
  1. BLAAUWKRANTZ safaris

    Great Kudu Hunt Package & Plains Game : 7 Days All Inclusive Hunt: 1x1 Hunter US$5,000; 2x1 Two Hunters $4400 For The Following 12 Animals/Hunter

    Great Kudu and plains game package: 7 days all inclusive hunt: 1x1 Hunter $5000; 2x1 Two Hunters $4400 for the following 12 animals/hunter & non-hunter per hunter can join for free Kudu trophy Impala trophy Impala management ram Springbok trophy Duiker trophy Blesbuck trophy / warthog...
  2. McKenzie Sims

    Lets see some Kudu!

    I'm sure there are many of threads similar to this but Id love to see some of your guys Kudu you have taken over the years. Please drop them below, and have a great Safari Sunday! Here is my best bull from the Caprivi Strip of Namibia in 2016.
  3. KAROO WILD Safaris

    SOUTH AFRICA: End Of Season Newsletter 2021 KAROO WILD Safaris

    End of Season Newsletter 2021 - Karoo Wild Safaris We’ve come to the end of our 2021 season. We’ll always remember 2021 as the year after Covid…the year after almost everything in our everyday lives came to an abrupt halt. Despite the disruptions of last year, 2021 has been an immensely...