Buffalo Pictures


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Oct 1, 2007
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Big Buffaloes


Buffalo from Manyara Park, Tanzania


Buffalo from Manyara Park, Tanzania

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Buffalo from Manyara Park, Tanzania

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Futures World Record Buffalo?
In our July, 2001 edition, we told of an extraordinary buffalo bull that had been killed by lions at Manyara Park, Tanzania. The horns had been recovered, and were reported as measuring 64.5 inches across the spread, which could make it the new world record , provided the required 30 day drying out period did not shrink them by a half inch or more. We are now able to show you a photo of this bull, courtesy of Magnum reader Ian Hendry, who heard about the horns while visiting his sons in Tanzania last year, and tracked them down to a taxidermist in Arusha. The 'before' shot shows them to almost as wide as he is tall. The 'after' shot shows the near completed head and shoulder mount (obviously, the cape could not be the original one, which was destroyed by lions and hyenas). The mounted head will hang in the Lake Manyara Lodge.
I subsequently heard from Horst Dietz in Namibia that this bull's horns actually measured 63 1/4 inches, and if this is correct, this will make it the number two Rowland Ward's, but it will be the world record for a bull (the current number two is a bull measuring 59 1/8 inches, and the next after that a bull measuring 58 inches). It is important to note that all four of these top scorers hailed from the same region of Tanzania, Jane Halse of Rowland Ward tells us that this latest Lake Manyara bull has not yet been recorded, but an official Rowland Ward measurer has been dispatched to measure its spread and she will advise us as soon as the figure is known. She, however, expects the measurement to be close to 63 inches. GW


Replica of Buffalo from Manyara Park, Tanzania

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Current SCI #3 Rifle Cape or Southern Buffalo 136 6/8


Current SCI #5 Rifle Cape or Southern Buffalo 136 1/8

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Thanks for sharing pictures of these massive buffs, truly they did carry huge bosses. I believe Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi of Iran too had a world record of taking a massive dugga boy with his .378 WM, I did see a snap in Weatherby 1972 catalog, but have misplaced it. Can you make the photo available,its with his wife princess Pari Sima , himself and that trophy cape buff.

Was the Second Buffalo in the pictures hunted in Tanzania?, where?.
His Imperial Highness Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi of Iran

For those of you who do not know His Imperial Highness Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi of Iran.


His Imperial Highness Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi of Iran

From Conservation Force
by John Jackson III
H.I.H. Prince Abdorreza of Iran: Prince Abdorreza had more titles, credits and achievements than we have space for. He was the Founder and President of the International Foundation For The Conservation of Wildlife in Paris, which has been the most successful advocate of conservation through hunting in the world. (Abbreviated as "IGF" for International Foundation for the Conservation of Game as originally named.) No organization has served wildlife conservation through hunting or the international hunting community more. For example, it was IGF that established that hunting trophies of CITES Appendix I species were "recreational," not prohibited "commercial" trade at the Second Conference of the Parties, Conf. Res. 2.11. The Prince, through his Foundation, has funded the World Conservation Force Bulletin for eight years.

The Foundation continues to fund this publication and partner with Conservation Force around the world. It is working closely with Conservation Force in our joint campaign to save African lions and lion hunting. Dr. Philippe Chardonnet is the new Executive Director and chief scientist. Dr. Chardonnet oversaw the Survey of the African Lion, 2002.

The new President of the Prince’s Foundation is Comte Xavier de MONTBEL. He was Vice-President. Bertrand des Clers and I still serve on the Board. For more about the Foundation see www.wildlifeconservation.org. For more about the Prince’s unequaled hunting adventures, read ROYAL QUEST, The Hunting Saga of H.I.H. Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi of Iran, published by Safari Press.

The Prince established more than 20 million acres of reserves and parks in Iran alone. His father was His Imperial Majesty Reza Shah the Great, the father of modern Iran, which placed the Prince in the Shah of Iran line. In Royal Quest the Prince states: "Of all my accomplishments, I am proudest of my efforts to conserve wildlife and its habitat for future generations. Very early on, I became concerned about my own country’s wildlife and was in a position to assist in the creation of Iran’s first game laws and its first game department. I am proud that the game reserves I helped create have allowed Iran’s wildlife to survive a long period of turmoil. I am proud that because of my concern, the Persian fallow deer, the cheetah, and other species in Iran did not become extinct. I also am proud that my Paris-based foundation (International Foundation for the Conservation of Wildlife) has been able to contribute so much to conservation projects around the world. Nonhunters may never understand how I could simultaneously be a wildlife protector and a sport hunter. For hunters, however, there is no irony in this. Many of the world’s wild species would not exist today if hunters had not taken steps to conserve and protect them…. As President Theodore Roosevelt said, ‘The encouragement of a proper hunting spirit, a proper love of sport, instead of being incompatible with a love of nature and wild things, offers the best guaranty of their preservation.’ I am a firm believer in this."

The Prince began IGF with a personal donation, which his OPEC friends each separately matched. It is hard to imagine where the hunting community would be today without his Foundation. We’ll miss our inspirational friend and supporter.

H.I.H. Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi of Iran obituary from SCI, June 4, 2004
by Warren Parker
H.I.H. Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi of Iran (center) is shown with one of his many trophy animals.

