2 Lions for the Price of One!!!!!!

North Wind

AH member
Apr 4, 2012
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Deals & offers
This year only, take one male and one female lion for the price of one. Hunt with highly respected PH and stay in first class accommodations.

Visit my website and e-mail me for more details!
Price for both lions-22,950
Location-Limpopo Province
5 Hunting days, 2 Travel daysIncludes: Airport pick-up Accommodation Meals Laundry service Soft drinks and beer Personal guide Hunting vehicle Tracker License and Trophy fees are all included

The package may be extended with extra days and other species.
The price is good who is the outfitter and how big is their farm. more info please

Danie hunts on several different farms of 1000+ha. The farm he chooses to hunt will simply depend on where he thinks your chances will be the best. His high success rates are possible because of this factor. I'll gladly PM you his contact info so you can get ahold of him if you desire.
The point I was giving is; All pertinent information is required, including outfitter name and where the hunt will take place if different than your company name as well as the area(s) where the hunt will be conducted. All costs MUST be stated, detailing what is included and not included, plus the discounted prices. Just including a link to a website and posting that further details are available there is NOT acceptable. But Thank You Bob

Danie hunts on several different farms of 1000+ha. The farm he chooses to hunt will simply depend on where he thinks your chances will be the best. His high success rates are possible because of this factor. I'll gladly PM you his contact info so you can get ahold of him if you desire.

Larry - Is this hunt offer, a late April Fool's joke? The quote above makes no sense at all! Are you offering a high-fence, raised/released lion hunt, or not? If so, the "farm" he chooses would/should have little to do with success, as success is assured prior to arrival. Thus the reason, the hunt is 5 days - and 2 lions are offered for this price!

It is a good price, for someone who wants a high-fence lion hunt/shoot. But in no way, is/should the success be dependent on the "farm" he chooses. If he's already given you a price, then he's likely already agreed on the price he's gonna pay for the lions, from the farm owner!
Gladly Clarified Aaron,

I simply meant he has several different options as to where the hunts will be conducted. Some of them are managed and some are not. My point was having different options is a good thing....
Gladly Clarified Aaron,

I simply meant he has several different options as to where the hunts will be conducted. Some of them are managed and some are not. My point was having different options is a good thing....

Ok, gotcha! So then the answer is yes, this is a "high fence, raised/released" lion hunt?
larry who is the most respected outfitter in africa mentioned on your website?, and you say there are several different options, some managed and some not, but you quote" 1,000+ hectares " what are the size of the areas where the non managed hunts will take place?
Please the attitude given to you by mr Neilson. You will note that all of his posts are in criticism of the hunt offered by someone else. He has designated himself as the expert on all things african and the moderator of all posts on this site. We are so glad he joined us in 2011 and that he can spare a moment from his similar self appointed position on other forums. He is not always this grumpy but I heard that he just returned from an east Australian wombat hunt that he now offers exclusively on his website. He is also an expert in wombats. Finally, and most importantly, he has killed 11 lions. Just ask him.

Candor is best. A straight forward, all details covered and explained hunt offer will get you better responses. I have no problem with what you are offering, just give details. You don't want to "hide the ball" at all on here.
Thanks for the kind words Rastaman. I am new to this site and expect to take a little bit of a tongue lashing. Plus I'm sure mr. Neilson is pretty protective of his business, so anyone new in town can be considered a thorn. I don't worry though, I've been around enough to have seen all kinds and will just let the quality of the hunts I offer speak for themselves instead of engaging in a spat of any kind. My best to you sir!

Candor is best. A straight forward, all details covered and explained hunt offer will get you better responses. I have no problem with what you are offering, just give details. You don't want to "hide the ball" at all on here.

Speaking of which.... Let's all keep our eye on the ball. (Like that one Tom I'll go with the football theme.)

Larry, you are new so instead of dog piling you, I'll just ask you to hang it all out on the cloths line for everyone to see. If you have a legal offering to hunt in Africa throw the details into the post for all the potential customers to see. It assists everyone and gets rid of the dreaded warning sign.

It will disappear when all the details are out. Just so you know it is not a life sentence. :)

Thanks for coming out and I hope you make the team.
Please the attitude given to you by mr Neilson. You will note that all of his posts are in criticism of the hunt offered by someone else. He has designated himself as the expert on all things african and the moderator of all posts on this site. We are so glad he joined us in 2011 and that he can spare a moment from his similar self appointed position on other forums. He is not always this grumpy but I heard that he just returned from an east Australian wombat hunt that he now offers exclusively on his website. He is also an expert in wombats. Finally, and most importantly, he has killed 11 lions. Just ask him.

hey rastaman and aaron maybe need to relax a touch:cupcoffee: . as tom says just give the details as required, the released/managed lion hunts have been done big time on this site, and i think the general opinion is if you want to do it that way its up to the individual. so dont hide the full info or side step the questions, then it will hopefully be resolved :)
Will do Tom, I'm just getting used to how you guys handle things on here. Definitely don't want to ruffle any feathers and will do my best to conform.

