Hi all.
I was wondering if any of you have any experience with the fed. 308 150 gr. PSP black pack.
I generally shoot the blue box fed. ammo for small game and practice. I have found very few rifles that won’t give at least acceptable groups with these. A couple of the local gun shops have been out of the 308 150s for a bit, so last night I was looking to see if there was any ammo on the shelf that looked new and exciting.
I ran across the black pack, and wondered if it was the same ammo as the blue box and that was why they weren’t keeping the 150 blue boxes full on the shelf?
The black pack is a couple cents a round cheaper which would be a small bonus if they were the same.
Thanks for any info. you boys can give me.
I was wondering if any of you have any experience with the fed. 308 150 gr. PSP black pack.
I generally shoot the blue box fed. ammo for small game and practice. I have found very few rifles that won’t give at least acceptable groups with these. A couple of the local gun shops have been out of the 308 150s for a bit, so last night I was looking to see if there was any ammo on the shelf that looked new and exciting.
I ran across the black pack, and wondered if it was the same ammo as the blue box and that was why they weren’t keeping the 150 blue boxes full on the shelf?
The black pack is a couple cents a round cheaper which would be a small bonus if they were the same.
Thanks for any info. you boys can give me.