Elephant & Lion Imports Resume!

Philip Glass

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NY Times article states USFWS has opened the way for elephant and lion trophy imports. This is great news and SCI and NRA both fought hard in court for this.


U.S. Lifts Ban on Some Elephant and Lion Trophies

The United States has moved to allow hunters to import big-game trophies, including elephant tusks and lion hides, acquired in certain African countries with approvals granted on an individual basis.

The decision, reported in a memorandum published last week by the federal Fish and Wildlife Service, overturns an Obama-era ban on some trophies and contradicts public statements by President Trump, who had endorsed the restrictions.

In November, agency officials moved to lift the ban on elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia. The new policy supersedes and broadens that decision, officials said.

Traditionally, the agency has considered imports of trophies from certain endangered species on a nation-by-nation basis. The Endangered Species Act stipulates that in order for such trophies to be approved, exporting countries must demonstrate that hunting enhances survival of a particular species in the wild — by reinvesting the money into conservation, for example, and by supporting local communities.

In December, however, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit found that officials had implemented the Obama-era bans without following regulatory procedures, including a failure to open up the decision to public comment.

To accommodate that court decision, officials said the Fish and Wildlife Service will change how it evaluates imports for certain endangered species across Africa — not just elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia, the subject of the circuit court ruling.

Rather than evaluate lion, elephant and bontebok (a type of antelope) trophies on a nation-by-nation basis, the agency now will consider imports of these animals from six African countries on case-by-case basis, as it already does with the majority of species hunted on the continent.

The six countries are Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania, South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. The new policy does not mean that all trophies will be automatically permitted, officials said. The applicants will have to meet the same conservation and sustainability requirements as before.

The decision was long sought by Safari Club International and the National Rifle Association, which had filed the lawsuit against the agency.

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Sad for me because I’m booked for a non-exportable lion/lioness hunt this year:cry:! Oh well, it’s really the hunt I am excited about and not the trophy. I have space for pictures and not for a full mount which is what I believe a lion deserves.
Sad for me because I’m booked for a non-exportable lion/lioness hunt this year:cry:! Oh well, it’s really the hunt I am excited about and not the trophy. I have space for pictures and not for a full mount which is what I believe a lion deserves.
It will still be a great hunt and at a great price. I doubt lioness will ever be importable again. Now my wheels are turning about a big trophy bull hunt in Botswana when they get it opened.
I'm anxiously keeping an eye on this!! Thanks for sharing Philip!!
United States Department of the Interior


In Reply Refer To:

AIA/DMA/BOP/Animal Species


Assistant Director, Inte ational A airs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servic

Principal Deputy Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ,

March 1, 2018

Withdrawal of Certain Findings for ESA-listed Species Taken as Sport hunted Trophies.

In response to the D.C. Circuit Court's opinion in Sa ri Club Int'!, et al. v. Zinke, et al., No. 16-5358 (D.C. Cir., Dec. 22, 2017), the Service hereby withdraws, effective immediately, the 2014 and 2015 Endangered Species Act (ESA) enhancement findings for trophies of African elephants taken in Zimbabwe. The findings are no longer effective for making individual permit determinations for imports of sport-hunted African elephant trophies. Consistent with this approach, the Service hereby also withdraws, effective immediately, the following findings: ESA enhancement findings for trophies of African elephants taken in Zimbabwe signed in 1997 and 2017; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of lions taken in Zimbabwe signed in 2017; ESA enhancement findings signed in 1997, 2014, and 2015, and CITES non-detriment findings signed in 2014, 2015, and 2017 for trophies of African elephants taken in Tanzania; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of African elephants taken in South Africa signed in 1995; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of bontebok taken in South Africa signed in 1997; ESA enhancement findings for trophies of lions taken in South Africa signed in 2016 and 2017; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of African elephants taken in Botswana signed in 1997; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of African elephants taken in Namibia signed in 1995; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of African elephants taken in Zambia signed in 2012; ESA enhancement finding for trophies of lions taken in Zambia signed in 2017; and the ESA enhancement and CITES non-detriment findings for trophies of African elephants taken in Zambia signed in 2017.

All of the above referenced findings are no longer effective for making individual permit determinations for imports of those sport-hunted ESA-listed species. However, the Service intends to use the information cited in these findings and contained in its less as appropriate, in addition to the information it receives and has available when it receives each application, to evaluate individual permit applications.

