China removes Itermagô from traditional medicine list
Better protection
China has removed the food magma from its traditional list of medicines (Chinese Pharmacopoeia) and also increased the legal protection of this most smuggled mammal in the world.
Prof. Morgan Hauptfleisch, head of the Biodiversity Research Center of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust), says this is good news.
"Just last month, we established a national Itermagô working group to promote collaboration between scientists and anti-poaching units," Hauptfleisch told Republican on Monday.
The Namibian Chamber of the Environment (NCE) has confirmed the removal of Itermagô products from the Chinese traditional medicine list is a step in the right direction.
Itermagôs body parts such as the skin and scales achieve high prices on the black market. It is commonly used in Chinese traditional medicine, although scientists say it has no therapeutic value like rhino horn.
However, Iterermagô parts are being removed from this official drug list this year, as well as bats compounded in pill form, the state-owned Health Times reported.
According to some scientists, the food magma is the possible host of the coronavirus (Covid-19) transmitted to humans in a traditional market in Wuhan, China, last year.
"Exhausted wildlife resources" are being withdrawn from the drug list, Health Times reported Tuesday, though the real reason for removing the food maggot is unclear.
In addition, China's forestry authority has given the highest level of protection in the country on Friday for food maggots due to its threatened status.
According to China's wildlife protection laws, the country has two levels of wildlife protection under special state protection. Prior to the upgrade, Itermagos was under Class 2 state protection.
In recent months, China has banned the sale of wild animals as food because of the risk of spreading disease to humans, but trade in wildlife products remains legal for research and traditional medicine.
"Upgrading the protection level of food maggots is a serious situation," said Dr. Sun Quanhui, senior scientific adviser to the World Animal Protection Association in China, said.
“This means that all international trade in food magazines - living or dead and their products - is prohibited. At the same time, China's punishments will be stricter for wildlife crime, ”Sun said.
China issued a ban on the hunting of food maggots in 2007 and suspended all commercial imports of food maggots and their products since 2018.
In Namibia, poaching and smuggling continues to be a major challenge that appears weekly in the police wildlife crime report.
"Itermagôs in Namibia is stripped and smuggled at a frightening rate," says Iterermagô researcher and master's student at Nust, Kelsey Preacher.
The possession and smuggling and trafficking of food maggots is a crime in Namibia.
Mr. Obert Sipilisa Sakutuka was arrested on Sunday in Katima Mulilo with a food belly in his possession.
In May, a man was found in Windhoek with an injured ethereal stomach in his possession.
In March, Mr. Hega Nekare on Rundu is believed to have been trapped with 611 food maggots, one food maggot and five pieces of skin.
A reward is given to people who provide information that leads to the arrest and conviction of suspects who catch, kill or smuggle food. A reward is also given to people who provide information that leads to the seizure of food maggots, their body parts and products.
The original version in Afrikaans below:
China verwyder ietermagô van tradisionele medisynelys
Beter beskerming
Francoise Steynberg - China het die ietermagô van sy tradisionele lys van medisyne (Chinese Pharmacopoeia) verwyder en ook die wetlike beskerming van dié mees gesmokkelde soogdier ter wêreld verhoog.
Prof. Morgan Hauptfleisch, hoof van die Biodiversiteit-navorsingsentrum van die Namibië Universiteit van Wetenskap en Tegnologie (Nust), sê dit is verblydende nuus.
“Ons het juis verlede maand ’n nasionale ietermagô-werkgroep gestig om samewerking tussen wetenskaplikes en teenstropingseenhede te bevorder,” het Hauptfleisch gister aan Republikein gesê.
Die Namibiese Kamer van die Omgewing (NCE) het bevestig die verwydering van ietermagô-produkte van die Chinese tradisionele medisynelys is ’n stap in die regte rigting.
Ietermagôs se liggaamsdele soos die vel en skubbe behaal hoë pryse op die swartmark. Dit word algemeen in Chinese tradisionele medisyne gebruik, alhoewel wetenskaplikes sê dit het soos renosterhoring geen terapeutiese waarde nie.
Ietermagô-dele word egter vanjaar uit dié amptelike medisynelys verwyder, asook stowwe van vlermuismis wat in ’n pilvorm saamgestel is, het die Health Times in staatsbesit berig.
Die ietermagô is volgens sommige wetenskaplikes die moontlike gasheer van die coronavirus (Covid-19) wat verlede jaar in ’n tradisionele mark in Wuhan in China aan mense oorgedra is.
"Uitgeputte wildbronne" word uit die medisynelys onttrek, het Health Times Dinsdag berig, alhoewel die werklike rede vir die verwydering van die ietermagô onduidelik is.
