Disabled bear hunt

David f

New member
Feb 16, 2020
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Looking for recommendations on a baited bear hunt. I am a disabled veteran and hounds ,or spot and stalk are out of the question
Newfoundland has some awesome bears regularly going over 400 with 500 not out of the question. Depending on your disibility you could either shoot from a drift boat on one of the rivers or over bait.
Gander river outfitters are a well respected name. As well as many others.
Some added bonuses in Newfoundland you get two bear tags and your helping the moose and caribou populations. The bears are more carnivorous their.
A drift boat hunt would give you the spot and stock experience while still possible if you have mobility issues.
The area around the Miramichi river in New Brunswick has a very healthy population of bears with little fear of humans. They have spring bait hunts as well as fall. Prices used to be fairly cheap, as the residents viewed them as pests. Been a while since I've been there though.
The miramichi hunts are good ones a few friends of mine have done them as it's not far to travel and Nova Scotia has no spring bear hunt.

There is also an outfitter here in south western Nova Scotia that's just acquired the rights to the land surrounding the tobeatic wildlife park. They have very good rates.

If you decide to go that route let me know I'd be happy to put you up before/after the hunt if needed.
This is something I am interested in getting more information about. I am a disabled hunter from Australia. I am wanting to hunt for a black bear or if financially possible a grizzly/brown bear.
disabled bears usualy get eaten by their brothers.LOL
Think I'm going to Idaho. They do stalk hunts in morning and over bait in afternoon, if it's to tough of terrain for me I'll at least see some country
When I read the post title, I thought you were looking to hunt disabled bears. That didn't seem to sporting to me :) It shouldn't be too hard to find a good hunting bear over bait location. Good luck with your hunt.

Glad I’m not the only one with a warped sense of humor.
I hunted Saskatchewan about 4 years ago. I was very happy with the outfitter, saw tons of bears and shot a really nice one.

One couple in camp was elderly with the husband suffering from Parkinson's and unable to walk far but they hunted out of blinds and the wife who was the one hunting shot a nice bear.

PM me if you would like his name.

Here is my bear, 450lb taken with my bow.
Good thing about Saskatchewan is the number of color phase bear.

First pic is me with another hunter that shot a color phase bear the same day.

Second pic is my buddy who literally shot this bear the first hour of the first day hunting.
When I read the post title, I thought you were looking to hunt disabled bears. That didn't seem to sporting to me :) It shouldn't be too hard to find a good hunting bear over bait location. Good luck with your hunt.
I actually opened the thread shortly after it was posted and typed in this response....

"I am not only shocked, but I am outraged. Hunting disabled bears is about the most unsportsmanlike conduct I've ever heard of. Not sporting at all."

Then I erased it and didn't post it because I was afraid I'd be attacked for my warped sense of humor.
David F, welcome to the forum brother, and thank you for your service. I hope you can find and book the hunt you want. Good luck.
David F, welcome to the forum brother, and thank you for your service. I hope you can find and book the hunt you want. Good luck.

+1 here, thank you for your service sir(y) Best of luck in finding a hunt!
Now who would want to hunt a disabled bear?? :ROFLMAO:
When I read the post title, I thought you were looking to hunt disabled bears. That didn't seem to sporting to me :) It shouldn't be too hard to find a good hunting bear over bait location. Good luck with your hunt.

Haha that is heaps funny. I wonder if we could choose what disability the bear had too.
Yes I have been looking into it a little bit and am sure I will find a good outfitter when the time comes.

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@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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