Danie Strydom of Data Safaris is offering the lion deal and he does have an excellent reputation. Most of his lion hunts are conducted in the larger farms he hunts but he also offers hunts on non-managed concessions. The managed hunts are more popular however as when folks go that far and spend that kind of money they want to bring home their game and I can't argue with that.

*Again, never meant to hold anything back from you gentlemen. Just used to how it works on other sites where folks usaually just get the general idea from a post and then e-mail me or give me a call*

I think that we have a couple of good AH threads on Lion that are waiting for more input, opinions and comments... On that note, please see the reminder below.

Larry from Dead On Outdoor Adventures just joined AH and I would like to welcome him to our community... Welcome to AH Larry!

Larry's first post in the DEALS & OFFERS forum may not have conformed to the rules, but the fact is that he did nothing wrong. He attempted to correct his post by replying to the thread with further information and did also PM me twice to see if I could guide him further. Well, things sometimes are not just as concrete as we would like them to be. The only thing really missing to his offer right now is the name of the outfitter/PH, which will be at Larry's discretion to post or not.

Here is a good reminder...

As important as it is to ask questions I think it is just as important how we ask them. If someone has left out basic information, they can be requested to provide it. If a poster chooses not to answer some or all of the questions posed by members I would think that is enough information for anyone to form an opinion. It's okay to post on the thread that you have not received an answer however I don't want members to hound posters or pressure to post a reply as I don't think it is necessary, and it starts to create tension on the site. If you have an issue with a member on the site you can always contact me. Now if you think someone or something sounds questionable or fishy, please ask for clarification, but do so in a way that is civil and nonjudgmental giving them an opportunity to respond without feeling attacked. And by all means if you KNOW that something is illegal you should definitely make others aware by questioning the legality without attacking and contact me as well.

Another point that I would like to make about questions, comments or discussion in these sections of the site is that I ask that members limit their comments, discussions and opinions about hunts that are legal but they don't agree with to the discussion forums and not post them on deals that are being offered. I know there are strong opinions out there about certain kinds of hunts that are allowed and perfectly legal but those opinions should be expressed in the appropriate areas of the forum.

I want AH to be as open, friendly and inviting to new outfitters as it has been to new hunters and to be welcoming to outfitters who may only come here from time to time to post hunts in the deals and offers sections. Not all PH's or outfitters are going to become super involved members of this community who are willing to take the time to interact and put the forth effort to answer questions as some do but that does not mean that they should be regarded negatively or with suspicion.

What I do not want to have happen on AH that I have seen on other forums is that a "your not one of us" mentality starts to creep in. This kind of an attitude is part of human nature which can benefit us in certain circumstances but limit us as well. On community forums I have seen this type of attitude lead to exclusionary undertones or worse, collective bullying. It starts with a slow breakdown in civility here or there a little pushing of that line and before you know it a great forum community can turn into an old boys club where new members are not welcomed, they are tested, hazed and sometimes bad mouthed until they "prove" themselves. I have seen too much of the old boys club attitude in the hunting industry in general and will try my hardest to prevent AH from ever going that route.

Taken from Rules for Posting in the DEALS & OFFERS Forum
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Danie who? Before I would get serious about a hunt I would like to have more info. Who is the person in SA that is responsible (pick up at airport, driving a to b, etc.) what are the prices for other animals if they are wanted? I can get beyond the unknown farm, but would not feel comfortable without a little more info on the person responsible when I get there. Thank You!

Welcome to Africa Hunting.

The managed hunts are more popular however as when folks go that far and spend that kind of money they want to bring home their game and I can't argue with that.

Do not lump everybody in that mentality. If it is your cup of tea, great, that is your business. As for myself I will quit hunting before shooting a lion in a 1000 hectacre pen.

As far as Aaron, he is a big boy and can defend his own actions, however based on your above quote I do not see you and him competing for the same clients.

Welcome to Africa Hunting.

Do not lump everybody in that mentality. If it is your cup of tea, great, that is your business. As for myself I will quit hunting before shooting a lion in a 1000 hectacre pen.

As far as Aaron, he is a big boy and can defend his own actions, however based on your above quote I do not see you and him competing for the same clients.

Larry - Hey man, I have no issues with you. I was just asking, as the original post just made no sense? On rare occasions, an outfitter/landowner will get a legit "wild" lion permit on the outskirts/border of Kruger - and I was trying to figure out if that was what you were selling, or just a normal S.A. "high fence" lion hunt.

Frankly, I don't care either way, I'm just more curious than anything. But when you say some are managed, some are not managed, that too makes no sense? So, please don't take any offense, as none was meant, I'll just stay confused.

Good luck!

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia