6.5 Grendel, an after action report


AH member
Nov 5, 2023
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Hello everyone, now that my big game season has ended and the weather is too nice to go fowling I think I'll pour a whisky and hammer the keys about my experiences hunting with the caliber over the past 5 years.

First of all, what is cool or new or novel about 6.5 Grendel you may ask? Well, it fits into a standard AR lower and magazine. Also, it fits, feeds, and functions in an AR lower. Did I mention it fits into a standard AR platform? Why is that cool you may ask? Well it ups your power to roughly 1900ft/lbs versus 1100-1300ft/lbs from .223/5.56 depending on some load and barrel length variables. What does that mean you may ask? Well it turns a 200m peashooter into something useful, all in the same size and weight package. Wounding characteristics of 5.56 generally depend on fragmentation, which rapidly decreases with velocity loss, thus most bullets/loadings in 5.56 are not suited to hunting game especially game at range. I have experience hunting with 5.56 as well, but that can be a post for another day as this post is relating to Grendel.

So why did I build mine? Well, I've always shot "military style" rifles, in the beginning because they were cheap and ammo was cheap and plentiful, meaning I have vastly more rounds down range with these style of mass produced run of the mill rifles and am more comfortable and more confident with them be it Mosin, Mauser, Arisaka, or Enfield. So the idea of a hunting-capable AR platform appealed to me. I first hunted big game as a child with conventional Remingtons and Winchesters chambered in 25-06 and 7mm Rem Mag, then took a decades hiatus and focused on bird hunting.

When a trusty but ailing retriever nudged me back to big game hunting, being the eccentric I am, I scoped a surplus K31 and hunted with that with moderate success. Around 2017 during some various astroturfed political turmoil one of my cousins of lesser political mind was parroting some of the talking points he had been fed with particular fervor, things along the lines of "we need gun control!", "how many more!", "my life is worth more than your gun!", "if I have to have liability insurance on my car you should have on your guns too!" Then, there, at that family gathering, he said one more thing, (and please excuse me for this reference) but it was like I was shot, shot with a diamond, a diamond bullet right through my forehead, "yOu DoN't NeEd aN aR-15 tO HuNt DeEr". A-HA! Light bulb moment! So another thing Grendel was good for, triggering libtards, and maybe purists, and exercising my rights. It was icing on the cake that this was before the Russia fiasco and Wolf 100gr ammo was selling for 27cpr, I was in!

So my build, it is a PSA (cheap) 18" 1/8 with their version of Stag Arms 2-stage trigger that breaks crisp at about 3.5lbs. Ammo I have always used on game is Hornadys 123gr SST. I am pushing about 2425fps at the muzzle with this barrel length for a meager 1639 ft/lbs at the muzzle. Optics wise I have exclusively used a Primary Arms ACSS fixed 5x prism scope. I prefer the simplicity of a fixed power scope and knowing my holds rather than dialing and this scope facilitates that well (as well as reticle ranging), this is not a target rifle but merely built for scoring adequate hits with the least fuss. I have always used a 200m zero and this rifle in this configuration will hold about 1.5 MOA. Some of this trade off can be appreciated in the handiness of the platform it is carried and stowed with ease and has never seen a guncase.

Now for the hunting meat and potatoes, I have now shot 5 deer with this, and not lost or wounded an animal, however not without some difficulty. Unfortunately I have not recoverd a projectile. Since I cannot spoiler imagines will post the necroscopic photos to another site with a link and if you want to see them you can click there. Also bear with that I hunt nearly exclusively public land as a meat hunter, it is not always that I can claim a trophy, and am often glad to harvest a deer at all.

I shot this buck at 130 yards off hand sitting on a steep slope. It is the only DRT I have had with this rifle, afterwards it appeared to be a brachial plexus hit (high forward center). What a great way to start my affair with this rifle.

At the time I wasn't incredibly interested in terminal performance and the DRT didn't help my curiosity to unfortunately this is all there is.

I thought this was a doe and shot him at 180 yards kneeling offhand as I had a bonus antlerless permit that year. He walked about 30 yards and then stood in place before keeling over dead. My shot was slightly less than ideal but I did not damage any meat. I hit him in both lungs, liver, and ruptured 2/4 chambers of his stomach.

