Red Leg
2.5x magnification at the low end is too much for both-eyes-open shooting, and 2.5-10x42 is too bulky for bayonet range in dense bush.
1x is best. 1 1/4x is usable. A central red dot helps tremendously at dusk and is mandatory in really low light. 1-4 (or 1-6 or 1-8) x24 is a lot lighter/compact and handier.
When the glass can be used as a holographic sight (e.g. Eotech), a reflex sight (e.g. Trijicon RMR), or a "Red Dot" sight (e.g. Aimpoint), some people - generally younger who grew up with optical sights - will be faster with them, and some people - generally older who grew up with iron sights - will still be faster with iron, IF their eyes are still sharp (?), especially if they shoot a rifle that fits them well...
When the glass can NOT be used like that, it is a liability and must indeed be removed. This is why I emphasized in my earlier post: 1x magnification at the low end, straight 30 mm tube, very generous eye box, very wide field of view.
Personally, I used to shoot faster with iron but now that my eyes have aged, I am faster with 1x glass with illuminated red dot (Leica 1-4x24 i).
I stated in my first post "I see no downside to use a QD lever on a Warnes, Talley, Alaska Arms, etc." - one might as well add Blaser - and I discussed their other advantages (in addition to fast shooting with open sights), but I should have been more affirmative in the conclusion: there is no downside and many upsides, use them!
Whether one shoots faster with iron or with a 1x compact glass, only one can tell ... after extensive practice with both...