375 a frame 300gr


    .375 H&H Ammo & Velocities

    For the last five years one of our top selling lines of ammunition has been our hand loaded .375 H&H ammo. And I get asked all the time "what is the muzzle velocity on that ammo?" - there are several factors that come into play when we get a velocity, and even rifles with sequential serial...
  2. S

    Which bullet in 300WM for Leopard?

    Those with honest Leopard experience, which would you choose? Swift 180gr Scirocco Swift. 200gr A-Frame Nosler Partition 180 gr Nosler Partition 200gr Accubond 180gr
  3. Rick Cox

    .375 H & H loads - again...

    Folks, I thought I had this in the bag till I started loading my 300 gr. A Frames. Been saving them and using Hornandy 270 gr. to get the gun sited etc. Anyway, things have gone for kaw law and these bullets are hard to get here (and expensive). What are your pet loads for 300 gr. and 270 gr. A...