunt whitetail/wild boar as much as possible but of course Africa has always been a pipe dream. Im in a financial/career position to finally make my first trip in a couple years when recover from my loss on my home.

The questions are many and hoping for some guidance for myself and my fiance to help us plan for our first trip of many I'm sure.

1. What do we need to do for the sake of health/vaccination for the trip?

2. I have my grandfathers Model 99 300 Savage and my "go to" remington 700 in 30-06. I am going for a budget hunt of plains game. Only requirement being i want at to hunt 5 animals, and at least one of my desired 3 must be part of the 5. (Gemsbuck, kudu, warthog). I want to take at least one animal with the 300 savage if not more as a momento to my late grandfather who hunted with it for 30+ years. Should those two rounds be an issue? Suggested loads/weight for each?

3. Whats the suggested gun case for traveling? I've looked at pelican cases. The ones in the $200 range suffice or whats the go-to for a two-gun case?

4. From all my readings i havnt seen what actually happens with the meat from the game taken? Is it given to locals? Sold? Etc? I assume it cant be sent back to the US safely.

5. This is going to be 100% a budget hunt. Just an opportunity to get my feet wet until i am able to spend higher amounts. I am planning purely to go for European mounts and tanned hides. Is it cheaper for the tanning/shipping to have that done in south africa or is it still better to have salt/packed there and shipped to US? Plan to do the Europeans myself as most of the work is done when they prepare it to ship over.

6. I know there are many costs to factor in, and unfortunately this first one needs to be at the minimum cost possible. Aside from the hunt package, adding an observer, tips, two flights, taxi/salt/packing, what other hidden costs do i need to factor into budget?

7. Once i get quote on taxi/salt, is there costs when recieved in US or in other ways? Can it come directly to my home?

8. A very loaded question but a big one, is there a suggested PH/Service for beginner package at budget price? I know from reading that people say you can have full budget hunt for $10,000, is that feasible?

Thank you for any help, reading the forum has already helped greatly!

Dale Perry
You can for sure do a nice hunt for 10,000.00. The airfare can vary on the dates you pick to go. stay away from late june all of july and aug and you can save thousands on airfare.

The guns you have will do just fine for any plains game you may want to hunt. That 300 will be perfect really.

It will be very hard to get a quote now for a hunt in 2017. must will quote this year and next. prices change a lot in Africa. most guys will price a hunt with all cost figured in other then a few items that you must do. Like airfare any tips you may want to give.

I can tell you paw print safaris can give you a great hunt at a fair price. If I can help and get you more info let me know.

Thanks Billc
1. What do we need to do for the sake of health/vaccination for the trip?
Depends where you go. Best to ask your local travel doc.

2. I have my grandfathers Model 99 300 Savage and my "go to" remington 700 in 30-06. I am going for a budget hunt of plains game. Only requirement being i want at to hunt 5 animals, and at least one of my desired 3 must be part of the 5. (Gemsbuck, kudu, warthog). I want to take at least one animal with the 300 savage if not more as a momento to my late grandfather who hunted with it for 30+ years. Should those two rounds be an issue? Suggested loads/weight for each?

They'll be fine for plains game. Quality Premium bullets and you are set. 180 grain will work.

3. Whats the suggested gun case for traveling? I've looked at pelican cases. The ones in the $200 range suffice or whats the go-to for a two-gun case?

Pelican 1750 will do the trick.

4. From all my readings i havnt seen what actually happens with the meat from the game taken? Is it given to locals? Sold? Etc? I assume it cant be sent back to the US safely.

Depends where you hunt.
You'll likely be eating some.
Sold, Community.
No meat is coming home.

5. This is going to be 100% a budget hunt. Just an opportunity to get my feet wet until i am able to spend higher amounts. I am planning purely to go for European mounts and tanned hides. Is it cheaper for the tanning/shipping to have that done in south africa or is it still better to have salt/packed there and shipped to US? Plan to do the Europeans myself as most of the work is done when they prepare it to ship over.

6. I know there are many costs to factor in, and unfortunately this first one needs to be at the minimum cost possible. Aside from the hunt package, adding an observer, tips, two flights, taxi/salt/packing, what other hidden costs do i need to factor into budget?

Extra animals.