The Service is continuing to monitor the status and management of these species in their range countries. At this time, when the Service processes these permit applications, the Service intends to do so on an individual basis, including making ESA enhancement determinations, and CITES non-detriment determinations when required, for each application. The Service intends to grant or deny permits to import a sport-hunted trophy on a case-by-case basis pursuant to its authorities under the ESA and CITES. As part of the permitting process, the Service reviews each application received for import of such trophies and evaluates the information provided in the application as well as other information available to the Service as to the status of and management program for the species or population to ensure that the program is promoting the conservation of the species. Each application must also meet all other applicable permitting requirements be re it may be authorized.
Hey @Philip Glass , I just noticed that this article is a year old....March 2018. When I first read it, I thought it was from yesterday.....
It appears to be the March 1, 2018 ruling.

"............ the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit found that officials had implemented the Obama-era bans without following regulatory procedures, including a failure to open up the decision to public comment.

.........the Fish and Wildlife Service will change how it evaluates imports ........

..... on case-by-case basis, as it already does with the majority of species hunted on the continent.

......... The applicants will have to meet the same conservation and sustainability requirements as before."

Still waiting......
how is any of this different from whats been the rule?on an individual basis,something i havent heard of anybody bringing home anything?
Yeah, nothing new here.... This is old news unfortunately .

Case by case is a year old now, with no ele permits issued that I'm aware of . I will believe it when I see it .
I would expect an article on this from the left leaning, anti-gun, anti-hunting NYT. Got to get the maximum exposure for this evil turn of events.
Yes, this is an old article. Immediately after hearing about this new “case by case” system, I immediately applied for a USFWS lion import permit in March of 2018. The area I plan to hunt has a well documented high lion population and a lot of conservation and anti-poaching activity and I included all of it with my application. I still haven’t received an approval or denial. I spoke with the USFWS a few months ago a was told my application is still “under review and pending” and that no other information was available. I have a client that Secretary Zinke appointed to the African conservation and hunting council who also knew the Director of the USFWS, Greg Sheehan. I was told that the permits should start to come out after the mid-.term elections but I still haven’t received anything. Now, Zinke and Sheehan have resigned and my hope is waning.

On the bright side, I did receive my Marco Polo import permit just as I was leaving in November for the hunt. MP permits have an application deadline of May 1st and are usually sent out in August. MP permits (and all import permits) are now issued under the “case by case” method and the MP permits were issued three months later than usual but at least they were approved! This makes me hopeful for lion and elephant but MP permits are less controversial so who knows??

Has anyone out there received a leopard permit since the new “case by case basis” system started? That would be great to know.

As for booking safaris and other hunts for which the animal species are listed under CITES (sheep, bears, lions, leopards, elephants, etc..), hunters need to know that importation is not assured and you should probably apply WELL BEFORE the hunt is to be conducted if you ever want to get the trophy back to the USA. Personally, I will not go on a hunt first and then apply for a permit that so far, may never be issued.
I assume most hunters are now hyped for bug Bots bulls when they reopened
I spoke to Vanessa from Hunters Int'l they are handling my next safari which includes leopard, she just yesterday told me they received 3 import tags. I had her apply for mine also in the event I am successful. Maybe wasted money but I have to try.
I spoke to Vanessa from Hunters Int'l they are handling my next safari which includes leopard, she just yesterday told me they received 3 import tags. I had her apply for mine also in the event I am successful. Maybe wasted money but I have to try.
ive used hunters int'l before,great people,got my elephant home for me in 2011.
ive used hunters int'l before,great people,got my elephant home for me in 2011.
That’s what I keep hearing from several members Ed.
That’s what I keep hearing from several members Ed.
maria felix and husband own the business and she has a great since of humor.one hell of a nice person.
Does anyone think Lions from SA will be included ?
It will still be a great hunt and at a great price. I doubt lioness will ever be importable again. Now my wheels are turning about a big trophy bull hunt in Botswana when they get it opened.
You should get into the professional hunting film industry. You have some great hunts under your belt!
You should get into the professional hunting film industry. You have some great hunts under your belt!
Thanks! I actually don’t mind being in front of the camera. There is always a story to tell. I’ll be filming my next one.
I also have used Maria and they are fabulous. Top notch.

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