7 day buffalo hunt in Zimbabwe $9900


AH member
Jul 29, 2009
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South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia
This hunt is on a 2 million acre concession near Binga. You need to fly in to Harare or Bulawayo. Camp is 5 hours from airport. The price includes all permits and delivery of cape and horns to the taxidermy in Bulawayo.


1. Service of a licensed South African professional hunter (to guide hunt)
2. Service of a licensed Zimbabwean professional hunter (legal requirement)
3. Hunting vehicle and support team
4. The service of trained trackers
5. The service of trained skinners
6. Field preparation of trophies
7. Transfer by road from nearest airport, Bulawayo or Harare to camp
8. Daily laundry service
9. All the necessary hunting permits
10. Accommodation, meals and soft drinks


1. All air travel before and after the contracted period of the safari.
Private charters from Harare or Bulawayo available to camp P.O.R.
2. Accommodation incurred before and after the contracted period of the safari
3. Transfer by road from O.R. Tambo international airport (JHB) to camp. (P.O.R) 4. All air charters
4. Gratuities to professional hunters and other staff members
5. Preparation, packing, documentation and export of trophies
Area you are hunting in Zimbabwe query?

I have a interested client, but I would like to know if the area is CAMPFIRE on tribal land and if so which tribal council is in charge. Or is it inside a designated National Parks Safari Area and if so which one?

So that I understand, you will have two PH's with the client hunter at all times on the hunt, one from South Africa and one from Zimbabwe?
Heinrich, catch up man! This looks interesting but not enough information! (and no response as yet to email request either.)
Sorry guys some of us are hunting and not in front of the computer the whole day. Here's the info. It is a campfire project on tribal land under the Gokwe south council bordering Sengwe park.The concession holder is Interland. It is not a requirement that a South African PH is present. If I can not go I will arrange a SA PH to accompany the client only to make a 100 percent sure that my client is looked after. I only have two of these hunts left.
I'll try it again.
Thanks. Email sent.
Heinrich I take note of your somewhat sarcastic if not rather arrogant response to BRICKBURN viz ...not in front of the computer the whole day ...that has little to do with a sport hunter(s) pre-safari research, sadly in this day and age of the highly competitive game ranch driven high fence South African safari industry, sheer numbers of operators alone, all keen on making a quick buck (no pun intendeed) is leading to a certain percentage of unscrupulous safari operators popping up onto the radar. They themselves know deep down that they are misrepresenting the potential client, but couldn't care less. I am very familiar with the whole of Zimbabwe and all of that once beautiful country's wild areas, and as a veteran ex Zimbabwean PH now living abroad, I must say it also disgusts me to see certain South African operators taking advantage of Zimbabwe's present political woes and high levels of corruption, to feather their own nests at the expense of a high paying and expectant client. I will challenge you to be openly transparent about the Gokwe south Tender Process, and how you as a South African operator ended up there. More importantly if as a true hunter/conservationist you'd done thorough ground research across the concession (the concession landmass is irrevelant), you'd know as well as anyone that due to poaching pressure NO buffalo should be getting hunted in Gokwe South, it has been raped. As far as sustainable yield consumptive use of what few buffalo remain there, it is no longer viable as a safari concession and to offer buffalo hunts there is not only unethical and misrepresentative it is highly immoral. Should you wish to debate this further I have all the figures and facts I need and as an ethical conservationist and sport hunter, in the noble name of safari I am morally obligated to expose the rot - in the hopes that a few buffalo at least in that poacher ravaged part of Zimbabwe survive in order to sustain their numbers for the good of conservation and all ethical sport hunters worldwide. Until hopefully that country eventually rids itself of its current political woes, and wildlife is no longer sacrificed in certain areas such as Gokwe South through greed alone with no thought for the future. I for one, wouldn't take a client of mine anywhere near there for a buffalo, and would rather advise potential international sport hunters' to research carefully, and stay with proven, trusted, and long term Zimbabwe PH and Safari operator names.

Postscript: I've visited your website and although you market Zimbabwe there is little reference to your so called 'specials', supportive photographs of camps, trophies, PHs etc and this would worry as a potential client.
Sorry I also could not recommend Gokwe let alone some of the other Safari concessions in that area. Bad Poaching, excess taking of quota and concession holders being walked over by bad folk are just some of the problems.

Thanks for the post.

