Search results

  1. W

    Heavy Bullets in the 35 Whelen

    Soon as I can find some CFE locally I intend to try it. This Oryx load is over a healthy dose of 8208XBR. Not the fastest, but damn accurate. Shoots 5 round cloverleafs all day. But I'm always up for trying new loads.
  2. W

    Heavy Bullets in the 35 Whelen

    May not get my Whelen back! He's now 3 for 3 on bull elk at 12 years old. I dread the day he doesn't draw a tag!
  3. W

    Heavy Bullets in the 35 Whelen

    Definitely have room to grow this load. I haven't measured case capacity yet, but have been loading on Norma brass. Seems I'm getting lower pressures than with R-P brass in the same given loads. I just stopped once I had nice cloverleafs going. Ran out of time before the late elk hunt, but more...
  4. 35 Whelen Hunting RIfle

    35 Whelen Hunting RIfle

    250g Norma Oryx ammunition
  5. W

    Heavy Bullets in the 35 Whelen

    Had bought a 35 Whelen from @Robmill70 a while back. Grandson decided to test the loads. 250g Norma Oryx at around 2554fps. Was the sweet spot for accuracy, and can't complain about the results.
  6. W

    Wanted 358 Norma Brass

    Replied. Thanks for the fast response!
  7. W

    Wanted 358 Norma Brass

    Any chance one of you gents has some 358 Norma brass they'd be willing to part with? If so, shoot me a message. My son recently acquired a 358 Norma (a 7mm RM bored by JES), and we have a set of dies. But, I hate to make my own brass if we don't have to. Would be nice to have some proper head...
  8. W

    Leupold VARI-X III 1.5-5x20mm Standard Duplex For Sale

    Scope arrived exactly as advertised (or better). Thanks to @Wishfulthinker580 Class act and a gentleman to do business with! Much appreciated! Mark Winsaz
  9. W

    Savage 110 Chambered In 35 Whelen

    Just received this rifle. Looking forward to getting it ready for elk season. Thanks to @Robmill70 ! A real gentleman to do business with.
  10. W

    Savage 110 Chambered In 35 Whelen

    The temptation was too great!
  11. W

    Winchester 30-30 (modern) - Excellent Condition With Burris Scope & 4 Boxes Of Ammo

    Thanks for the response! Congrats to the buyer!
  12. W

    Winchester 30-30 (modern) - Excellent Condition With Burris Scope & 4 Boxes Of Ammo

    Hit me up if sale falls through! GLWS!
  13. W

    Athlon Spotting Scope

    In my opinion, these scopes compare with the much more expensive options as far as optical clarity. Have had zero trouble with mine, but understand the Athlon warranty to be right up there with Leupold & Vortex. FWIW... GLWS Mark
  14. W

    Powder prices increasing?

    Good thing I don't wait until this happens. I'd go bankrupt at these prices...
  15. W

    Powder prices increasing?

    Appreciate that info. Its about what I expected, especially coupled with increased mil munitions production. A few years ago I converted to Ramshot powders in many calibers, as it was the only available, and affordable powder on the market.
  16. W

    375 Rem Ultra Mag & 300 Norma Mag Ammo

    Sounds good! I'll show the RUM SPF. Thanks, Mark
  17. W

    Powder prices increasing?

    Just got an email from Powder Valley this morning about upcoming powder price increases. Whether its true, or a marketing ploy, I'm sure others will follow suit. What's your opinion? I'm personally not surprised considering the current economic state.
  18. W

    375 Rem Ultra Mag & 300 Norma Mag Ammo

    No bites? How about $65ea, shipped? Can't let ammo go to waste.. Mark
  19. W

    For Sale Speer Hot-Cor .358 , 250gr Bullets

    Grandson used the 200g HotCor from his 338 Federal this year. Virtually identical penetration and expansion results. Can't complain at all as far as performance on these elk.
  20. W

    For Sale Speer Hot-Cor .358 , 250gr Bullets

    That bullet worked great on a young bull elk this year from a 35 Whelen. Good expansion and total pass thru. No fragments left behind.
  21. W

    375 Rem Ultra Mag & 300 Norma Mag Ammo

    Good afternoon, Have a couple boxes of ammo, but no rifle to eat them! 1 box 375 Remington Ultra Mag. 270g Hornady Soft Points. Retail seems around $80/bx. I'm thinking $75 shipped. 1 box 300 Norma Mag. 215g Berger OTM. Appears these retail around $119/Bx. I'm thinking $85 shipped. Also...
  22. W

    .375 H&H Ammo Prices?

