hunting show


    Jagd und Hund 2020 report by Bayly Sippel Safaris

    Greetings all members, We had the privilege of attending our 3rd Jagd und Hund show in Dortmund Germany this year. Being our 3rd year we wanted to have a more modern looking stand and went with a black color scheme, the result of which we felt was fantastic! Right at the beginning of the show...
  2. Kowas Adventure Safaris

    Denver, CO - ISE - January, 11 - 14, 2018 - KOWAS HUNTING SAFARIS

    Jacques and Elleni invite you to visit Kowas Hunting Safaris in Denver, CO ISE Denver is the region's annual outdoor showpiece. January, 11 - 14, 2018 BOOTH 2719 Denver Convention Centre International Sportsmens Expo Now in it's 41st year, ISE Denver is a highly anticipated event for tens of...
  3. Kowas Adventure Safaris

    Kowas Hunting Safaris - Brochure

    View the Kowas brochure from We will be at the following hunting shows where you could pick up a hard copy: DSC, booth no 2500: January, 4 – 7, 2018 ISE Expo, booth no 2719, Denver, Colorado: January 11 – 14...
  4. Kowas Adventure Safaris

    Conventions: DSC / SCI - as attendee: which one and why?

    As an attendee, WHICH of the following hunting shows / conventions do you prefer to attend and WHY? DSC (Dallas Safari Club) or SCI (Safari Club International) If not applicable to the above two, which shows do you prefer to attend and why?