A number of years ago I was getting my tires changed and struck up a conversation with an older gentleman. It turns out we both loved to fly and he told me about learning to fly in WWII. The pilots in the group will appreciate how incredible this is:
- his first solo before 10 hours, in a tail dragger!
- into a fighter at 17 hours!
- first carrier landing at 40 hours. He and two buddies landed. He made it, the second died, the third crashed, broke his back and shipped home.
- he flew dive bombers at midway. Their squadron commander made them dive much steeper than what the airframe was rated for to reduce losses to jap fire on the attack run. So steep the rivets would pop in the root of the wings and have to be checked/repaired after every run. Dive hard, pull up, drop your load, fly out on the deck under the bow of the target to avoid AA.
What do you say to that? These guys were all heroes!