7. Once i get quote on taxi/salt, is there costs when recieved in US or in other ways? Can it come directly to my home?
Depends where you live. Import processing paperwork can cost you. Unfinished trophies will have to go to an approved facility/taxidermist.

8. A very loaded question but a big one, is there a suggested PH/Service for beginner package at budget price? I know from reading that people say you can have full budget hunt for $10,000, is that feasible?

Look at the deals section and talk to the Outfitters posting offers on AH. Plenty of Sponsors that can provide a quality PG hunt on a budget.

Look through the Safari Planning Guide at

First thing I would suggest that you do is read here and keep asking questions. For me, there was/is a lot to absorb and it takes time. But, I'll give your questions a quick shot. :)

  1. Depends where you go, Africa is a big place, but for SA as a general rule there isn't anything special needed.
  2. .30/06 will handle all of the PG and your Savage should be fine as well. It is more about shot placement and quality bullets, IMO.
  3. Pelican is great, but I personally use and love the Tuffpak. They are expensive, but will last you a lifetime and extra gear can be placed in it as well (some will tell you this is a bad thing).
  4. All of the above, depending on the outfit - sold, eaten, used as bait, nothing is wasted. And no, it can't be sent back.
  5. I would get them tanned there and ship back, but this is a subject that is up for much debate - read a bunch :)
  6. You've listed most, but I would suggest an extra bit of cash that can be used in case you see your PH go bug eyed and start drooling at an animal not on your list. Africa will give you opportunities, but often not twice. Don't pass on one!
  7. There are import costs - again read a bunch, and check out someone like SSI, a sponsor here. This is the part that is still voodoo to me LOL
  8. You can do a hunt for under $10k, well under if you just mean the actual hunt. There are many fantastic outfitters here that I'd personally hunt with. So much comes down to what you want to hunt, where, and the personal relationship you build beforehand
Did I mention read and ask questions? ;)
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Thank you guys for quick replies so far! The reading and research won't stop and luckily I have the misses excited so she's researching as well.

Any opinion on what's best bang for your buck? A pre-package beginner hunt for 5 days or picking one trophy I want and few cheap extras?

Hope is 10k for myself and her to hunt and for me to fly. So like 12k for her and I to fly with everything out the door. Seem possible?

Is it cheaper/easier for them to ship tanned hides and completed euros? Due to lack of need to really preserve it for shipping? Just assuming it's hard to mess up tanning the hides and euros whether in South Africa or the US.

Anyone used/have thoughts on EAI outdoors? Fiancé found it and really likes their site. Sooo many places to choose from so trying to cross off or add them as we go.

Although it's far off, it's great to have a goal in mind and the addiction to the stories and pics has already started.
Good advice so far!
You have big plans for a young man! You did not ask about some of this so please forgive me but I can't help myself.... It does sound like you have good financial planning in place.

My first advise may not be real popular on this site, but be sure your life finances are on track before spending too much. Hopefully your going to be back on track with the house, as you likely know a house is the single best investment you can make, but it can also be a big liability if timing catches you wrong. You are never too young to invest for retirement or for college when you have kids.

But don't go as far as I did and wait until your 50 to do these things either;) There are many simple things people can do to make dreams happen. Don't buy lottery tickets but rather invest that money. Drive older cars and not more than you need, if you don't need a 4 wheel drive pickup, don't buy one that will just be a commuter vehicle anyway. Before the gas price drop I fed mine $100/day... But I need a PU! Buy a car that is like new but a couple years old...Then drive them longer. Most of my newer vehicles seem to have no trouble getting to 200,000 or more miles without much more than a set of spark plugs, tranny flush, maybe one set of brake pads and some tires.

I actually think you could do the whole hunt with air fare today for you and your observer for the $10,000... No one knows about 2017 but I think it could go either way. The African outfitters want us to think prices will keep going up forever.... and they might? On the other hand there is that crazy ballooning game price issue going on in RSA and sooner or later, logic says it has to blow up... If that happens in 2017, you could get some shocking buys! And wait and see how the auction deals go at SCI, the news out of DCS seemed to indicate people might be staying home in droves..... Prices may eventually reflect this if people don't start feeling better about the economy and things like terrorism and Ebola risks. (I know there is really no risk of Ebola in RSA, but try to tell that to the masses).

For your questions;
1. For RSA, especially the East Cape, nothing much more than a tetanus shot and possibly a mild sleeping pill for the flight. But check with your clinic for a recommendation on a travel clinic and ask a specialist. Farther North you may need Malaria pills.