On May 11, 2004, Safari Club International and the hunting world lost one of our great friends and supporters to cancer. Prince Abdorreza died in Florida (1924 - 2004).

His Highness was instrumental in supporting one of the world’s greatest conservation organizations in Europe - the C.I.C. He also was founder and benefactor of the International Foundation for the Conservation of Wildlife. Through his foundation, funding was provided for research, advising governments, training students, reintroducing wildlife, combating poaching, and protecting wildlife around the world. The Prince and his foundation believed in sustainable use of wildlife – conservation that includes hunting.

The Prince was the recipient of Safari Club International’s Hunting Hall of Fame in 1984, International Hunting award in 1988, and was the 7th winner of the Weatherby Big Game Award in 1962. He had taken over 260 varieties of big-game animals and more than 400 record-class trophies. His contemporaries were men like Jack O’Connor, Elgin Gates, Herb Klein, and C. J. McElroy.

He was instrumental in setting up game reserves and implementing game laws in his native Iran. His policies brought the wildlife of his country from its nadir in post WWII to unprecedented levels in the late 1970s. Many species benefited from these policies including the cheetah and the Persian fallow deer, not to mention the many different varieties of Iranian sheep.

Safari Club International will truly miss this great and kind man. We wish his wife of 50 plus years, Princess Pari Sima and his two children our best during this sad time.

I feel that I am lucky to have called Prince Abdorreza my friend and I will miss his smiling face.

The world was lucky that before he died he was able to see in print his only book “Royal Quest, The Hunting Saga of H.I.H. Prince Abdorreza of Iran” (2004) by Bill Quimby.


Royal Quest, The Hunting Saga of H.I.H. Prince Abdorreza of Iran
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I found the Weatherby catalog from 1972 , here is the snap of Princess Pari Sima and Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi of Iran with his record class Buffalo , taken with his custom .378 Weatherby Magnum.


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What a Buffalo! Thanks for sharing this pictures with us Monish.
Prince Abdorreza Pahlavi with his 44" Pasang shot in Iran with his .300 Custom Weatherby Magnum.


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Pictures of Shah of Iran Md. Reza Pahalavi & his brother Prince Abdorezza Pahalavi with Roy Weatherby ordering for their custom rifles , both the Brothers patronised the Weatherby rifles and had all of the weatherby calibers customized for their hunting endeavors.



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PH Norbert Reiner from Norbert Reiner Safaris - Tanzania, Selous Game Reserve just posted some great Buffalo trophy pictures in the photo gallery from this year hunting season, thought I would share them here with you.


44.5 inch Buffalo hunted in Masailand, Tanzania


44 inch Buffalo hunted in Masailand, Tanzania


43 inch Buffalo hunted in Masailand, Tanzania


16 inch Boss Buffalo hunted in Masailand, Tanzania
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All I can say is WOW!!
Those are some truly massive Cape Buffalo! The one in the original post doesn't even look real! It looks like it has been photo shopped or something. Unbelievable!

In the first vintage picture of the Shah and Roy Weatherby, that is well known hunter Herb Klein on the right of the picture on the Shah's left.

Fantastic buffalo!
those are some good pics!!!
Cape Buffalo Replica from Tanzania

Replica of World Record Cape Buffalo from Tanzania. This trophy has horn spread of 63.5 inches. These replicas have been professionally made using fiber glass, resin, hardener and China clay.

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These are the biggest horns ive seen, taken by a German whilst I was in camp in northern Moz. 45".

And this is my personal biggest at 43" from Zim's Zambezi Valley. Both these hunts where guided by Zim PH Stuart Taylor.

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Firstly, great thread, some awesome bulls amongst that lot.

Great nostalgic pics, and also good to see some more modern Trophies taken, as good as some of the best.

That Manyara bull is incredible.
Fitting that he met his end by Lion, I would have given anything to have been ring-side at THAT fight !
The only other honorable demise to this Monarch, would have been at the end of a deserved hunter carrying a big bore rifle.

My own contribution to this thread, out of neccessity, must be much more modest and perhaps even off-thread (and to those put out, I apologise in advance), as I also include the Asiatic buffalo.

Following are pics of
1) my Cape, taken in Zimbabwe at 43" +, as well as
2) one of the biggest Asiatics I have guided on in Australia.


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Firstly, great thread, some awesome bulls amongst that lot.

Great nostalgic pics, and also good to see some more modern Trophies taken, as good as some of the best.

That Manyara bull is incredible.
Fitting that he met his end by Lion, I would have given anything to have been ring-side at THAT fight !
The only other honorable demise to this Monarch, would have been at the end of a deserved hunter carrying a big bore rifle.

My own contribution to this thread, out of neccessity, must be much more modest and perhaps even off-thread (and to those put out, I apologise in advance), as I also include the Asiatic buffalo.

Following are pics of
1) my Cape, taken in Zimbabwe at 43" +, as well as
2) one of the biggest Asiatics I have guided on in Australia.

When I see pictures or mounts of Cape buffalo, my eyes are always drawn to those where the horns drop low along the side of the animal's head, like the one in your picture. That to me is my dream buff, thanks for sharing.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?