sustainable bird hunting through scouting

  1. Guineafowl Over Pointer Dogs South Africa

    Guineafowl Over Pointer Dogs South Africa

    Guineafowl look like large, docile, awkward, rather unsturdy game birds, when one sees them on the run in the grasslands or in flight. But let this not fool even the most avid and experienced bird shooter. They will outwit, outsmart and leave the best shooters feeling that they are beginners on...
  2. South Africa Zululand Waterfowl shooting

    South Africa Zululand Waterfowl shooting

    Scouting wild waterfowl is essential to ensure sustainability of a wild resource for hunting! This is an ongoing process that starts months before areas can be hunted and determines the number of birds a shoot allows per season. This has been perfected in South Africa!
  3. Waterfowl and Game shooting South Africa

    Waterfowl and Game shooting South Africa

    Wild waterfowl shooting over ponds for Yellow-billed ducks, Egyptian geese and Red-billed teal in Zululand South Africa. The birds just keep coming and coming, making for exhilarating shooting in the most beautiful areas of Zululand! Followed up by excellent game hunting opportunities, makes...
  4. Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Egyptian and Spurwing Geese shooting in South Africa!
  5. Driven Guinea Fowl and Francolin South Africa

    Driven Guinea Fowl and Francolin South Africa

    Wild Guinea Fowl and Francolin driven in true hunting style, with 20 beaters flushing the birds towards the guns while chanting their Zulu praise songs!! An experience of a lifetime in South Africa.
  6. Geese & Ducks South Africa

    Geese & Ducks South Africa

    Wild waterfowl shooting in South Africa is rated by foreign hunters as being '4 of their home countries bird seasons in 1 Safari'. The scenery, the variety of species, the 'wild' aspect of the birds, the challenge of the shoot... can only be found in South Africa! 1 shoot can offer 5-6...
  7. Collection Bird Hunt South Africa Knob billed Duck

    Collection Bird Hunt South Africa Knob billed Duck

    Passionate bird hunter and Conservationist with a beautiful, wild Knob-billed duck from South Africa. A bird collectors dream come true!