every passionate African hunter dreams to shoot a buffalo.You will not find one ,who don't want to do that.
The buff- countrys in Africa are always getting less (at least Botswana).
The quotas are getting less in relationship to the hunters.
You have today Indians,Russians ,people from the other former Eastblock ,and ,and,and, which didn' t played a roll for 15 years as DG Hunter.
The population explosion is enormous.
Today, every 20 years is a redouble of the people in black africa.
1950 was living there not more than 1oo million people from Cape to Kairo (in EU 450 mio.),an almost empty Continent.
Today 1,1 Billions (in EU 500 mio) !!!!!!!!!
Zambia ia a typical unhappy example :
For years you had 35 Game Management Areas there.
In 2013 only 18 .The rest is empty poached.
Don't expect wonders in Africa.
Take your gun ,the rest of your money and go.........for your hunt of a lifetime