Compliments to Swarovski Optik


AH ambassador
Sep 20, 2014
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Houston, Texas and Alder, MT
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Life Member Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, NRA, Huntin' Fool, DSC and Pope and Young Club
USA, Mexico, Canada, RSA, Australia NT, Zimbabwe
Good afternoon all,
I just wanted to tell everyone what an outstanding company Swarovski Optik is. I have gotten 15 great years of hard use out of the first pair of SLC 10x42 binos that I purchased without a complaint. At the time I purchased them it was hard to swallow the price, that set cost more than all of the binos I had purchased in my lifetime. I soon came to realize that I had made a very good decision spending the money.
This year on an Alaskan float hunt they finally leaked and had condensation on the interior. I sent them in to Swarovski for repair, completely expecting to pay for the repair. They sent them back to me as good as the day they came from the store, no charge!
In today's world of mass produced goods and customer service has gone to hell, at least there are still companies like Swarovski Optik out there that make you glad you bought there products.
If any of you are contemplating buying new glass, these people stand behind their product!
Good Hunting,
That really is great to hear.

Paying for them once can be a tough pill to swallow, but it can sure be worth it too!
I will dido that story more than 30 years ago I didn't like the binoculars I had and went with the logic you should buy the best ones you could afford. Since I was a bow hunter I got one of the pocket 8x25 ones so they would be easy to care around. At about 20 years they were getting kind of loose so I packed them up and sent them in to be cleaned and tightened up. Same as you they didn't contact me just fixed them and sent them back no charge. A couple years ago the focus slipped so I had to send them in and again no charge.
I now have a second pair that are a little bigger for convenience will not buy another brand.
I'm with ya on that! I have a set of 15x56's, range finder and a 85mm Spoting scope. I'm a dedicated Swarovski guy, even more so now. I'm going to pass the 10's and the RF down to my oldest boy and get myself a set of EL Range to minimize my equipment in the field. Going to sell an accumark to finance the deal, it will be well worth it!
That is why I buy Swarovski they can't be beat on quality and service! I broke my new 10x el binos the first year I had them in a not so graceful fall 5 ft onto some rock they came back not only fixed, but scratch free
The one that amazed me though is a really old rifle scope from them my dad has 35+ years old last year had the rubber ring fall off. They had one for it in stock and sent it to him free of charge.

To me that speaks volumes for the company
The one that amazed me though is a really old rifle scope from them my dad has 35+ years old last year had the rubber ring fall off. They had one for it in stock and sent it to him free of charge.

To me that speaks volumes for the company
That's awesome! Wish I could afford more of their rifle scopes, the ones that I have are great.
Have you seen the z3 or something like that it's assembled in the USA for about 900 bucks with the same warranty as the ones assembled over seas
Have you seen the z3 or something like that it's assembled in the USA for about 900 bucks with the same warranty as the ones assembled over seas
I have one atop a M700 CDL 35 Whelen, nice scope. Think I bought it from optics planet for a dam good price.
Great to hear of such after sales service. I swear by SWAROVSKI telescopes.. will be replacing my current binos for a new set of SWAROVSKI binos for my hunts next year.

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