Hello everyone! I’m planning on going to the Yucatán on my first out of the states hunt for an Ocellated Turkey Hunt Lord willing. Scheduled to leave next month. Was wondering if yall could recommend some taxidermist for an Ocellated Turkey and Coatimundi. And also post your mount photos...
I need recommendations for a tannery for my Nile Croc taken this summer with Charlton McCallum on the Zambezi River out of Nyakasanga. My PH was David Mann with PH Keith Wall assisting on the hunt. The full skin is back (photo below). I would like to keep as much as possible the natural...
I have a serial number carved into a set of tusks in USA. Family heirloom and wondered who or what agency if anyone would have import or any documentation on the tusks / animal with the number. 1940s so long ago. Maybe the serial number was done in Africa or was it for US customs?
Yesterday was a bit of a taxidermy errand day.
I finally collected heads from a NZ trip two years ago. I can't say the taxidermy and shipping experience was a positive one, but good to finally have them home.
I also picked up a pair of Ringneck Pheasants I took last year - the entire...
Here is one of my all-time favorite mounts I have had done.
My Mountain Nyala life size done by High Uintahs Taxidermy, first off while on the hunt with Jason Roussos once we took this Nyala Jason broke out a tape measure not to measure the horns, but to do body measurements for my taxidermist...
This package is for a 7-day Safari for 2 Hunters taking 2 Sables.
The hunt will take place from our tented camp in Limpopo. Method of hunting: walk and stalk or the hunters' preferred method, if it's bow hunting, it will be from a bow blind.
The hunting area: 2000 acres of thick bush...
In the time period between the hunt and delivery of taxidermy, memories of the hunts never leave us. But when the taxidermy finally arrives, our senses are overloaded with more detailed recollections of what we experienced. I received this load comprising a range of trophies from North America...
I built this base out of African Mahogany, the Africa cut out is white pine to offset. This is an idea I’ve had in my head for a while and I would like to thank KJ for letting me run with it.
I just picked up my mounts at BWI and boy am I impressed!
I have located spots on the wall for all my trophies but the problem is they do not all line up with studs. I am particularly concerned with the kudu should mount as it has a lot of weight to it. Does anyone have any advice on how to...
Hey ya’ll. We just finished this up. It’s a little different way to display your euro trophies and the basic idea can be modified a ton of different ways to accommodate just about any animal.
I have a Red Fox that I cannot afford to get mounted. I was thinking of making it into a rug or something. What I'm looking for is some ideas anyone may have. I'm open to anything really. If I do go with a rug do I do open mouth? Closed mouth? No form in the head at all? (Like most Zebra skin...
I acquired a few Taxidermy items from an uncle who is no longer with us. I also posted a Lioness skin for sale. i am asking 400 for the Howling Coyote. i reside in Dallas / Fort Worth TX area. (Kennedale, TX) Local pickup preferred.
Taxidermy question...
I shot a Lord Derby (Giant) Eland and want to have it mounted on a floor pedestal. There are very few forms for this specific species available. Anybody have experience using a common/cape eland form? I can't see a major difference between the shape of the two species. It...
Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mounts
Original Price: $955
Special Price: $725 Out the Door* & Completed in 90 Days!
*This special is ONLY valid through 8/1/2020 to 12/31/2020. Prices are ALL INCLUSIVE — no hidden fees, no additional costs for skinning, tanning, etc.
IN ADDITION to our special...
Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mounts
Original Price: $955
Special Price: $725 Out the Door* & Completed in 90 Days!
*This special is ONLY valid through 8/1/2020 to 12/31/2020. Prices are ALL INCLUSIVE — no hidden fees, no additional costs for skinning, tanning, etc.
IN ADDITION to our special...
Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mounts
Original Price: $955
Special Price: $725 Out the Door* & Completed in 90 Days!
*This special is ONLY valid through 8/1/2020 to 12/31/2020. Prices are ALL INCLUSIVE — no hidden fees, no additional costs for skinning, tanning, etc.
IN ADDITION to our special...
Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mounts
Original Price: $955
Special Price: $725 Out the Door* & Completed in 90 Days!
*This special is ONLY valid through 8/1/2020 to 12/31/2020. Prices are ALL INCLUSIVE — no hidden fees, no additional costs for skinning, tanning, etc.
IN ADDITION to our special...
Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mounts
Original Price: $955
Special Price: $725 Out the Door* & Completed in 90 Days!
*This special is ONLY valid through 8/1/2020 to 12/31/2020. Prices are ALL INCLUSIVE — no hidden fees, no additional costs for skinning, tanning, etc.
IN ADDITION to our special...
Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mounts
Original Price: $955
Special Price: $725 Out the Door* & Completed in 90 Days!
*This special is ONLY valid through 8/1/2020 to 12/31/2020. Prices are ALL INCLUSIVE — no hidden fees, no additional costs for skinning, tanning, etc.
IN ADDITION to our special...
Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mounts
Original Price: $955
Special Price: $725 Out the Door* & Completed in 90 Days!
*This special is ONLY valid through 8/1/2020 to 12/31/2020. Prices are ALL INCLUSIVE — no hidden fees, no additional costs for skinning, tanning, etc.
IN ADDITION to our special...
Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mounts
Original Price: $955
Special Price: $725 Out the Door* & Completed in 90 Days!
*This special is ONLY valid through 8/1/2020 to 12/31/2020. Prices are ALL INCLUSIVE — no hidden fees, no additional costs for skinning, tanning, etc.
IN ADDITION to our special...
Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mounts
Original Price: $955
Special Price: $725 Out the Door* & Completed in 90 Days!
*This special is ONLY valid through 8/1/2020 to 12/31/2020. Prices are ALL INCLUSIVE — no hidden fees, no additional costs for skinning, tanning, etc.
IN ADDITION to our special...
Pronghorn Antelope Shoulder Mounts
Original Price: $955
Special Price: $725 Out the Door* & Completed in 90 Days!
*This special is ONLY valid through 8/1/2020 to 12/31/2020. Prices are ALL INCLUSIVE — no hidden fees, no additional costs for skinning, tanning, etc.
IN ADDITION to our special...
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