collection bird hunt south africa

  1. Collection Bird Hunt South Africa

    Collection Bird Hunt South Africa

    From the smallest to the largest of the world’s waterfowl, – Pygmy Goose & Hottentot Teal and the colossal Spurwing Goose, South Africa offers 15 collectable Waterfowl species, many Upland species, Doves and Pigeons (mostly endemic to South Africa). A bird Collectors paradise!
  2. Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Nothing beats shooting wild waterfowl in South Africa. 4 species of Ducks, 2 species of Geese and challenging shooting
  3. Upland bird hunting South Africa

    Upland bird hunting South Africa

    Francolin, Partridge species, Guineafowl over well-trained Pointers! Upland bird hunting areas in South Africa offer excellent groundcover for these game birds, making the hunt challenging and quick-actioned over the gun dogs.
  4. Sandgrouse


    Sandgrouse shooting in the Northern Cape of South Africa. Interesting to know that male Sandgrouse carry water between the feathers over their breast, taking it back to their chicks nesting spots on the ground.
  5. Bird Hunting with Retrievers South Africa

    Bird Hunting with Retrievers South Africa

    Nothing compares to watching your Labrador retrievers in action on a wild waterfowl shoot! They love every moment of being part of the Team, and having the space and freedom to run, swim and enjoy the shoot with everyone! South Africa truly is paradise for Labrador retrievers!
  6. South Africa Pigeons & Dove Hunt

    South Africa Pigeons & Dove Hunt

    It's that time of year again when thousands of Pigeons and Doves descend on farmers Corn and Sunflower crops, destroying them daily! Hunters helping farmers!
  7. Flight to Feast... wild bird hunting South Africa

    Flight to Feast... wild bird hunting South Africa

    Many people often ask what happens with all the birds taken on a shoot? Proud to say that NOTHING goes to waste....whatever doesn't go onto the barbecue or into the oven, is shared between staff and the Community that help to conserve these pristine bird hunting areas in South Africa.
  8. Young Hunters South Africa

    Young Hunters South Africa

    Teach them young!
  9. Collection bird hunt South Africa

    Collection bird hunt South Africa

    The gorgeous Green Pigeon is one of the many Collection bird species available to hunt in South Africa. It is strictly a fruit eater and has the most incredible colours....a Bird Collectors dream come true!
  10. Mixed bag wild waterfowl South Africa

    Mixed bag wild waterfowl South Africa

    Wild Ducks and Geese taken over ponds in South Africa. The ducks are prepared and delicious to eat!
  11. Waterfowl and Game shooting South Africa

    Waterfowl and Game shooting South Africa

    Wild waterfowl shooting over ponds for Yellow-billed ducks, Egyptian geese and Red-billed teal in Zululand South Africa. The birds just keep coming and coming, making for exhilarating shooting in the most beautiful areas of Zululand! Followed up by excellent game hunting opportunities, makes...
  12. Wild waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Wild waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Nothing beats Bird hunting in South Africa with friends and family!! Whether its high volume doves and pigeons, decoyed ducks and geese or a collector safari for unique bird species.
  13. Wild Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    Wild Waterfowl shooting South Africa

    "Reba's" proud moment after a fantastic bird shoot on wild waterfowl, well done Girl!
  14. Chris Dorsey Collection Bird Hunt South Africa Zululand

    Chris Dorsey Collection Bird Hunt South Africa Zululand

    Ever since Chris Dorsey saw the Pygmy Goose for the first time 25 years ago, he wanted to collect one. Dreams come true for my Friend! Holding the 2 smallest waterfowl in the world, the Pygmy Goose and Hottentot Teal.
  15. Collection bird hunt South Africa

    Collection bird hunt South Africa

    The Hottentot Teal is the smallest Duck in the world! A huge achievement for any Collection Bird Hunter to get.