primitive hunting

  1. observe

    The ‘Softer’ Touch... [By The Late Colyn Schutte-RIP]

    [A light hearted and tongue in the cheek look at yet another one of two lifelong best friends-[Willem Pretorius and Colyn Schulte’s] hunting experiences and sometimes mishaps, this time in the Bushveld of Limpopo. LOL!] This time, the laugh is on me.....:LOL: Winter was almost over. The...
  2. observe

    Primitive Horn Bow Impala Hunt

    Successful solo Gemsbok Horn primitive barebow hunt...eventually ! Full penetration on this Impala with a 125 gr 2 blade fixed blade broadhead at +_ 120-130 f/sec @ 55-60 pd horn bow. Instinctive shooting [LOTS of practice beforehand !] The arrow went through both lungs and the top of the heart...
  3. observe

    Primitive bowhunt set-up

    I am ordering a custom 'primitive' bow kit from a master craftsman in this type of bow for this years 'primitive' hunt. It is a dream- type of hunt that I've thought of for years , and now the opportunity has knocked on my door... I plan on hunting warthog walk- and- stalk at about 15 m ...