pigeons waterfowl upland bird shooting

  1. Guineafowl Over Pointer Dogs South Africa

    Guineafowl Over Pointer Dogs South Africa

    Guineafowl look like large, docile, awkward, rather unsturdy game birds, when one sees them on the run in the grasslands or in flight. But let this not fool even the most avid and experienced bird shooter. They will outwit, outsmart and leave the best shooters feeling that they are beginners on...
  2. Upland bird shooting South Africa

    Upland bird shooting South Africa

    Coqui Francolin, the smallest Francolin found in South Africa. The male Coqui has a brown head and the female a white throat, also having 2 distinct calls. When the male uses one call in particular, you can be sure the weather is going to change. My father planned his shooting programs on this...
  3. Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Mixed bag waterfowl shooting with Labrador retrievers, Zululand South Africa
  4. Mixed bag waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Mixed bag waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Yellowbill duck, Redbill teal, Spurwing geese, Egyptian geese, White-faced whistling duck and Collectors knob-billed duck. The abundance of waterfowl species at one bird shoot in South Africa makes for world-class wingshooting opportunities.
  5. South Africa Zululand Waterfowl shooting

    South Africa Zululand Waterfowl shooting

    Scouting wild waterfowl is essential to ensure sustainability of a wild resource for hunting! This is an ongoing process that starts months before areas can be hunted and determines the number of birds a shoot allows per season. This has been perfected in South Africa!
  6. Community support and Wildlife Conservation through hunting in our beautiful Country

    Community support and Wildlife Conservation through hunting in our beautiful Country

    The joy of some protein! Nothing goes to waste after a bird hunt. We all work together to support eachother and ensure our resources are kept sustainable for years to come!