collection bird hunts

  1. Collection bird hunting South Africa

    Collection bird hunting South Africa

    The Pygmy Goose - a Collection Bird Hunter’s dream bird!
  2. Collection bird hunt South Africa

    Collection bird hunt South Africa

    Crested Guineafowl make up one of the many stunning and unique species that avid Bird Collectors hunt for in South Africa. With each species posing its own challenge and hunting method required to acquire!
  3. ''Birds-eye view'', South Africa Wing shooting

    ''Birds-eye view'', South Africa Wing shooting

    Blind type and decoy set-up is one of many extremely important factors when bird hunting in South Africa. South Africa's winters make for dry, brown landscapes next to blue ponds (waterfowl) or reaped fields (no snow), as seen in this 'Birds-eye view' photo, as the Waterfowl would come in to...