
  1. ryno111

    Trophy Room Questions

    I just booked my second trip to Africa, and my first round is at the taxidermist. Time to decide where everything will go. Fortunately, I need a home office, so I'd like to build something for double-duty. This is what I have so far: 1. 25 feet wide by 45 feet long. 2. 19 feet side walls...
  2. golfergal216

    Need Help with Spotlights in Vaulted Ceiling Trophy Room

    I am in the process of finishing our trophy room. It is 34 x 22. It has 16 foot sidewalks with a cathedral ceiling. At the highest point it is 27 feet. Attached is current room with initial lighting layout. Currently I have recessed cans 2 ft off the wall and about every 3 ft. I want...