There are always key words that raise a flag. This ad the phrase is:

"1. Service of a licensed South African professional hunter (to guide hunt)"

I always thought you had to be a fully licensed DG PH to guide the hunt in Zimbabwe. And why would you need a SA PH to make certain you are "looked after"?

There are also "Non-Trophy" "Non-Cities" bull elephant hunts for sale on this same concession. I am trying to get my head wrapped around that one since no management quota has been issued.

But my favorite has been Joe da Silva (from SA) selling "exportable" trophies that he is buying as ration quota in Matetsi.

Hopefully your beautiful country will return to its former glory soon. I will be there in a couple of weeks chasing leopard and buffalo.
Interesting post Conservator, definitely adds to the discussion! I think a lot of people want to see Zimbabwe return to the glory days!
It is probably easy for Conservator to sit abroad and to post comments on a website about South African PH's and outfitters "making a quick buck" as he puts it. Maybe he should enlighten us as to why and when he moved abroad and when last he did a hunt in South Africa or Zimbabwe. As far as me being sarcatic towards Brickburn is concerned I will take flack from Brickburn for it, definately not from a ex (probably retired) guy sitting abroad and critisizing people still hunting in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Yes, everything in Zimbabwe is not perfect but who is Conservator to say that the current concession holder is not helping with the poaching problem, and trying to within the system do his bit for conservation etc. Buddy before you critisize do some homework!!!!!!
Sadly in this day and age of the highly competitive game ranch driven high fence South African safari industry

Conservator by these words I understand that you have something against high fence hunting in South Africa. What have you done in Zimbabwe to take part in conservation? Run to the UK? Between our high fences in South Africa we probably have more game than the rest of Africa, So don't criticize our system! and call yourself a conservationist.
To both Grootpan Safaris & Limpopo Big Game Safaris, thread responses: I have probably had more to do with sustainable yield conservation of wildlife in Southern Africa than most, and I have absolutely nothing against high wire, so long as the property is of a size that allows true fair chase ethical hunting, in fact it is the only way Africa's wildlife will ultimately survive, and currently South Africa has a highly motivated private game ranching community, supported by well run progressive and pro-active pro sport hunter conservation associations', complimented by numbers of well managed scientifically run game ranches, which are a pleasure and privilege to hunt and guide on - a fact South Africa can be truly proud of. However you're detracting from the Gokwe South issue/question and where I choose to live has nothing to do with the equation. Africa's curse is that in a country like Zimbabwe wildlife conservation decision making is now in the hands of untrained people who have risen to positions of power under the shadow of patronage and gross corruption. Gokwe South no longer has a viable gene pool of buffalo, a much more fragile scenario than the words 'buffalo population' - quite simply because there isn't a 'population'. As a South African operator you don't seem at all concerned about that, obviously you're being partnered by an indigenous Zimbabwean under patronage of those higher up the pipeline. You're obviously also aware of the dire situation Zimbabwe's wildlife is in across much of the country, due to uncontrolled poaching, and as a PH/operator you should surely also be a conservationist, or as a South African don't you give a damn about the future of Zimbabwe's wildlife so long as your game ranch in South Africa has viable gene pools and populations? It is a given that ethical sport hunters' do not have the potential to hunt a local population to extinction - however, any reputable country's wildlife authority should immediately stop the hunting, and an ethical operator/PH should also willingly quit hunting an area when the species being sought no longer has the trophy quality or the numbers. Unfortunately once the hunting season ends, the few buffalo left in Gokwe South will have no relief because no sooner will the dust from your safari rig have settled, than the poachers will be back in there. By 2012 your Zimbabwean front man will no doubt have to find another place to be plundered. And for your own information I am a proud Zimbabwean citizen, born and bred, and believe me, I've done my homework.

How can you sit back and say that we don't care about the conservation of Gokwe South?
Who do think bought new batteries for the Land Cruisers in the Tshirisa and Sengwa Parks?
Who do you think repairs the punctures when the game scouts come and ask for help in camp?
Who do you think bought 200 shotgun rounds for the Gokwe Council to give to the people who patrol the area?
Who do you think took the last 3 poachers who snared 2 Impalas in the park to the Gokwe police station?
Who do you think bought pliers for the park rangers to remove snares?

