
  1. Saddlemaker

    338 Remington Ultra Mag

    For Sale 338 Remington Ultra Mag, Reloading Dies and Shell Holder , Bullets , New Brass, Once Fired Brass Remington Brass New (50) Once Fired Remington Brass (86) Nosler #33180 180gr Spitzer New Unopened Nosler #16337 210gr Spitzer (43) Sierra #2600 250gr Spitzer (36) Sierra #2610...
  2. BigGame

    500/416 Nitro Express Reloading Dies

    500/416 2 die set. LNIB FL sizing and bullet seating die for 500-416. I couldn't find my shellholder to go with the set. $325 shipped in the US. Early in 1996, Kreighoff unveiled the .500/.416 Nitro Express 3 ¼”, based on the proven .500 Nitro Express case, with a nice, long neck for good...
  3. T

    Lots Of RCBS Reloading Dies For Sale

    Hi - I have the following reloading dies for sale.