Two cases...
I do not use a case in Africa (or most places) ... they are, at least to me, a bulky nuisance ...
+1 +1 ......... Amen !!!
I suggest that there are two cases (LOL, pun fully intended), as in two different applications, with binocs in Africa:
1) Plains game hunting with typically 10x binocs
I have no yet succumbed to the binocs harness/bra/wrap/chest-pack fashion. I keep mine around my neck with a double length of paracord.
I - I have had too many situations when instant glassing was required during a stalk to even conceive of having my binocs covered, wrapped, packed, cased, etc. during a hunt. Even slip-on ocular protectors are in the way when silent hunting / stalking (pirsch to our German & Austrian friends) in cover, which implies taking one step, glassing; talking one step, glassing; talking one step, glassing; etc.
II - Since I do not carry monster size binocs (12x or 15x) when hunting, the weight is not an issue with 10x and I can spend the entire day with binocs around my neck without the slightest discomfort. I do not need to spread the weight on my shoulders etc. As to protection of the binocs ... I just use the old idea: I pay attention. I am still hunting with the Zeiss 10x40 BGA I bought in 1983 and Lords knows they have been everywhere from the Alps, to the Rockies, to Alaska, to Newfoundland, to Labrador, to Africa, etc.
III - Every time I can, I like to lean my body onto a tree, a boulder, a anthill, etc. to steady my shot. To do this effectively one cannot have a binocs harness/bra/case/pack across the chest. The big advantage of the paracord is that
it slides effortlessly around my neck. I just flick the binocs over my shoulder and they hang on my back out of the way when I need to lean onto something to take a shot. Very fast, easy, very effective... This is why I do not use neoprene cushioned straps, or even the old fashioned leather strap: neoprene or leather do not slide easily around your neck when throwing the glass over the shoulder in the back out of the way when leaning or crawling...
Zeiss 10x40 BGA binocs on a short double length of paracord, instantly available to glass quickly with one hand, yet ready to be flicked over the shoulder and slide smoothly over my back completely out of the way if I need to lean onto something (tree, boulder, etc.) to steady a shot.
2) Dangerous game hunting with typically 8x binocs
I do not need big binocs to stalk up close to DG in dense bush. I would certainly not consider hunting anything under any circumstance without binocs, but for DG 8x is plenty enough. I keep them around my neck & shoulder at waist height with a long double length of paracord.
I - I do not want anything dangling on my chest that could interfere with a quick snap shot with the double rifle when following game up close in dense bush.
II - I want to be able to use the binocs instantly with one hand. The paracord slides smoothly around my neck & shoulder when the binocs come up to my eyes, then go down to my side out of the way.
SLC 8x30 WB Swarovski binocs on a long double length of paracord, completely out of the way if a quick shot is required, yet instantly available to slide smoothly up with one hand. Two rounds of .470 up in the belt shell holder ready for fast grab for quick reload...
Best binocs cover for actual hunting? None! Harnesses would be OK if one could just get the dang things out of the way instantly...