And the best of all is that there is a well-known Zimbabwean outfitter company hunting in the park and not giving any support!!!
Why did no one give Dudley Rogers flack when he hunted there? There is even a report on HUNT REPORT that says exactly how the hunts were done, Elephant Buffalo etc.
Is this because he is a Zimbabwean and because he is not BLACK?
Seems to me it is more a racial thing than about hunting.
Forget the past and go on with your life. What Mugabe has done to the white people was not right. But I don't think what you are doing is right after all the doors we as SA citizens opened for the Zimbabweans. We have supported all your people when they came over the border and we did not turn our backs at one of them.
Considering that the U.S Governement has sanctions in place for U.S citizens being involved with, or doing business with, certain resident Zimbabwe individuals, and keeping in mind that a high volume of visitors to this site are U.S citizens, I think it would be prudent, and display a level of goodwill, for both Grootpan and LBGS to disclose the names of the principals and p.h staff of the companies in question, so that U.S citizens can make a valued assesment of legitimacy in who they are dealing with.

Hi Paul

Considering that the U.S Government has sanctions in place for U.S citizens being involved with, or doing business with, certain resident Zimbabwe individuals, why then do American citizens participate in the threads and offers in Zimbabwe for one they do not want to hunt there so why badmouth the place, people or outfitters. Has any of us ever badmouthed them?? I have had emails from European people who have booked with me and not one had anything bad to say about Me Grootpan or Zimbabwe. Bottom line is if you have something against the country then stay away and stop the badmouthing.
All the people who have emailed me are serious hunters who peruse their dreams and what I have noticed is that not one of the people who has all the answers and questions books with anybody. It seems as if this forum is becoming a joke.
While we are on this topic now MIKE70560 I sent you a PM on the Elephant hunt I have on offer in Zim Forest you were on the site when I sent it Can you reply please.
Frederik Infinito Safaris how can you in one thread ask questions about others hunting in Zim about their PH’s and then say that you do not hunt Zim and then you offer Buffalo in Zim on the big bore site?????????????
Where is Martin Pieter’s now since he also had some questions that at the end was answered to him by the Governor???
Too many people on this site as to little to do with the time they have.
Stop chasing others around for yourself you do not stand still in the process!!

Bottom line is we have a legal concession in ZIM and what we do is LEGAL so if you whant to hunt the come and hunt if you don't SHUT UP
In reference to the public post for the elephant I stand by the statement that you can not go to Zim and expect to shoot a 70 pound elephant. You can expect 40 pounds and have the possiblity of shooting something bigger. Last year I shot a 49" buffalo. The company I hunted with does not advertise expectations of 49". The still say 40" is reasonable.

The other thing I have questioned is the non-trophy hunts. In all fairness I know somebody who made the same hunt with Dudley two years ago. I did not believe it to be a proper hunt then, nor do I believe it to be proper now. Since you brought it up, Martin is hunting in the Omay, as he is a fully licensed Zim PH and can do so. I guess like Grootpan said he does not sit around the computer all day.

By the way you listed the elephant hunt in the "Forest". Where is that located? Are you referring to the Gwampa Forest, Gwayi Forest, or maybe Sijarira Forest?

I love Zimbabwe. I believe the Zimbos to be among the finest people on earth. Unfortunately Parks in Zim is not even a shadow of its former self. Without the good operators in Zim wildlife is doomed.

You list some accomplishments above, but do not list anything about anti-poaching efforts on Gokwe. I would suspect an area that size would require a minimum of 50 full time year round people providing anti-poaching but yet you do not mention it.

I also agree with 100 percent with Conservator's post.

The is a good site. It is also a public forum that cost you nothing to advertise. If you are not willing to answer questions or take a little heat for things maybe a public forum is not for you.

On a good note I will be leaving for Zim shortly so I will not be unable to post for a month or so. That will make some people happy.
Mike. Maybe you sould spend time with the people that you badmouth so that you can see what they are doing in the concessions they have.

Believe it or not I really want you to succeed. If you succeed in Gokwe South that means the wildlife will succeed. That is what I really care about. As I have said before if there is something that I do not agree with I will question it. Telling people to shut up and being a little rude does not help your cause on the site.

Take the antipoaching comment I made above. If you are running a year round anti poaching campaign it would be good to advertise. But you ignore it and that leads me to believe that maybe you are not running an effective campaign. Being evasive or not being transparent makes people nervous.

Again, good luck.

If you have any good scotch in camp I may take you up on the offer around mid-May.

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