I shot this mule deer under trying circumstances in high winds at 380 yards off of a fence wire. My first shot connected with him near the back of the fleeing herd going over a hillside with little time or thought. My shot was high rear lung. This is the part of the story where the cartridge/rifle inadequacies and my naivety enter the story. At that range my bullet was travelling near 1800fps, which is sub expansion range for an SST. Most peoples gripes with the SST is that they disintegrate because they try to drive them too fast, I had the opposite problem. Luck was in my favor and the deer turned back towards where he felt safe after he was hit, and away from the herd. I shot him again around 200 yards and this bullet had effect and he fell and I approached him but he remained alive in agonal breathing for another 2-3 minutes.

Upon cleaning him I realized my first bullet had failed to do much of anything, it left a nickel sized tract through the furthest lobe of each lung with no hydrostatic effects. It was mere good luck or fortune or chance that he turned back otherwise this story could have went an opposite direction. It was my second, nearer, better shot that was effective. (unfortunately I didn't take any photos of the necropsy)

I shot this deer at 180 yards during a drought year, he was 4 and a half but you'd never know it looking at his rack. My first shot was clean and nearly perfect, I heard a loud deep thump when my bullet connected but he ran off. I was alone and unsure so I shot again with him on the run and connected again, he had run about 100-150 yards, the second shot slowed him and he stumbled to a stop and fell over.

My first round was very clean mid lung rear heart. My second shot not so much, it was with lead but still slow, rear lung, liver, and once again 2 chambers of the stomach. Perhaps patience is something I am working on and need to learn.
the first bullet hole is visible in this image but realize it was uphill and the entry side was correct

This deer, the fifth deer, was unique to me, in that I shot her at about 25 yards. She just kept coming, I wanted her to flee or stop or something, but I shot her anyway. Once again my urge for clean shoulders was greater than my mind, hit her mid lung both sides. Later I saw that some fragments hit her heart. She lept, trotted, and then stood about 50 yards from where she was hit bleeding profusely from the exit side down her leg and drooling a stream of blood from her mouth. It was in ways hard to watch, regret for things that cannot be undone but at the same time without any regret, a moment I suppose.

Organ soup, but still less than ideal, the upper chamber of her stomach was ruptured and the liver hit.
fragments had some effect on the heart as well

An old hunter grows older I suppose, the more things change the more the stay the same.

In conclusion for Grendel...
Is it adequate? Yes I would say so.
Does it work? Yes I would say very much say so.
Is it perfect? No but is any caliber?
Is it forgiving? Within reason.
Is it cool? Absolutely but with its caveats
How can it be made better? (a whole can of worms) I don't care about long range bench rest BS, I want effective hunting bullets at effective ranges...this is my own fault for not loading them. HOWEVER, a good bonded expanding bullet in the 95-110 gr range that could achieve the magical 2700 fps is totally doable and would be adequate for any game mentioned in this post.
Have I had tons of fun with this? Absolutely
How much do I trust this rifle from here or there and inbetween? 9/10 within it's known limits.

It's not an elk gun, it's an AR15 stretched to it's maximum, and for that I like it and respect it. Where will I go from here? I am unsure. Will I cease hunting with light calibers? Doubtful. My brother hunts deer and everything with a 300 Win Mag and I've always wondered why one would carry all that gun, a miss is a miss, and a hit is a hit. No such thing as over kill? No replacement for displacement? Is it ego or experience or is it just attitude? I'm not really sure but I feel like maybe 6.5G is in a place I can leave it on a happy shelf and use it or come back to it as I see fit.


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Ought to work. It basically almost does what a 6.5x54 MS, 6.5x57, and 6.5x54 have been doing for a century in far more elegant packages. :unsure: I haven't much use for the AR "platform" in a hunting environment for anything but pigs in which case there might be multiple targets legitimately requiring relatively quick second or third shots. But, I also realize my prejudices are to some extent a generational thing. Glad it works for you.
This was interesting and encouraging. I used a 6.5 creedmoor this year and I harvested a nice buck. Biggest body and horn wise for me. I only had to shoot once thankfully but the shot was ideal. I was using Hornady 129 gr interlock whitetail factory ammo. The shot was probably 220-230 yards mostly broadside but he was slightly quartered to me. I had a good rest and when I shot he jumped I knew I hit him, once we got over to where he was I couldn’t find blood or anything for probably thirty yards estimate we found a blood trail and was able to find the deer he maybe went fifty yards total maybe less. I have used much bigger guns. Last two years I have used my 6.5-300 weatherby and that thing is a total different animal cuz of the velocity. It’s a killer for sure. This buck was my furthest shot made to date and the biggest buck I’ve killed. The bullet did its job I hit and destroyed one full lung he completely bled out in his chest cavity and there was no pass through so blood was coming from the entry hole. Bullet was lodged in the left armpit. I have heard of many people killing deer and elk and other animals with the creedmoor. It has become the sweetheart of the cartridges now a days. I’m wondering tho if this could have ended worse, and I’m thinking from now on to use either much more velocity like my 6.5-300 or a bigger bullet like maybe a 338 win mag for everything. I’d rather have a bigger hole than a deer never found. Thankful I got the buck the Grendel has worked well for you
Hello everyone, now that my big game season has ended and the weather is too nice to go fowling I think I'll pour a whisky and hammer the keys about my experiences hunting with the caliber over the past 5 years.

