
  1. TennesseeHunter

    Audere scope 35mm mount for sale

    Looking to sell this one piece scope mount made by Audere. 35 mm main tube with 25 moa of cant. 38 mm high. This is meant to mount a leupold mk 5 on something like an ar-10, Barrett, or anything like that. Would place the scope a bit high for a normal bolt gun. I bought this a few years ago...
  2. D

    For sale 3 Blaser r8 QD (quick detach) mounts

    Makuick brand. Really well made. Three for sale. All come with 30mm rings. 17mm height which is 2nd of four heights. Low-medium. All mounted one time with no hunting on any of them. Selling due to downsizing the number of scopes I have. Purple is a little nail polish I put on top of screws...
  3. Joel Rouvaldt

    Blaser Quick Release 1 Inch Mount & Rings

    For sale - Blaser Quick release 1 inch mount and rings $200.00 shipped.
  4. D

    Leupold Optics For Sale VX-6HD Also Warne/NightForce Mounts

    I would rather go back to Africa than just have a collection of stuff in my safe. Guns will be posted soon. 1. Leupold patrol-6HD 1-6x firedot. Perfect condition with box. Will include warne QD mounts and scope cover. 1000USD plus 25USD shipping. 2. Leupold VX-6HD 2-12x firedot. Perfect...
  5. 1 of 2 Kudu bulls Shoulder mount getting finished up

    1 of 2 Kudu bulls Shoulder mount getting finished up

    This is a short video produced and sent to me by Splitting Image Taxidermy in South Africa while completing one of two Kudu shoulder mounts.
  6. L

    For Sale Howling Coyote Full Body

    I acquired a few Taxidermy items from an uncle who is no longer with us. I also posted a Lioness skin for sale. i am asking 400 for the Howling Coyote. i reside in Dallas / Fort Worth TX area. (Kennedale, TX) Local pickup preferred.
  7. Nhoro

    Correct scope mounting

    Hi all, I bought a second hand rifle and took the scope off. I saw all sorts of things that I would change but maybe I am being a bit ocd. Vertical reticle was perfect when checked with a plumbline. 1. Front mount is at a slight angle to the scope. Surely this will bend the scope tube when you...
  8. pigsticker

    Can Eland forms be used interchangeably?

    Taxidermy question... I shot a Lord Derby (Giant) Eland and want to have it mounted on a floor pedestal. There are very few forms for this specific species available. Anybody have experience using a common/cape eland form? I can't see a major difference between the shape of the two species. It...
  9. Classic vs. Custom Mount

    Classic vs. Custom Mount

  10. Classic vs. Custom Mount

    Classic vs. Custom Mount

  11. BeeMaa

    For Sale Trijicon AccuPoint 4-16x50mm & Warne Rings

    Trijicon AccuPoint 4-16x50 30mm tube, Standard Duplex Crosshair with Green Dot Trijicon part number: TR29-C-200131 Warne 30mm Picatinny rail mount high rings, matte black color. Warne part number: 214M $900 for the combo and I'll pay for shipping. Scope and rings were mounted on my wifes...
  12. Lisa Hunt

    Repairing a fox mount?

    I have no idea if this is the right place to ask this but I figured I'd give it a shot . My husband ended up bringing home a mounted fox yesterday that he found on the side of the road in the woods believe it or not . It's in a bit of rough shape , it seems the fur had something sticky in it...
  13. Lion Mount

    Lion Mount

    The Barbary Lion mount from the front ... this is my favorite photo. Mounted by John Bellucci, Master Taxidermist.
  14. Lion Mount

    Lion Mount

    This a Barbary Lion. Extinct in the wild, this pen raised, captive male, is one of many that are still alive in captivity. This big guy stands 46 ½-inches high at the shoulder; 82-inches tip of nose to base or root of tail; and is 9 ½-feet overall length ... he's big! Some of the features...
  15. "Tessa's" Cub

    "Tessa's" Cub

    Finally, here is a close-up of "Tessa's" newborn cub. Her eyes are still closed, and Momma -- Mlindi Mzazi -- in the tree above, is keeping a sharp eye out for trouble! Mounted by John Bellucci, Master Taxidermist.
  16. "Tessa"


    This is my "Porfolio Shot" of the mount of "Tessa" and her baby. I lit the mount as if the day was coming to an end, and night was beginning to fall. Mount by John Bellucci.
  17. "Tessa"


    This is the whole mount of "Tessa", showing her in her tree. I hand built the tree, so I could create the opening in the base. "Hidden" in the base is Tessa's cub. In real life the cub was stillborn, but in the mount, it is a healthy newborn! Mounted by John Bellucci...
  18. "Tessa"


    Here is a close-up of the base of Tessa's tree, and "hidden" away is her newborn cub. Mounted by John Bellucci, Master Taxidermist.
  19. Barbary Lion Mount

    Barbary Lion Mount

    This Lion mount that I did for myself, was a captive raised Lion, and by the head structure, the "wooly" mane, dense undercoat of the body fur, and huge size, I determined this to be an example of the Barbary Lion. I have had other experts agree!