China se bosbou-owerheid het boonop Vrydag vir ietermagôs die hoogste vlak van beskerming in die land weens sy bedreigde status gegee.
Volgens China se wildbeskermingswette het die land twee vlakke vir die beskerming van wildlewe onder spesiale staatsbeskerming. Voor die opgradering was ietermagôs onder klas 2-staatsbeskerming.
China het die afgelope maande die verkoop van wilde diere as voedsel verbied weens die risiko van die verspreiding van siektes na mense, maar die handel in wildprodukte bly wettig vir navorsing en tradisionele medisyne.
“Die opgradering van die beskermingsvlak van ietermagôs is ’n ernstige situasie,” het dr. Sun Quanhui, senior wetenskaplike adviseur van die Wêreld-dierebeskermingsvereniging in China gesê.
“Dit beteken alle internasionale handel in ietermagôs – lewend of dood en hul produkte – word verbied. Terselfdertyd sal China se strawwe strenger vir wildmisdaad wees,” het Sun gesê.
China het in 2007 ’n verbod op die jag van ietermagôs uitgereik en alle kommersiële invoere van ietermagôs en hul produkte sedert 2018 opgeskort.
In Namibië is ietermagôstropery en –smokkelary steeds ’n groot uitdaging wat weekliks in die polisie se wildmisdaadverslag voorkom.
“Ietermagôs in Namibië word teen ’n skrikwekkende tempo gestroop en gesmokkel,” sê ietermagô-navorser en meestersgraadstudent aan Nust, Kelsey Prediger.
Die besit en smokkelary van en handel in ietermagôs is ’n misdaad in Namibië.
Mnr. Obert Sipilisa Sakutuka is Sondag op Katima Mulilo glo met 'n ietermagôvel in sy besit in hegtenis geneem.
In Mei is ’n man in Windhoek met ’n beseerde ietermagô in sy besit gevind.
In Maart is mnr. Hega Nekare op Rundu glo met 611 ietermagôskubbe, een ietermagôvel en vyf stukke vel vasgetrek.
’n Beloning word uitgereik aan mense wat inligting verskaf wat tot die inhegtenisneming en skuldigbevinding van verdagtes lei wat ietermagôs vang, doodmaak of smokkel. ’n Beloning word ook gegee aan mense wat inligting verskaf wat lei tot die beslaglegging op ietermagôs, hul liggaamsdele en produkte.
China removes Itermagô from traditional medicine list
Better protection
China has removed the food magma from its traditional list of medicines (Chinese Pharmacopoeia) and also increased the legal protection of this most smuggled mammal in the world.
Prof. Morgan Hauptfleisch, head of the Biodiversity Research Center of the Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust), says this is good news.
"Just last month, we established a national Itermagô working group to promote collaboration between scientists and anti-poaching units," Hauptfleisch told Republican on Monday.
The Namibian Chamber of the Environment (NCE) has confirmed the removal of Itermagô products from the Chinese traditional medicine list is a step in the right direction.
Itermagôs body parts such as the skin and scales achieve high prices on the black market. It is commonly used in Chinese traditional medicine, although scientists say it has no therapeutic value like rhino horn.
However, Iterermagô parts are being removed from this official drug list this year, as well as bats compounded in pill form, the state-owned Health Times reported.
According to some scientists, the food magma is the possible host of the coronavirus (Covid-19) transmitted to humans in a traditional market in Wuhan, China, last year.
"Exhausted wildlife resources" are being withdrawn from the drug list, Health Times reported Tuesday, though the real reason for removing the food maggot is unclear.
In addition, China's forestry authority has given the highest level of protection in the country on Friday for food maggots due to its threatened status.
According to China's wildlife protection laws, the country has two levels of wildlife protection under special state protection. Prior to the upgrade, Itermagos was under Class 2 state protection.
In recent months, China has banned the sale of wild animals as food because of the risk of spreading disease to humans, but trade in wildlife products remains legal for research and traditional medicine.
"Upgrading the protection level of food maggots is a serious situation," said Dr. Sun Quanhui, senior scientific adviser to the World Animal Protection Association in China, said.
“This means that all international trade in food magazines - living or dead and their products - is prohibited. At the same time, China's punishments will be stricter for wildlife crime, ”Sun said.
China issued a ban on the hunting of food maggots in 2007 and suspended all commercial imports of food maggots and their products since 2018.
In Namibia, poaching and smuggling continues to be a major challenge that appears weekly in the police wildlife crime report.
"Itermagôs in Namibia is stripped and smuggled at a frightening rate," says Iterermagô researcher and master's student at Nust, Kelsey Preacher.
The possession and smuggling and trafficking of food maggots is a crime in Namibia.