First of all, what is cool or new or novel about 6.5 Grendel you may ask? Well, it fits into a standard AR lower and magazine. Also, it fits, feeds, and functions in an AR lower. Did I mention it fits into a standard AR platform? Why is that cool you may ask? Well it ups your power to roughly 1900ft/lbs versus 1100-1300ft/lbs from .223/5.56 depending on some load and barrel length variables. What does that mean you may ask? Well it turns a 200m peashooter into something useful, all in the same size and weight package. Wounding characteristics of 5.56 generally depend on fragmentation, which rapidly decreases with velocity loss, thus most bullets/loadings in 5.56 are not suited to hunting game especially game at range. I have experience hunting with 5.56 as well, but that can be a post for another day as this post is relating to Grendel.

So why did I build mine? Well, I've always shot "military style" rifles, in the beginning because they were cheap and ammo was cheap and plentiful, meaning I have vastly more rounds down range with these style of mass produced run of the mill rifles and am more comfortable and more confident with them be it Mosin, Mauser, Arisaka, or Enfield. So the idea of a hunting-capable AR platform appealed to me. I first hunted big game as a child with conventional Remingtons and Winchesters chambered in 25-06 and 7mm Rem Mag, then took a decades hiatus and focused on bird hunting.

When a trusty but ailing retriever nudged me back to big game hunting, being the eccentric I am, I scoped a surplus K31 and hunted with that with moderate success. Around 2017 during some various astroturfed political turmoil one of my cousins of lesser political mind was parroting some of the talking points he had been fed with particular fervor, things along the lines of "we need gun control!", "how many more!", "my life is worth more than your gun!", "if I have to have liability insurance on my car you should have on your guns too!" Then, there, at that family gathering, he said one more thing, (and please excuse me for this reference) but it was like I was shot, shot with a diamond, a diamond bullet right through my forehead, "yOu DoN't NeEd aN aR-15 tO HuNt DeEr". A-HA! Light bulb moment! So another thing Grendel was good for, triggering libtards, and maybe purists, and exercising my rights. It was icing on the cake that this was before the Russia fiasco and Wolf 100gr ammo was selling for 27cpr, I was in!

So my build, it is a PSA (cheap) 18" 1/8 with their version of Stag Arms 2-stage trigger that breaks crisp at about 3.5lbs. Ammo I have always used on game is Hornadys 123gr SST. I am pushing about 2425fps at the muzzle with this barrel length for a meager 1639 ft/lbs at the muzzle. Optics wise I have exclusively used a Primary Arms ACSS fixed 5x prism scope. I prefer the simplicity of a fixed power scope and knowing my holds rather than dialing and this scope facilitates that well (as well as reticle ranging), this is not a target rifle but merely built for scoring adequate hits with the least fuss. I have always used a 200m zero and this rifle in this configuration will hold about 1.5 MOA. Some of this trade off can be appreciated in the handiness of the platform it is carried and stowed with ease and has never seen a guncase.

Now for the hunting meat and potatoes, I have now shot 5 deer with this, and not lost or wounded an animal, however not without some difficulty. Unfortunately I have not recoverd a projectile. Since I cannot spoiler imagines will post the necroscopic photos to another site with a link and if you want to see them you can click there. Also bear with that I hunt nearly exclusively public land as a meat hunter, it is not always that I can claim a trophy, and am often glad to harvest a deer at all.

I shot this buck at 130 yards off hand sitting on a steep slope. It is the only DRT I have had with this rifle, afterwards it appeared to be a brachial plexus hit (high forward center). What a great way to start my affair with this rifle.
View attachment 569546

At the time I wasn't incredibly interested in terminal performance and the DRT didn't help my curiosity to unfortunately this is all there is.

