@Von Gruff thanks for that, that is a great offer, just have to see what happens Had a bit of a look last night and if I had the coin now there is a blemished model that would do although I will say it really only needs a fixed blade and maybe a single leaf. not the fundage at the moment
Whilst it may be a long time before I ever get to the dark continent, the reality is the scope will be perfectly fine unless up close and nasty and really only need a couple (or one) sight blade. The 416 is flat enough to not worry too much to a couple of hundy if that happened with the scope off.
And no, not going for apertures.
I suppose i was hoping for an aftermarket direct screw-on replacement for the originals but a modified factory one would probably suffice just not have the classic look.
A friend has the rifle at the moment so can't quite confirm how close it is to the eye looking down the scope with a tight cheek weld but it was pretty close.
The mounts are circa 90s Warne detachable with the narrow parallel square section, maybe 11mm?
I wonder if I could make something like the Brno rear aperture for right at the back, just have to find a way of keeping it handy for a quick fit. Something like the Rigby style in the grip cap.
Just an add at the bottom of that, being in NZ it can be a right PITA to ship stuff out of the US.
They don't always do it, things get lost or UPS stop doing it etc.
Then there is the added sweetener of our local postal service getting cranky about firearm parts which came about after that knobhead shot up the mosque 2nearly 3 years ago.
Cops got persnickety about it all and suspect they gave NZ post some suggestions.
There better not be any mention of firearm parts in there or it turns to poose real quick. Thats domestic stuff as well-even scopes. some creative descriptions are the go
I have been in the position where I haven't had to import stuff so it hasn't affected me but it is a big problem here