    I've never tried them, but Graf's has DoubleTap 270g solid copper for $79.99/box. If you buy 3 or more, $75.99/box. They also have 250g available in the same flavor. And as a side note, the same is available in 9.3x62 250g for $68.99/box. I'm curious if anyone has tried this ammo. I handload...
  23. W

    Question for the Ruger Fans (value)

    Part of the reason I'm figuring out a value! Trying to decide whether to keep it, or move it for something else. I had a right shoulder replacement a couple years ago. I shoot ambidextrous, but then I have the problem of shooting lefty with a right hand bolt. You're spot on about the recoil...
  24. W

    Question for the Ruger Fans (value)

    Thank you. I appreciate the information! That is about what I had estimated, but I'm far from an expert on the big bores. I haven't pulled the action yet to inspect the stock, but plan to do so shortly. Mark
  25. W

    Question for the Ruger Fans (value)

    Hello all, Here is a question for the Ruger fans/experts lurking in these forums... I recently acquired a Ruger M77 tang safety model that appears to date back to 1979. It is chambered in 458 Win Mag. The rifle is in overall great shape, with just a couple very slight imperfections in the...
  26. W

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    Thanks. That's the 375. The gentleman I acquired the rifle from had dreams of taking it to Africa, but unfortunately never made it. Guess it's up to me to pick up where he left off. I've considered restocking the 45-70, but I have a long list of other projects first. Mark
  27. W

    Allure of the Ruger No1

    Just stumbled onto this thread, so figured I'd toss a couple more in the mix. A Tropical in 375 H&H, and a 45-70. There's definitely something special about these rifles... (y)
  28. W

    Pay It Forward-Free

    Looking for a good home... A set of 8x57 and 7x65 dies. I unfortunately don't have boxes for either set. They both appear to need a good cleaning, but otherwise serviceable. The 8x57 are Pacific, and the 7x65 are stamped Hollywood Gun Shop. I'll ship for free to lower 48 & AK. Outside...
  29. W

    Pay It Forward-Free

    PM sent.. I've got a few things to pass along myself. I'll post this evening. Thanks! Mark
  30. W

    Pay It Forward-Free

    I could use the 35 dies if not already spoken for.. Mark
  31. W

    Ruger 375 H&H Pricing Question

    Welcome from a fellow Arizonan. Pretty new here myself. I'd also like to see pics of your rifle. Mark
  32. W

    RCBS .577 NE Die Set On Ebay

    Last I knew, C&H will still build to order. For what its worth...
  33. W

    For Sale Ziess 3x Scope

    Thank you! Much appreciated. Mark
  34. W

    For Sale Ziess 3x Scope

    PM sent...
  35. W

    Wanted 338 Federal Brass

    Good morning all, I know it's a long shot, but thought I'd reach out and see if anyone has some 338 Federal brass they might want to part with? Built this rifle for my grandson, and have been loading on necked up 308 with no problem, but would love to get my hands on some with the proper...
  36. W

    Greetings from Arizona

    Thanks! I appreciate it!
  37. W

    Greetings from Arizona

    Will do. Thanks for the info!
  38. W

    Greetings from Arizona

    Nice! Always good to see the kids get started successfully. We are in 5B again for the late bull hunt. I gifted my tag to my grandson last year, and he got a nice 5x5. This year I just put him in on my application!
  39. W

    Greetings from Arizona

    The trees were definitely the selling point! Had about enough of the high desert but.. Its home. 20 minutes south and I'm in the forest. No shortage of elk up here. Although, might be one shorter come December 1st!! I do love the diversity of terrain in this state...
  40. W

    Greetings from Arizona

    That's quite the drive!
  41. W

    Greetings from Arizona

    "Such a fine sight to see" or so they say :ROFLMAO: Was just in Anchorage a couple weeks ago. Took a break in Wasilla after a week on Kodiak chasing blacktail!
  42. W

    Greetings from Arizona

    I know that corner well! Used to be a western wear shop there that had the best supply of work boots! Unfortunately it was lost to a fire. Work keeps me in this neighborhood, but slowly migrating to my property near Williams. Old 66 used to be a bustling atmosphere, but like so many other...
  43. W

    Greetings from Arizona

    Thanks for the heads up! I'll have a look.
  44. W

    Greetings from Arizona

    Thanks everyone! Happy to be aboard. Didn't realize I had fellow desert rats here also!! Go DBacks! :ROFLMAO:
  45. W

    Greetings from Arizona

    Hello all, New to the forums, but have been stalking for quite a while! Figured it was time to join in. Lifelong hunter, shooter and reloader here. Have stumbled across a wealth of knowledge in these forums. Thanks to all for sharing so much information. I haven't experienced Africa yet, but...