remington model 7

  1. Jager Waffen74

    Remington Custom Shop Model 7 KS mountain rifle!

    I am selling a rare Remington Model 7 FS custom shop rifle. This was the predecessor to the KS mountain gun. It has the same Kevlar Stock, 18.5" mountain rifle contour barrel, iron sights, leupold bases and Simmons scope. The gun is in 99% condition. It weighs 5.75lbs and is extremely accurate...
  2. Jager Waffen74

    Rare Remington Model 7 Compact Rifle in .300 WSM & Leupold Scope

    I am selling my Remington Model 7 CDL Compact Rifle chambered in .300 wsm. Not many of these were made since Winchester was one of Remington's competitors. They did a run of these just before they launched their .300 and 7mm SAUM calibers. This is what some Remington guys told me and that they...