You are in for headaches , migraines , sleepless nights , even a touch of premature ejaculation !
And it will get worse during the next few weeks . When you realize that you have packed 20 pairs of socks instead of 4 you will know there is only one week to go . 24 hours before the flight you will need to repack again and leave behind your soft toys , frilly undies , and the 4 pair of floral pajamas your wife packed when you were not looking ! But don't panic , it gets worse . Even as you check your gear in at the airport you will wonder what you have forgotten . Then there is the 20 plus hours of flying , sweating that your bags will not end up in Russia and the next time you see your rifle will be on TV being used in a mass murder somewhere !
Don't forget to post on social media that you are off to Africa hunting poooor defenseless cats that love being patted and getting their photo taken before you go . Just so everyone can meet at the airport you when you come home !
Hope this helps your anxiety attacks a bit and calms you down .
Once there nothing else matters , everyone is on the same page !!!
Wish I was coming with you . I am suffering from post Namibia hunting syndrome , there is no cure my doctor reckons .
He said I have to go back to have any chance of getting better .
Cheers Dory .