Baiting Lions in Kruger National Park


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Aug 5, 2010
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See if you can believe this one.


A Zion Christian Church follower who believed he was filled with the Holy Spirit – but it could have been ‘sprits’ of a different nature – when he unwisely decided to ‘challenge’ lions in the Kruger National Park has made a lucky escape.

The reports Alec Ndiwane, who calls himself ‘a prophet’, made a brave initial charge until the lions called his bluff and charged back. That’s when the fun started.

The Zionist from Pretoria Soshanguve was with fellow church members in South Africa’s largest national park watching animals when he apparently went into a trance and started to speak in tongues. Close to his car was a lion pride busy eating their starters, an impala.

Thinking he must be something of the likes of Samson, he opened his car door and went charging towards the lions. The lions thought this was the main meal being served and came charging right back.

Onlookers say it appears it did not take long for Ndiwane to come to his senses. He mad a quick u-turn and tried to make his way back to the safety of his car. On hungry lion managed to clip him with his claws on his buttocks, sending Ndiwane to the ground in pain.

This is when an game rangers intervened by starting to shoot of a couple of rounds before the lion could finish dishing up dinner.

Ndiwane was rushed to a nearby hospital for emergency surgery and had to spend a night in hospital with most of his backside in tact.

Ndiwane says he has no idea what really came over him. “I thought the Lord wanted to use me to show his power over animals. Is it not we who were given dominion over all creatures of the earth?” Alec asked after the incident.
Made it interesting for the other tourists :A Bonk:
He thought he was filled with the Holy Spirit but the lions knew he was filled with meat and guts!
Geez, the stupidity of people continues to amaze me.
We have people in the US that handle deadly snakes thinking the spirit is with them as well. I say more power to all these folks but I am not going to try!
See if you can believe this one.

View attachment 57410
. Is it not we who were given dominion over all creatures of the earth?” Alec asked after the incident.

Wonder if ole Alec will ever realize that the game ranger exercised his "dominion over all creatures" with his rifle.:rolleyes:

Nearly had a finalist for the 2016 Darwin Awards.:)

Something tells me ole Alec may yet do something to win the award.:D
Truly enjoyed you guys' comments!
Darwinian theory fails now and again leaving some who escaped the chlorination of the gene pool to reproduce
I would pay good money to watch that.:ROFLMAO:

There are a thousand ways I would rather die, then ending up as a steaming pile of Lion poop.
Now theres a guy who took the short bus to school
The real tragedy will be if they had to shoot the lion. What a waste. This idiot should be charged.
It would be the perfect time to have a rifle jam..
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I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.