I just wanted to call out a memory that I will never forget. On my very first safari I am a Georgia boy who had never traveled to another continent before going to Africa by myself. To say I was scared to death is an understatement. I was at JNB airport wearing one of my DSC shirts when a man came up to me introducing himself as a former president of DSC. He made me feel so secure that there were people present of a kindred spirit and I instantly was at peace. I am so embarrassed that I was so in shock I did not stand up but was sitting when I shook this kind man’s hand. Shame on me!!! I will forever be grateful to this kind man who stored up treasure in heaven on that day. My message is when we hunt in Africa with my now having taken many trips since that day let’s look out for the newbie and let them know they are in good hands and although not knowing us personally they are never alone