Cause it worked so well in Zimbabwe


AH enthusiast
Aug 8, 2015
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Colorado Springs, CO
Hunting reports
Namibia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Slovania
Local newspaper City Press reports two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo are the first to be targeted for unilateral seizure after negotiations with the owners to purchase the properties stalled.

While the government says it intends to pay, owners Akkerland Boerdery wanted 200 million rand ($18.7 million) for the land — they’re being offered just 20 million rand ($1.87 million).

“Notice is hereby given that a terrain inspection will be held on the farms on April 5, 2018 at 10am in order to conduct an audit of the assets and a handover of the farm’s keys to the state,” a letter sent to the owners earlier this year said.
I was chatting to a mate at work from south africa. He was talking about farmland but sees it working like this. Take over just before harvest, harvest and make good money. Following year live off money made from last years crop. Following year run out of money so start tearing apart machinery to sell. Following that start killing livestock. Following that kill all the game. Following that complain for farmers to return.
I was chatting to a mate at work from south africa. He was talking about farmland but sees it working like this. Take over just before harvest, harvest and make good money. Following year live off money made from last years crop. Following year run out of money so start tearing apart machinery to sell. Following that start killing livestock. Following that kill all the game. Following that complain for farmers to return.

Wow, I can't believe someone who lives there could be so ignorant of history. Those well connected to the Government will get rich (like in Zimbabwe) Look at Zimbabwe now, is the Gov begging the White farmers to take their land back?
I was talking with one of our South African ex-pats today as well.

He has his wife and kids here, and is awfully glad for that. But he said family and friends in Mpumalanga are about to panic.

I asked if this all wasn't just a bluff, and or pandering.

He said that he did not think so. He thinks these idiots are actually going to take RSA down the Zim path.
Kind of makes the issue of protecting the US constitution against wild interpretation much more relevant. Don't like what the constitution says, just change it to suit your fancy.
Given the events in RSA, how long before Namibia and others go sown the same path?
I shared a fire with a couple from SA last week who were truly concerned. When folks born and raised on their land are talking about where they may be able to go, Europe or The States, it carries a strong note of seriousness.
I shared a fire with a couple from SA last week who were truly concerned. When folks born and raised on their land are talking about where they may be able to go, Europe or The States, it carries a strong note of seriousness.
It is truly the fears of the locals that bring me pause. When they start to worry, well, I am right behind them.......
They would be better swarming the border of Botswana. Just imagine, 4 to 5 million Boers could settle, than demand voting rights from the UN, then vote out all the existing government. In 2-5 years they will have created a fully functioning society with Christian Churches, modern cities, clean water, health care, paved roads, eradication of diseases, irrigated farming, sewage treatment plants, hydroelectric dams, safe neighborhoods, and Chuck E Cheese. It is something to dream about though.
They would be better swarming the border of Botswana. Just imagine, 4 to 5 million Boers could settle, than demand voting rights from the UN, then vote out all the existing government. In 2-5 years they will have created a fully functioning society with Christian Churches, modern cities, clean water, health care, paved roads, eradication of diseases, irrigated farming, sewage treatment plants, hydroelectric dams, safe neighborhoods, and Chuck E Cheese. It is something to dream about though.
My wife would visit then, the reason we haven't as a holiday yet is because she's frightened for her safety. Crazy in this day and age that these things are going backward.

I was born 100 years too late!
I was born too late also Friend. I thought the goal of society was to progress, not to drink poop laden water and to cannibalize an albino for a better crop of dung beetle larvae.
Would be really nice to hear from as many sponsors on here as possible. Maybe alleviate some
fear's or scare the hell out of all of us! You guys should have a much better feel than us?

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