2. Those guns and calibers sound just fine to me and the old Savage should be fun! Factory ammo for the savage is available in Barns tipped triple shock and Nosler Accubond, if you can find them, for a wart hog you may want a triple shock. Cheaper than dirt has the old Remington Core-Lokt in stock and that can do ok. Shoot the tougher animals with the 30-06 and use a top quality bonded bullet or a Triple shock or GMX. I would not be afraid to shoot a cape eland with a good 180 grain out of a 30-06... But an Eland will blow your budget anyway.

3. A Pelican case should be fine. I have two SKB's and one is similar to the Pelican 2 gun in one level where you cut out the foam to fit. The other is a double stack with a middle re-enforced foam section you do not cut. I like the second one better and it seems to be stronger. If I was taking my Grandfathers gun, I would feel better with the sturdier case.

4. In RSA the meat is sold, other than what you eat in camp and the parts they may give to staff. It is part of the deal or part of the income they get from the hunt. You won't be bringing any home. The USA has strict inspection rules and import rules.

5. Have the skulls cleaned and hides tanned over there. In fact ask your outfitter about a package deal including that.

6. I would be the first to advocate for what Royal pointed out on this one. Plan for that one extra animal that steps out and catches your fancy. I think you can do this (in todays market at least) AND keep your total in that $10-12,000 range with air and observer.

Food at airports, curios (if you find a booth along the road, you can negotiate very low prices) don't buy these at the airport... And don't buy the ostrich eggs unless you have them shipped home, they might take them at customs. Think stone and wood and packed well.

To be on a really tight budget, try to avoid an overnight at a guest house in Joberg by scheduling the flight to connect and get you to your destination. (some outfits up North may pick you up in Joberg and you might get the outfitter to help with gun permits and save you the $100 for (you can do this yourself but it could become a hassle).

Resist the guys pushing for bribes... And for sure no more than a $20 if you do decide to cave in to the little prick in Joberg. Take a money belt for the $100's and have nothing bigger than $20's in your pocket but also plenty of ones, fives and tens. Use your credit card for food, etc.

Do tip porters who help but you can avoid the need for them, there are great carts free for use all over the airport for luggage. Ask for directions for airport personell if needed and they are friendly for the most part.

Any side trips. We took the flight through Paris and had an all day layover so went to see the city on one trip (and up the Eiffel tower) and on the second went to Versailles. But that may blow most of $1000. If you go to the East Cape, a day trip to Ado Elephant Park is nice... Just have the buffet if you eat there. You can wait for hours to get served otherwise if they are busy.

Go in April or Early May or late in the season like Sept/Oct. There can be great last minute deals. and many outfits will negotiate better in the slower season... Go early for first crack at the new season's critters! (but there will be lots of greenery)

7. I think the answers are all yes... Research and get quotes. Others may chime in with more knowledge.

8. As of today I would say yes! There are several packages from several outfits listed in the deals section where you can get exactly what you are asking for under $4000 for the hunt, and add your observer for as little as $150/day. If you can fly during the lower price times, you should be well under $4000 for the two of you. That should leave room for getting trophies taken care of and shipped. Skulls and finished skins should pack well and be cheap to ship and should clear customs easy.

There is one outfitter offering a beginner package with cheap animals for $1500... But he has commented that he is selling his best to the breeding market and the rest are available for hunting... I would not let that scare me off completely, at least he is honest about it.. But I would ask lots of questions. however on that deal you could add a lot and be under budget.

You should also know I have never met an outfitter who would not let my wife hunt as well (with me) on the observer rate... just in case your misses decides to shoot something.
Thank you guys for quick replies so far! The reading and research won't stop and luckily I have the misses excited so she's researching as well.

Any opinion on what's best bang for your buck? A pre-package beginner hunt for 5 days or picking one trophy I want and few cheap extras?

Hope is 10k for myself and her to hunt and for me to fly. So like 12k for her and I to fly with everything out the door. Seem possible?

Is it cheaper/easier for them to ship tanned hides and completed euros? Due to lack of need to really preserve it for shipping? Just assuming it's hard to mess up tanning the hides and euros whether in South Africa or the US.

Anyone used/have thoughts on EAI outdoors? Fiancé found it and really likes their site. Sooo many places to choose from so trying to cross off or add them as we go.

