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  1. saltlick

    TANZANIA: Rungwa Game Reserve

    Thanks, much appreciated! No specifics other than WTA was paying a different outfitter to pay the government to get the trophies released. We will be going with Kwadiwa Ranch/ TG Safaris and renting a rifle.
  2. saltlick

    TANZANIA: Rungwa Game Reserve

    Hi John, any progress on your buff trophies being shipped back from Tanzania? We are working with Tim Herald of WTA. He told us WTA is paying a different outfitter in Tanzania to go get the buffs released. That's all we know at this time. BTW, we are going to Botswana in mid-June to shoot an...
  3. saltlick

    TANZANIA: Rungwa Game Reserve

    Yes, we are working with Tim at WTA but have made zero progress on getting our buffalo trophy back in the US after 18 months. He stopped responding to our email requests for status updates. Beyond irritated at this point! Any luck with your trophies from Licky?
  4. saltlick

    TANZANIA: Rungwa Game Reserve

    Hi John, it's your fellow hunters Lance & Jill Morrow! Nice write up on your safari. Just wondering if you have got your trophies back to the USA (we haven't)? WTA is supposed to be working on it but, so far, we are buffalo-less here at home.