I thought this was a doe and shot him at 180 yards kneeling offhand as I had a bonus antlerless permit that year. He walked about 30 yards and then stood in place before keeling over dead. My shot was slightly less than ideal but I did not damage any meat. I hit him in both lungs, liver, and ruptured 2/4 chambers of his stomach.
View attachment 569547

I shot this mule deer under trying circumstances in high winds at 380 yards off of a fence wire. My first shot connected with him near the back of the fleeing herd going over a hillside with little time or thought. My shot was high rear lung. This is the part of the story where the cartridge/rifle inadequacies and my naivety enter the story. At that range my bullet was travelling near 1800fps, which is sub expansion range for an SST. Most peoples gripes with the SST is that they disintegrate because they try to drive them too fast, I had the opposite problem. Luck was in my favor and the deer turned back towards where he felt safe after he was hit, and away from the herd. I shot him again around 200 yards and this bullet had effect and he fell and I approached him but he remained alive in agonal breathing for another 2-3 minutes.
View attachment 569553

Upon cleaning him I realized my first bullet had failed to do much of anything, it left a nickel sized tract through the furthest lobe of each lung with no hydrostatic effects. It was mere good luck or fortune or chance that he turned back otherwise this story could have went an opposite direction. It was my second, nearer, better shot that was effective. (unfortunately I didn't take any photos of the necropsy)

I shot this deer at 180 yards during a drought year, he was 4 and a half but you'd never know it looking at his rack. My first shot was clean and nearly perfect, I heard a loud deep thump when my bullet connected but he ran off. I was alone and unsure so I shot again with him on the run and connected again, he had run about 100-150 yards, the second shot slowed him and he stumbled to a stop and fell over.
View attachment 569555

My first round was very clean mid lung rear heart. My second shot not so much, it was with lead but still slow, rear lung, liver, and once again 2 chambers of the stomach. Perhaps patience is something I am working on and need to learn.
the first bullet hole is visible in this image but realize it was uphill and the entry side was correct

This deer, the fifth deer, was unique to me, in that I shot her at about 25 yards. She just kept coming, I wanted her to flee or stop or something, but I shot her anyway. Once again my urge for clean shoulders was greater than my mind, hit her mid lung both sides. Later I saw that some fragments hit her heart. She lept, trotted, and then stood about 50 yards from where she was hit bleeding profusely from the exit side down her leg and drooling a stream of blood from her mouth. It was in ways hard to watch, regret for things that cannot be undone but at the same time without any regret, a moment I suppose.
View attachment 569557

Organ soup, but still less than ideal, the upper chamber of her stomach was ruptured and the liver hit.
fragments had some effect on the heart as well

An old hunter grows older I suppose, the more things change the more the stay the same.
View attachment 569558

In conclusion for Grendel...
Is it adequate? Yes I would say so.
Does it work? Yes I would say very much say so.
Is it perfect? No but is any caliber?
Is it forgiving? Within reason.
Is it cool? Absolutely but with its caveats
How can it be made better? (a whole can of worms) I don't care about long range bench rest BS, I want effective hunting bullets at effective ranges...this is my own fault for not loading them. HOWEVER, a good bonded expanding bullet in the 95-110 gr range that could achieve the magical 2700 fps is totally doable and would be adequate for any game mentioned in this post.
Have I had tons of fun with this? Absolutely
How much do I trust this rifle from here or there and inbetween? 9/10 within it's known limits.

