It is enlightening to read about the Nazis in the late 30's. They were young, aggressive, and they knew that they were right. They just knew it. There was no discussion. It was dangerous to oppose them, or even express a different opinion. The little known book "Behind God's Back" tells of a trip thru Africa at that time. A worthwhile read. In Tanzania, you could be killed for not supporting them. They are the Antifa of today. And it is de-facto legal to kill someone who expresses a different view from yours ....right now.....( see Warren, Portland, Oregon) when the Bolsheviks gain power, we will see hunting transition from a tolerated Thrill, to an outlawed evil......and the wildlife will suffer. There are numerous trolls on this website......"Trolls"....who claim to be hunters, but in reality will aid in our demise.....They say things like, "who doesn't want a little more fairness?, Or how can I hunt Harp Seals?, Or, my PH is a racist, and stole my Impala cape, and AH members nod their heads and try to help. Sucked in like a wary, be strong.............The Dark is Rising.....................FWB