Cecil The Lion Fact Sheet

Conservation Force

AH senior member
Jun 23, 2010
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Conservation Force

The death of “Cecil the lion” has been international news for weeks. But unfortunately, much of the information represented as “fact” is skewed or exaggerated. This is not good for the image of hunting. The media’s hype and fascination with the story has not helped, and constant re- reporting has spread misinformation unchecked.



  • Fact Sheet - Cecil the Lion.pdf
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Interesting facts. As you've said our truthful facts never ever seem to reach the public. This is why I have repeatedly suggested that SCI or DSC retain a PR firm to handle these matters when they arise. I m sure they can find a way to finance it.
Appreciate the work you do regarding lions.

Enjoyed your researched paper, although I haven't had a chance to review the footnotes yet.

These are good talking points regarding the Cecil scandal. Thanks for providing them to the hunting community. To bad the Cecil fervor has died down.

All the best in your continued work.

PS: Don't stay away so long between posts.:) You provide valuable information.
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God loves a good libtard, right there next to the village idiots and the media! Has anything else come out of the investigation yet?
Thank you for posting. I will be sending the link to others.
Do we even know if any laws were actually broken with this hunt by the PH or the dentist? I still haven't been able to figure that one out.
Must have been laws broken.. first thing SCI did was to suspend the hunters membership... AKA thrown under the bus... I'm not trying to defend the guy as I don't know the whole story... But if it was me, I would appreciate the organization I am paying into to find the facts first.
Must have been laws broken.. first thing SCI did was to suspend the hunters membership... AKA thrown under the bus... I'm not trying to defend the guy as I don't know the whole story... But if it was me, I would appreciate the organization I am paying into to find the facts first.
That's a pretty big supposition. Being suspended, or membership revoked is not an indicator of guilt or not guilt. Although I too think SCI and other groups reacted very harshly, very quickly, before all factual information was known.
It will be very interesting how this all shakes out.
That first comment was very tongue in cheek... Meant in sarcasm. I have not seen any laws broken. Other than the laws of human decency when it comes to the threats to the guys family, business, and person... Maybe the guy is guilty of something... But I really wonder if he is guilty of much more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I think there were bad decision made all around, such as just not turning in the darned collar like any other. But I am disappointed that an organization like SCI does not stand up for hunters/members first. Then find the facts and make a decision. I will probably pay SCI dues to get into the show if I ever go.. And I am a current member but I don't know yet if I will renew unless it is to get into the convention to meet up with outfitters and friends, and just to see the show. Pretty difficult to get emotionally involved or really "bought in" an organization like that.
Palmer says he didn't know he was shooting some famous lion, but his guides should have known!

I sure in the hell don't like the media badgers him all the time in asking how much money he spent to hunt "Cecil". I would have responded back how much have you given for wildlife conservation....nothing.....then shut up.
I'm not surprised DSC and SCI suspended membership. I suspect that within our organizations bylaws there is something about conduct that brings negative publicity (or some such wording) to the organization can be cause. And, I haven't seen anything written on this site or elsewhere that is something more than a quote or I read, etc. to provide additional insights as to what really occurred. Until something comes out that is more factually based, maybe from the Zimbabwe courts, I'll just wait to see what happens.
I'm not surprised DSC and SCI suspended membership. I suspect that within our organizations bylaws there is something about conduct that brings negative publicity (or some such wording) to the organization can be cause. And, I haven't seen anything written on this site or elsewhere that is something more than a quote or I read, etc. to provide additional insights as to what really occurred. Until something comes out that is more factually based, maybe from the Zimbabwe courts, I'll just wait to see what happens.

Don't think DSC suspended Palmer. Also don't think Palmer was a member of DSC.

SCI suspended Palmer. I agree with Bob. I would hope an organization I was a member of would wait to hear the facts prior to rushing to judgment. Now the big question for SCI is, why was Palmer a member in the first place. Why didn't they refuse membership for his poaching the bear a few years ago.

Palmer says he didn't know he was shooting some famous lion, but his guides should have known!

I sure in the hell don't like the media badgers him all the time in asking how much money he spent to hunt "Cecil". I would have responded back how much have you given for wildlife conservation....nothing.....then shut up.


Bronkhorst might should have known, but we are assuming that Cecil was famous. From what I understand, he wasn't as well known as the media would like us to think. One individual in the area I have communicated with didn't know who Cecil was. Another knew who he was by description and location (Massive maned lion in x area of park) but didn't know his name. Sure the individuals involved in the study knew who he was. They had a collar on him. The people at the lodge/s close to Cecil's territory knew who he was because they saw him all the time and guided photo groups to see him. (Not sure if they tracked the collar to find him or not) Some people that photographed him might have remembered the name Cecil. I have heard that some people high up in Zim parks had no clue who he was. They were calling Hwange and asking who he was and why hadn't they heard/seen of him if he was so famous. Some of the people in the parks department at Hwange had to then call around to find out who he was because they didn't know. Sounds like a Zim version of keystone cops.

Seems the story was picked up by a local blogger, then Johnny Rodriguez and some other animal rights people picked it up and fabricated an entire storyline making Cecil famous posthumously.

If there was going to be quota transfer going on then no way would Bronkhorst./Ndlouvu have wanted a collared lion due to GPS tracking. (I am not saying this was the case. Quota transfer just seems to be the most logical choice since evidently Antoinette didn't have quota. Either instigated by Bronkhorst or by Ndlouvu telling Bronkhorst he had quota and Bronkhorst believing him without checking) We will need to wait for the trials.

Palmer wounds a big lion at night. They follow up the next day and dispatch him. Admiring the lion they notice a collar. (I have seen probably 15-20 different photos/videos of Cecil during the day and only noticed a collar in one photo) It may have been an "Oh Crud" moment for either Bronkhorst/Ndlouvu.

And yes. I have spent way too much time reading and following up on this topic.
I always thought any hunt next to a park where photo safaris take pictures is a recipe for disaster, just because so much emotion is placed on killing an elephant or lion. I don't think the anti's put too much emotion into the antelope.......just because no Disney or other company has humanized them yet, though it seems giraffes and zebras are up there....on do not shoot. I have got lots of disapproval for shooting zebras in the USA. And Giraffes are almost sacred by some people.

I'm still negotiating with Ann on what I am 'allowed' to hunt vs. no, you can't shoot that it's too pretty - Giraffe is one of them.

I really like how it uses plenty to make the argument stronger.

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gunslinger1971 wrote on Gray Fox's profile.
Do you still have the Browning 1895 and do you want to sell it? I'm might be interested. If so please let me know and do you have any pictures?

Steve in Missouri
Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.