It's not an elk gun, it's an AR15 stretched to it's maximum, and for that I like it and respect it. Where will I go from here? I am unsure. Will I cease hunting with light calibers? Doubtful. My brother hunts deer and everything with a 300 Win Mag and I've always wondered why one would carry all that gun, a miss is a miss, and a hit is a hit. No such thing as over kill? No replacement for displacement? Is it ego or experience or is it just attitude? I'm not really sure but I feel like maybe 6.5G is in a place I can leave it on a happy shelf and use it or come back to it as I see fit.
Just bought myself a stripped lower, think I need a 6.5 grendel.
I've had a lot of trouble with mine. I bought a Wilson combat barrel and went to town. A lot of issues with feeding and ejection and absolutely no bolt hold open on the last round. I've think I've narrowed it down to a gas issue I've read on other forums guys having similar issues. I've given up for now. Tore the build down and going to try and start over again in the future. I shoot 6mm ppc in a bench rest rifle so I'm familiar with this round slightly. But also the load development is another barrier to overcome for me. Making the rounds hotter or cooler didn't really solve any of my issues
I bought a Grendel (Howa short action) for the kids to learn to shoot with a few seasons back. It was so popular that a few of my buddies also got one for their kids. So far we have: 12 impala, 3 wildebeest, 1 zebra, 3 waterbuck does ,4 blesbuck and 2 duikers !
I have changed the Boyd’s at one stock to a custom warrior chassis which allows me to set length of pull more quickly.
It is the rifle that we shoot most often . We shoot 123SST .
Some years back I wrote an article where I purposely used my 6.5MS and the Grendel on a Wildebeest hunt to compare the two calibers/ rifles built 100 years apart.
If you don’t already own one and you have an itch for a new toy I endorse this little fella wholeheartedly!
My 12 year old daughter, who is very recoil and muzzle blast shy, is deadly with a suppressed howa 1500 in 6.5 grendel. It's a neat little rifle and the quite accurate with essentially no recoil to speak of. I use hammer bullets for it with a 124 grain hammer hunter running 2500 fps. Nothing has walked away yet.
Also devastating on alligators. Shot over 100 so far with it and they just die. No flipping, flopping, rolling. If you hit them they are right there.
I bought a Grendel (Howa short action) for the kids to learn to shoot with a few seasons back. It was so popular that a few of my buddies also got one for their kids. So far we have: 12 impala, 3 wildebeest, 1 zebra, 3 waterbuck does ,4 blesbuck and 2 duikers !
I have changed the Boyd’s at one stock to a custom warrior chassis which allows me to set length of pull more quickly.
It is the rifle that we shoot most often . We shoot 123SST .
Some years back I wrote an article where I purposely used my 6.5MS and the Grendel on a Wildebeest hunt to compare the two calibers/ rifles built 100 years apart.
If you don’t already own one and you have an itch for a new toy I endorse this little fella wholeheartedly!
John, how would one go about finding the article? Would love to read it.
Ought to work. It basically almost does what a 6.5x54 MS, 6.5x57, and 6.5x54 have been doing for a century in far more elegant packages. :unsure: I haven't much use for the AR "platform" in a hunting environment for anything but pigs in which case there might be multiple targets legitimately requiring relatively quick second or third shots. But, I also realize my prejudices are to some extent a generational thing. Glad it works for you.

Mine is my pig gun. It is absolutely devastating when you get 3 guys with thermal equipped Grendel’s in tight on a big sounder.
I've had a lot of trouble with mine. I bought a Wilson combat barrel and went to town. A lot of issues with feeding and ejection and absolutely no bolt hold open on the last round. I've think I've narrowed it down to a gas issue I've read on other forums guys having similar issues. I've given up for now. Tore the build down and going to try and start over again in the future. I shoot 6mm ppc in a bench rest rifle so I'm familiar with this round slightly. But also the load development is another barrier to overcome for me. Making the rounds hotter or cooler didn't really solve any of my issues
Sounds very much like a gas issue, you may need to open your gas port. It can be done with a hand drill, just be very careful and use a slug in your bore (a brass cleaning rod will do)...IIRC mine is 3/32, as I had to open mine up a bit as well. Just do thorough measurements and go slow. I referenced Bill Alexanders data, I think mine was originally around .077 and I opened it up to .09375. Dwell time can be a factor too, and adjustable gas blocks help. Just don't over do it!
I've had a lot of trouble with mine. I bought a Wilson combat barrel and went to town. A lot of issues with feeding and ejection and absolutely no bolt hold open on the last round. I've think I've narrowed it down to a gas issue I've read on other forums guys having similar issues. I've given up for now. Tore the build down and going to try and start over again in the future. I shoot 6mm ppc in a bench rest rifle so I'm familiar with this round slightly. But also the load development is another barrier to overcome for me. Making the rounds hotter or cooler didn't really solve any of my issues