Mr. Obert Sipilisa Sakutuka was arrested on Sunday in Katima Mulilo with a food belly in his possession.
In May, a man was found in Windhoek with an injured ethereal stomach in his possession.
In March, Mr. Hega Nekare on Rundu is believed to have been trapped with 611 food maggots, one food maggot and five pieces of skin.
A reward is given to people who provide information that leads to the arrest and conviction of suspects who catch, kill or smuggle food. A reward is also given to people who provide information that leads to the seizure of food maggots, their body parts and products.
The original version in Afrikaans below:
China verwyder ietermagô van tradisionele medisynelys
Beter beskerming
Francoise Steynberg - China het die ietermagô van sy tradisionele lys van medisyne (Chinese Pharmacopoeia) verwyder en ook die wetlike beskerming van dié mees gesmokkelde soogdier ter wêreld verhoog.
Prof. Morgan Hauptfleisch, hoof van die Biodiversiteit-navorsingsentrum van die Namibië Universiteit van Wetenskap en Tegnologie (Nust), sê dit is verblydende nuus.
“Ons het juis verlede maand ’n nasionale ietermagô-werkgroep gestig om samewerking tussen wetenskaplikes en teenstropingseenhede te bevorder,” het Hauptfleisch gister aan Republikein gesê.
Die Namibiese Kamer van die Omgewing (NCE) het bevestig die verwydering van ietermagô-produkte van die Chinese tradisionele medisynelys is ’n stap in die regte rigting.
Ietermagôs se liggaamsdele soos die vel en skubbe behaal hoë pryse op die swartmark. Dit word algemeen in Chinese tradisionele medisyne gebruik, alhoewel wetenskaplikes sê dit het soos renosterhoring geen terapeutiese waarde nie.
Ietermagô-dele word egter vanjaar uit dié amptelike medisynelys verwyder, asook stowwe van vlermuismis wat in ’n pilvorm saamgestel is, het die Health Times in staatsbesit berig.
Die ietermagô is volgens sommige wetenskaplikes die moontlike gasheer van die coronavirus (Covid-19) wat verlede jaar in ’n tradisionele mark in Wuhan in China aan mense oorgedra is.
"Uitgeputte wildbronne" word uit die medisynelys onttrek, het Health Times Dinsdag berig, alhoewel die werklike rede vir die verwydering van die ietermagô onduidelik is.
China se bosbou-owerheid het boonop Vrydag vir ietermagôs die hoogste vlak van beskerming in die land weens sy bedreigde status gegee.
Volgens China se wildbeskermingswette het die land twee vlakke vir die beskerming van wildlewe onder spesiale staatsbeskerming. Voor die opgradering was ietermagôs onder klas 2-staatsbeskerming.
China het die afgelope maande die verkoop van wilde diere as voedsel verbied weens die risiko van die verspreiding van siektes na mense, maar die handel in wildprodukte bly wettig vir navorsing en tradisionele medisyne.
“Die opgradering van die beskermingsvlak van ietermagôs is ’n ernstige situasie,” het dr. Sun Quanhui, senior wetenskaplike adviseur van die Wêreld-dierebeskermingsvereniging in China gesê.
“Dit beteken alle internasionale handel in ietermagôs – lewend of dood en hul produkte – word verbied. Terselfdertyd sal China se strawwe strenger vir wildmisdaad wees,” het Sun gesê.
China het in 2007 ’n verbod op die jag van ietermagôs uitgereik en alle kommersiële invoere van ietermagôs en hul produkte sedert 2018 opgeskort.
In Namibië is ietermagôstropery en –smokkelary steeds ’n groot uitdaging wat weekliks in die polisie se wildmisdaadverslag voorkom.
“Ietermagôs in Namibië word teen ’n skrikwekkende tempo gestroop en gesmokkel,” sê ietermagô-navorser en meestersgraadstudent aan Nust, Kelsey Prediger.
Die besit en smokkelary van en handel in ietermagôs is ’n misdaad in Namibië.
Mnr. Obert Sipilisa Sakutuka is Sondag op Katima Mulilo glo met 'n ietermagôvel in sy besit in hegtenis geneem.
In Mei is ’n man in Windhoek met ’n beseerde ietermagô in sy besit gevind.
In Maart is mnr. Hega Nekare op Rundu glo met 611 ietermagôskubbe, een ietermagôvel en vyf stukke vel vasgetrek.
’n Beloning word uitgereik aan mense wat inligting verskaf wat tot die inhegtenisneming en skuldigbevinding van verdagtes lei wat ietermagôs vang, doodmaak of smokkel. ’n Beloning word ook gegee aan mense wat inligting verskaf wat lei tot die beslaglegging op ietermagôs, hul liggaamsdele en produkte.