Although it's far off, it's great to have a goal in mind and the addiction to the stories and pics has already started.

I think the package deal is the way to go, in fact check into including the limited taxidermy you have planned.

In todays dollars you should get a lot for that budget.

Don't have the euros completed, pretty expensive from what I was quoted for what it takes. Just have them cleaned and maybe bleached and do the Euros yourself. Check out Do have tanning done in RSA and arrange to ship everything home together... If it is tanned it should clear customs easy.

Don't know about EAI.

Take a good quality Camera, turn off the clicking noise! My wife was real into before and after pictures and had the PH shushing her many times! She had a new camera and did not know how to turn that click off.

Do not spend a lot on gear other than decent optics but mid range will do fine and if you like what you have, your set.... You do both need good binoculars.... If you don't have them, borrow from a friend?

You can hunt in blue jeans and tennis shoes as long as your comfortable and have a drab olive or brownish shirt.... Kaki is too white. Use what you have... I found it comic that we were in camo and some of our local farm guides where in bright blue overalls! On the elephant hunt our local resource at Diti was wearing purple... He did lose his bright pink hat to a thorn tree we drove under... He recovered it on the way back;)

You are way too young to get addicted! Be careful you don't spend your life broke because you are hunting in Africa all the time.... actually I suppose you could do worse! Just be sure you invest for retirement so you can still go hunting then.
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The only other thing to bring up is some countries you cannot bring 2 rifles of the same caliber. We know the .300 and the .30-06 are different, but they don't care. Check carefully the current regs for the country you are traveling through, as well as final destination. I know a booking agent with trips similar to yours for 6500, airfare included. Should be easy to stay in your budget even with taxidermy, tips, etc. Have fun planning and welcome to the site.
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Thank you guys for quick replies so far! The reading and research won't stop and luckily I have the misses excited so she's researching as well.

Any opinion on what's best bang for your buck? A pre-package beginner hunt for 5 days or picking one trophy I want and few cheap extras?

Hope is 10k for myself and her to hunt and for me to fly. So like 12k for her and I to fly with everything out the door. Seem possible?

Is it cheaper/easier for them to ship tanned hides and completed euros? Due to lack of need to really preserve it for shipping? Just assuming it's hard to mess up tanning the hides and euros whether in South Africa or the US.

Anyone used/have thoughts on EAI outdoors? Fiancé found it and really likes their site. Sooo many places to choose from so trying to cross off or add them as we go.

Although it's far off, it's great to have a goal in mind and the addiction to the stories and pics has already started.

I used EAI last May for the 10 animal cull hunt. Ed was easy to deal with and Kubusi Safaris where I hunted was great. They offer comfortable quarters not high end but I was there to hunt. I look at it like traveling south. I'm there for the beach and snorkeling the hotel room just has to be clean with a functioning toilet and a hot shower.
Hi Dale,
Welcome to the forum. Just drove through SC from Georgia to attend the Southeast Outdoor show in Raliegh, NC.

I am 100% sure that the Eastern Cape will suffice to what you are looking for.
Please drop us an email and we will be more than happy to present you with some ideas.
We are leaving Raleigh tomorrow for Toronto, Canada, but will be back in South Africa around mid February.

Take Care,
Marius Goosen
Yes, you can plan a hunt on a budget (large or small). There is enough information on this site that you should know down to +/ 1% of your total costs for the trip (I overestimated my costs by only $45!). There is a great deal of good natured joking about how you can't plan the costs, but you can. Staying on budget was important for me, because I needed to manage my costs on the first trip so I could build a good budget to start planning the next trip!

Pay attention to the tipping guide -, and the what is the true costs of my Africa ... - (others have mentioned the safari planning guide) and a few others, but this will get you started.

You have at least a year to read and research before you will even be able to book a 2017 trip. There will be sooooo many positive hunt reports and great deals posted on this website that you will easily be able to plan your hunt of a lifetime.
Good day and welcome. I can tailormake a package that will include either taxidermy or dipping . Feel free to mail for details.

Best regards

Welcome to AH, Dale, I see you already got some good advice from the regulars !

Depends where you go. Best to ask your local travel doc.

They'll be fine for plains game. Quality Premium bullets and you are set. 180 grain will work.

Pelican 1750 will do the trick.