Lighten your buffer up first and the change the magazine to another 6.5 Grendel brand.
Just bought myself a stripped lower, think I need a 6.5 grendel.
6 ARC may be something worth considering, it was not around at the time I built mine, and gets to the magical speed with high BC bullets.
So believe me I've tried everything except opening my gas port up. Which is I believe the issue. I've done the magazines I've done the springs I've done the odinworx adjustable buffer and adjustable gas block and like I said played with my loads. It's a 18in with a mid length gas system. I've read others having to open up the gas port and that's what I'm going to do. I have a really nice Delta Large drill press that's perfect for the job so I'm confident I'll get the gun running. Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. It's the only AR I've ever built that I've had any trouble with. And I've built maybe 30 or so in my time.
So believe me I've tried everything except opening my gas port up. Which is I believe the issue. I've done the magazines I've done the springs I've done the odinworx adjustable buffer and adjustable gas block and like I said played with my loads. It's a 18in with a mid length gas system. I've read others having to open up the gas port and that's what I'm going to do. I have a really nice Delta Large drill press that's perfect for the job so I'm confident I'll get the gun running. Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. It's the only AR I've ever built that I've had any trouble with. And I've built maybe 30 or so in my time.
mine is rifle length gas. I would reference Bill Alexanders data (he created the cartridge). Get a full set of letter number and decimal bits and use them as feeler gauges to figure out what size port you actually have, and go from there.

on another note, I've had good results with C products mags, I have a bunch of the 26ers and the 5 rounder I use for hunting, all feed and function well.
6.5 Grendel & 6MM ARC.
The 7.62x39 Russian . I first experienced the cartridge in Vietnam in 1969 & thought it would be more effecent with a smaller dia bullet. In the 1970s along came the 22 & 6mm PPC. I brought a Ruger 77 mk2 in 7.62x39 & one in 22 PPC, about 2010 the 6.5 Grendel came along i re barreled the 7.62x39 to 6.5 Grendel & last year the 22 PPC to 6MM ARC both are light recoiling effecent cartridges i have taken many a pig with the Grendel with 100 grain bullets & have yet to take the 6 ARC hunting. both burn about 28 to 30 grains of propellant will give long bbl life & are so easy to shoot. My son has just brought a Howa 6.5 grendel for his son,he is 13years old & shoots it very well.
I had looked at a 6.5 grendel when surveying a CZ527. I turned it down and went with a .223 527. the 6.5 grendel does work on deer, but it is taking all the advantages of a 6.5 away from the caliber. It really can't throw bullets heavier than about 120 grains to any sort of realistically useful velocity. Putting it in an AR reduces its versatility even further by reducing OAL to the length of an AR mag.

All that said, It works smaller big game animals. Will it kill a black bear or a cow elk? With the right bullet in the right spot, it would be far from ideal, but it could kill, just like a .22LR would given ideal circumstances.

I just think that if its a specific caliber, it should be capable of shooting a vast majority of that bullets potential weights to a useful velocity, and the 6.5 Grendel does come up short in this category.
I had looked at a 6.5 grendel when surveying a CZ527. I turned it down and went with a .223 527. the 6.5 grendel does work on deer, but it is taking all the advantages of a 6.5 away from the caliber. It really can't throw bullets heavier than about 120 grains to any sort of realistically useful velocity. Putting it in an AR reduces its versatility even further by reducing OAL to the length of an AR mag.

All that said, It works smaller big game animals. Will it kill a black bear or a cow elk? With the right bullet in the right spot, it would be far from ideal, but it could kill, just like a .22LR would given ideal circumstances.

I just think that if its a specific caliber, it should be capable of shooting a vast majority of that bullets potential weights to a useful velocity, and the 6.5 Grendel does come up short in this category.
The Grendel (as with ANY firearm) has the potential to kill anything - so we are taught in gun school . I would use the Grendel as a small to medium animal rifle reliably.Even though I have used it on Zebra and Wildebeest which it’s not ideal or responsible.
I wouldn’t purposefully go looking for trouble with a bear but I’m sure in a pinch it would defend you…

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Longfeather1 wrote on Cmwkwarrwn's profile.
Hello Clark
Thanks for the interest in my rifle. If you want to discuss it further you can email me direct at [redacted] or call my cell number [redacted].
Look forward to talking with you.
Jack Kramer
quacker attacker wrote on JMV375's profile.
Hello, My wife and I hunted with Marius 2 years ago. He fit us into his schedule after a different outfitter "bailed" on us. He was always very good with communications and although we didn't end up meeting him personally, he called us multiple times during our hunt to make sure things were going well. We were very happy with him.
TERMINATOR wrote on Cuthberto's profile.
Reach out to the guys at Epic Outdoors.

They will steer you right for landowner tags and outfitters that have them.

I have held a membership with them for years and they are an invaluable resource.

Way better that asking random people on the internet...WAY better

Raskolnikov743 wrote on skydiver386's profile.

Did you ever find your 30-06 CZ550? I own a fairly solid conditioned one, if you wanted to talk.
