I agree wholeheartedly with Gbflyer on Hornady cases in the H&H. I'd love to say they are junk but alas SA manufacturer PMP also makes cases for the 300H&H and they steal Hornady's prize in the true junk status.
My own experience is that Hornady cases not only don't give great accuracy in my gun, for reasons I have never been able to fully pin down, but are also susceptible to case head separation. Gbflyer's explanation could well be on the money. I'm only keeping the Hornady's in case I one day cannot get better cases in this cal.
Norma are far superior in accuracy and longevity in my 300 H&H.
Factory Accubond 180 grain are very accurate in my H&H but I cannot come close to duplicating this accuracy in reloads. I am using 63 grains of IMR 4350 seating at factor COL of 3.6”. The factory primer and powder is unknown to me.
Running this load through GRT, recognizing that many critical parameters are unmeasured and therefore the default values, suggests a muzzle velocity right on 2800f/s for a 24" barrel. GRT suggests that your nearest accuracy/resonance node would be at 62.2gr @ an MV of 2775f/s.
At this velocity, you may as well run the 200gr AB's.
As others have said, there are many more optimal powders for this combo - of course a moot point of you only have IMR4350 to work with. My preference is RL-26.
So basically the advice seems to be use better cases (Norma) and a more suitable powder, assuming you can get your hands on both. Otherwise find more of that factory ammo that seems to work so well!