You are absolutely correct unfortunately and sadly.I mean no disrespect to any country. Some of my finest clients were English back when l was a professional Shikari in India. However , England has been over run by political correctness and l have severe fears that total hunting may even be banned there one day , based on the way things are going , in the news.
My niece was studying in England and one day of of her peers looked at a photograph on my Niece's phone which showed her hunting deer with me in Bangladesh. She was the subject of servere bullying and the teachers did little , if anything at all , to stop them harassing the poor girl.
I have also read that the United Kingdom also has a group of people who call themselves " Hunt Sabs " who illegally attempt to harass hunters and disrupt any form of hunting. The fact that these people are not in prison and are allowed to have their own websites , boasting of the way that they disturb hunters , is sickening . I hope l am mistaken , but l doubt that there is any recovering from this.
I mean no disrespect to any country. Some of my finest clients were English back when l was a professional Shikari in India. However , England has been over run by political correctness and l have severe fears that total hunting may even be banned there one day , based on the way things are going , in the news.
My niece was studying in England and one day of of her peers looked at a photograph on my Niece's phone which showed her hunting deer with me in Bangladesh. She was the subject of servere bullying and the teachers did little , if anything at all , to stop them harassing the poor girl.
I have also read that the United Kingdom also has a group of people who call themselves " Hunt Sabs " who illegally attempt to harass hunters and disrupt any form of hunting. The fact that these people are not in prison and are allowed to have their own websites , boasting of the way that they disturb hunters , is sickening . I hope l am mistaken , but l doubt that there is any recovering from this.
Spike. tTo put it bluntly the UK is an embarrassment now as well as being f--kd
New boomerI thank the Good Lord I live in the United States of America!! We have our share of idiots and a---holes but at least we have the freedom to fight for our rights. Free citizens versus subjects.
I thank the Good Lord I live in the United States of America!! We have our share of idiots and a---holes but at least we have the freedom to fight for our rights. Free citizens versus subjects.
Social media you hit the nail on the head. That's where young people get their news.
Unfortunately true. We have idiots running for president that loudly proclaim, "yes, we will take your assault weapons". As in confiscate given half a chance. They look to ban them and hope we fall for this bogus "buyback" idea, which is ludicrous anyway as we did not buy our guns from the govt, so how can govt buy them back? I heard recently that a number almost too small to count of the owners of bump stocks have turned them in since they were outlawed a while ago. I suspect you would see the same thing if they try to ban so called assault weapons.With all due respect to some of our American brothers, but a reality check needs to be made. California has just introduced a ban on animal fur. They have also banned the sale of firearms and ammunition at the Del Mar Fairgrounds as a move against the Crossroads of the West guns/hunting show. The truth is that your 'freedom' can disappear with the stroke of a pen if you let it.
Your absolutely right! Our Bill of Rights and/within our Constitution were written on parchment paper. The MEN who signed their names on that paper lost virtually EVERYTHING material and otherwise (some their lives) they had worked their entire lives for, in the belief of a new, FREE nation with and for the representation of all the people in this new nation. Not as “subjects”, nor by “decree” of a king or absolute ruling person/party. This is what separates us from virtually every other country in the world. Are we superior to those of other countries? No. Absolutely not. Just grateful and blessed to be living here with our Constitution as our guiding/protective light when tyranny emerges from the darkness and is knocking on our door!Unfortunately true. We have idiots running for president that loudly proclaim, "yes, we will take your assault weapons". As in confiscate given half a chance. They look to ban them and hope we fall for this bogus "buyback" idea, which is ludicrous anyway as we did not buy our guns from the govt, so how can govt buy them back? I heard recently that a number almost too small to count of the owners of bump stocks have turned them in since they were outlawed a while ago. I suspect you would see the same thing if they try to ban so called assault weapons.
We do have however certain constitutional guarantees that the Supreme Court has upheld, even recently. And our 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights does provide us some protection. Yes, its only a piece of paper, but, as long as govt makes any pretense of abiding by our constitution, our Bill of Rights should be with us for a while yet.
It really is sad. I really feel for your plight! This scourge seems to be expanding here in the U.S. as well. As far as the ownership of firearms for protection in the U.K. goes, maybe if a pro gun organization there could find an unbiased media outlet (good luck) to report on the high rate of assaults/murders with “edged” weapons there on hapless, innocent, unarmed citizens, maybe (maybe not) views of firearm ownership would change a bit? Lacking that, I guess you’ll have to wait (history does tend to repeat itself) until the wolves are at your door (i.e. Nazis WW2), before the antis get a clue whilst running for their lives! Same here to a certain extent in the U.S. Don’t think it couldn’t happen again? Just look around the world at some countries with world domination as their agenda? Just my two centavos!You are absolutely correct unfortunately and sadly.
Uninformed people driven by a media frenzy, politicians and 'celebrities' driven by being popular.....