And I'm sure I will have many more questions
Follow the stream. Ask question when they pop up. Focus on forthcoming hunt, and prepare for it. Most importantly train to shoot from stick.
Shipping and taxidermy, many times discussed, this is the thing not entirely financially predictable.
For a start, you must have good idea, what you will hunt, and what taxidermy you will require, skins, shoulder mounts, full mounts, scull mounts, etc
Start your research from that idea.
But keep in mind, final bill will be hard to predict. Expect small financial surprises from time to time (not in the form of discount).
Next is timing. you could get trophies in a 6 months (very optimistic), or in a 2 year time. One part is shipping, and another part is taxidermy shops booking and schedule.
My experience is one year from hunt to the wall. In average. And I had to fix small shipping damages on few trophies. (like cracks on scull, or missing teeth, etc)
Taxidermy and shipping logistic is weak point in system.
One more thing: you will have great experience, take good photo camera with you, take as much as possible pictures.
And welcome to the forum!