The German airline, Eurowings, Airbus 330 arrived from Munich this morning landed at the International Airport Hosea Kutako.
Eurowings, Europe's fastest growing airline, now offers direct flights between Munich and Windhoek. Eurowings offers three flights weekly Germany after flying between Cologne and Windhoek.
"The new route is tempting for the German market with Namibia, which is known for its incredible scenery and fascinating wildlife, "Dr. André Schultz, General Manager of the Lufthansa Group of Southern Africa.
The original version in Afrikaans below:
Eurowings-vlugte nou tussen München en Windhoek Die Duitse lugredery,
Eurowings, se Airbus 330 het vanoggend vanaf München op die Internasionale Lughawe Hosea Kutako geland.
Eurowings, Europa se vinnigste groeiende lugredery, bied nou direkte vlugte tussen München en Windhoek. Eurowings bied drie vlugte weekliks na Duitsland aan nadat dit reeds tussen Keulen en Windhoek vlieg.
“Die nuwe roete is aanloklik vir die Duitse mark met Namibië wat bekend is vir sy ongelooflike natuurskoon en fassinerende wildlewe,” het dr. André Schultz, hoofbestuurder van die Lufthansa-groep van Suider-Afrika, gesê.