Everybody seeing this News Break: Trump shot?

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Ridge Runner

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Mar 23, 2017
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East Cape, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Breaking News:

Former President Trump was shot, or at least shot, while campaigning in Pennsylvania.

Rushed off stage by Secret Service and into his protective SUV.

Details still on gonig.
Looks like he had a defiant reaction afterwards, so possibly either not hit or a superficial wound. Blood appears to be above his right ear, so maybe from a bullet hitting his ear?? Crazy!
Looks like he had a defiant reaction afterwards, so possibly either not hit or a superficial wound. Blood appears to be above his right ear, so maybe from a bullet hitting his ear?? Crazy!

Watching the replays there appears to be a puff about a foot passed his head as he grabs his ear and then Trump goes to the ground for cover.

Don't understand as to why the one female SS appears to be picking up Trump's right leg as the SS is taking him toward his vehicle.

It looks like he is saying; fight, fight, as he shakes his fist.
Watching the replays there appears to be a puff about a foot passed his head as he grabs his ear and then Trump goes to the ground for cover.

Don't understand as to why the one female SS appears to be picking up Trump's right leg as the SS is taking him toward his vehicle.

It looks like he is saying; fight, fight, as he shakes his fist.
The SS agent might’ve been trying to get some sort of hold or grip to carry him. Sometimes people can freeze, or Trump could’ve been refusing to walk in defiance and her duty is to get him to safety
Where did the other bullets end up?
One can only pray that there is just the tiniest bit of introspection in the halls of CNN and MSNBC.

Almost certainly a rifle from just outside the venue but inside the range fans of the sniper team on the building behind?
Watching the replays there appears to be a puff about a foot passed his head as he grabs his ear and then Trump goes to the ground for cover.

Don't understand as to why the one female SS appears to be picking up Trump's right leg as the SS is taking him toward his vehicle.

It looks like he is saying; fight, fight, as he shakes his fist.
All I know is every member of that personal detail put themselves in a protective circle around him to take a bullet if necessary.
All I know is every member of that personal detail put themselves in a protective circle around him to take a bullet if necessary.
Wouldn’t they have made him keep his head down unless they knew the threat was neutralized?
Something of an iconic photo. Not entirely different than the Teddy Roosevelt incident of 1912.

I heard shooter is down. The shooter missed his head by an inch. Luckily he was looking to his right, or we would have been having a different conversation.

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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.