travel and hunt south africa

  1. T

    First SA Safari Travel Help

    Hi Africa Hunting, I've been a long time reader of threads here, but first time posting. I've dreamed of hunting SA for over twenty years since I went on a highschool rugby tour of the country back in '03 (we got smoked), but have always let excuses push it off - starting a career, buying a...

    How Can A Travel Agent Help You?

    When planning your vacation, there are several considerations in determining whether to use a travel agent. Which airlines get the best reviews? Can a travel agent save you money in the long run? Which airlines are firearm-friendly? What is the fastest route to get to your destination? These...
  3. Wild Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Wild Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    "Reba's" proud moment after a fantastic bird shoot on wild waterfowl, well done Girl!