Depends where you hunt.
You'll likely be eating some.
Sold, Community.
No meat is coming home.

Extra animals.

Depends where you live. Import processing paperwork can cost you. Unfinished trophies will have to go to an approved facility/taxidermist.

Look at the deals section and talk to the Outfitters posting offers on AH. Plenty of Sponsors that can provide a quality PG hunt on a budget.

Look through the Safari Planning Guide at

Hello Dailordasailor,

Welcome to the best forum.
I am +1 with BRICKBURN on all the above questions and answers.
plus, I will add that I have hunted in Africa and N. America both, with the .30-06.
It was the ".30 magnum" of it's day and rightfully so when you look at some of the otherwise main stream approximately .30 caliber cartridges up to about 1906.
A couple of times I have seen a Pre-WW II English made hunting rifle, chambered in what today we call the .30-06, marked ".300 Springfield".

Being a rifle nut, I lean toward some pretty silly calibers for shooting game animals by today's standard but even so, I'm quick to admit that the .30-06 with heavy bullets, 180 gr is quite excellent (200 gr and 220 gr are "even more excellenter") for most African hunting conditions/species.

Likewise, I have hunted in N. America with the .300 Savage (used to have a Remington pump action one, with peep sight).
Again agreeing with BRICKBURN, I see no reason that this cartridge loaded with 180 grain bullets will not let the air out of the critters you plan to hunt, with one shot each.
Get you some shooting sticks, or make some - it's cheap and easy (like me, cheap and easy).
Practice from standing, resting your rifle on said sticks until the moon turns blue, then practice some more.

My parting shot, as it were is that, it is wise to do as much homework on what you intend to do as possible (looks like you're already ahead of me on that).
Take great care in researching your PH/Safari company.
There are some excellent ones participating in this forum.

Likewise, I am friends with one who does not advertise in this forum (against my advise to him by the way) who is quite good, in the highly unlikely event you do not find just the right one here.
Lori our Travel Agent here (800-808-4868) is well worth consulting on air fares, far in advance of actually booking your flights.

You're gonna flip when you see Africa.

Velo Dog.
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Dale - Welcome to SC. We moved here in 2012 and love the state. We're near Greenville if you'd like to drop by, have a drink (coffee or other...), talk hunting in South Africa, look at some trophies, etc... shoot me a PM. If timing works out, you could bring your rifles for some practice "off the sticks" and shoot at longer ranges. I've only done one hunt (2013) but am planning my return. It was AMAZING!!!

1. I needed nothing I didn't already have, but many of my military vaccinations were still current. I didn't need Malaria prophylaxis.
2. No issues with your choice of weapons/calibers. I took my 338 Win Mag, but am confident a 30-06 would've done the job for me on Zebra, Impala, and Blue Wildebeest I took with the 338. I was happy with the Nosler Partition.
3. Yep, I used the Pelican 1750 and it worked just fine. I did choose the one with wheels and recommend it.
4. You'll eat some and the rest will be sold. Our chef was phenomenal and I looked forward to dinner every night. I know some go just for the hunting, but the food was beyond my wildest expectations. My father asked for liver and she cooked impala liver for breakfast the next day. I wanted "Rocky Mountain Oysters" from my buffalo...and they tasted way better than they had any right to.
5. My PH's brother is a taxidermist so we dropped off the trophies on our way to the airport. Prices were reasonable and quality acceptable.
6. Potentially you'll "overnight" in Jo'berg. We stayed at a very cool and historic B&B and the price was embarrassingly low. We also stopped by Zimbi Books/Guns for some post-hunt shopping.
7. I used an importer to clear my shipment through customs/USDA and forward it from Atlanta to Greenville. Money well spent.
8. You can do it for $10K. I had a nice experience with Louis Van Bergen of Spiral Horn Safaris and notice he now offers hunt/taxidermy all-inclusive hunts. One thing I would ask is what refund is expected if a particular animal isn't taken. Some places offer a percentage of the trophy fee as a refund.

The direct flight from Atlanta to Jo'berg made things easy. We paid a little extra for Economy Comfort (extra leg-room) and will do so again next time. I also looked for an outfit that would pick me up at the airport so I wouldn't lose time/baggage on another in-country flight. My PH also took care of expediting my firearms through SAP; nice touch.

Best Regards,


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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID