African Leopard vs. North American Mountain Lion - Range Reduction


AH ambassador
May 27, 2012
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USA - TX, CO, GA, ID. Africa - Zimbabwe, Zambia, and South Africa (Limpopo and EC)
So I was thinking.... The Leopard sure seems to be the next animal that the greenies would like to save into extinction. I've seen numbers of population and range saying that there was a 30% or greater loss etc...

This is TOTALLY non-scientific, but I went out and found a couple of current/former range maps. It is just so ridiculous that some of these folks are so concerned about the Leopard, but not the mountain lion. I guesss the mountain lion just isn't as sexy. And again, always easier to say what should happen to an apex predator that isn't in your own back yard!

At an eyeball glance the puma seems to have had a larger % range reduction than the lion, but not talk of a puma ban. Just further proof to me than very little of the efforts are actually about what is best for animals.


Mountain lion Distribution map.JPG
Well no one on the greenie side seems to be concerned about bison either!:sneaky:
They sure like Red wolves . Forrest
How about grizzlies? I would love to see them reintroduced in Colorado.
The greenies are after mountain lions...look at California, Oregon and Washington...if not completely outlawed to hunt, you can't use hounds which is how 95% are killed. They are just working at a state level. Can't even bring a lion hair into California....literally illegal. Hopefully they wont fall under federal stuff anytime soon....interestingly, you can't import mountain lions from South America.

I spend alot of time in the snow looking for tracks of lions. Alot of time and miles. I saw waaayyy more leopard tracks in the Zambezi Valley last summer in dirt and creek bottoms than I've seen here in snow in a similar time frame and area and you don't miss many on snow but miss plenty in dirt. Small sample size and just an example.... but if the leopards get listed its bs because there are plenty.
Not sure where you got the map for mountain lion range, but I can tell you it's outdated. Mountain lions have making an eastward move for quite sometime now and have made it AT LEAST as far as Iowa. Iowa DNR scoffed at farmers reporting spotting them until one was shot.
Not sure where you got the map for mountain lion range, but I can tell you it's outdated. Mountain lions have making an eastward move for quite sometime now and have made it AT LEAST as far as Iowa. Iowa DNR scoffed at farmers reporting spotting them until one was shot.

Just a random one Phil and I kmow the range is expanding again. Totally non scientific for sure. Just conversation.

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