axis deer

  1. F

    Thyroid problem? Maybe too long at the feeder? What do you think he weighs

    I am attaching 3 pictures of a toad of an axis buck we have every year about this time— first are pics from one of my game cams from last year— the second are from a couple days ago next door to me. I havent checked my cams— its cold and raining today. Any guesses on what this guy weighs? I...
  2. gizmo

    Axis Deer Rut Hunt Texas

    Hello all, we are getting really close to the axis rut firing up here at the Rockin G! Peak rut is 2nd week of June through end of August. We have some enormous axis this year. Hunt is for 2 days/3 nights. Included is guides, meals, lodging, unlimited feral pigs, bass fishing, sporting clays...