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  1. L

    Help me pick my next R8 caliber

    Well, I have a .243 and trying to get a .416 (19 mm) as supplements to my 9.3x62. Guess it all depends on what game you might wanna shoot. My .243 is for roe (and red stag if it passes by), 9.3 for bigger, and the .416 for buffalo.
  2. L

    Curious about Euro Mount

    Here in Denmark we have all kinds, the photos are mainly from our version of ebay.
  3. L

    Red Dot Only for Buffalo

    Anybody got any information anywhere how the prism sights are different from red dots in terms of coping with astigmatism?
  4. L

    Phones for gifts to African friends

    If they have a phone, most have, the will have to sell one , probably the gift in order to buy what they really need, eg food, medicine for their children, clothes, school fees, agricultural inputs, etc, and will get much much less for it than the giver paid for it. Plus the hassle. Just give...
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    Yes, but they are not the new ones that works without GPS or the special app. The new ones are called One Point and card Point. I havent tried them, but hopes are high.
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  7. L


    Please share which ones you have had before. From all I know they are only out now. Perhaps you are talking about other ones that either works through GPS or with a special app? The new Android ones are working in the same manner as Airtags, ie just being near any (updated) android phone...
  8. L


    Yes, they are just released, something to do with stalker feature held them up. Chipolo's are shipping now, and I guess others too.
  9. L

    Not-so-stinky Sunscreen

    I can find two Avon Skin so Soft: and Do you remember which one you were using?
  10. L

    Wanted Blaser R8 Barrel, Caliber .416

    Europtic do not have a second-hand .416.
  11. L

    Wanted Blaser R8 Barrel, Caliber .416

    Yes, I know, but they are very expensive- Hoping for a second hand - I suspect most .416 calibers have not shot that many shots.
  12. L

    Wanted Blaser R8 Barrel, Caliber .416

    As the heading says. Please note I'm based in the EU (Europe), so some extra paper work might be needed if you are not.
  13. L

    Continental Maps at proper scale

    Seems to me the OP was interested in sizes, that was the basis for my answer. Navigating is a different story.
  14. L

    Continental Maps at proper scale

    Yes, most projections of our round globe onto 2D distorts the sizes. Probably the most used projections is the Mercato, which is also one of the worst when it comes to distorting sizes, more and more the further away the areas are from the equator, which is why e.g. Greenland is so big on this...
  15. L

    trophy hunt or cull hunt

    Well said, I'll learn from that! Including the lotto part :ROFLMAO:
  16. L

    trophy hunt or cull hunt

    Oh no, I wish you would not write that, I don't like it put in black on white:eek: but it's true :ROFLMAO:
  17. L

    trophy hunt or cull hunt

    Space is definitely a concern, also for me, a tiny apartment. Luckily I'm in Denmark where most mainly do euro mounts, I'm considering that for my one-day-to-be buffalo, saves space and a ton of money (some on dipping and packing, transport, taxidermist), thus provides opportunities for even...
  18. L

    Happy Easter!

    From all I can tell this does not belong in this forum, take it to general chat or something!
  19. L

    Beretta BRX1

    So, realising you asked for experiences with the BRX1, not what I answered
  20. L

    Beretta BRX1

    I also looked a lot at BRX1, basically I could get three complete rifles for the price of on R8 with two barrels. And I'm a leftie so not much to choose from. Liked BRX1, BUT, I wanted .243 and couldn't get that last year, and wanted 9.3x62 which is not (yet) available. And now I want .416 too...
  21. L

    Which is the “Best” African hunting TV shows

    Perfect, thanks a zillion, that works! Was amazon prime I couldn't get access to. Only problem is there are so many seasons, so how will I ever get time to watch it all
  22. L

    Which is the “Best” African hunting TV shows

    Does anybody by chance know how to watch "Tracks across Africa" outside the US?
  23. L

    Realistic alternative to hunt leopard on bait or with dogs?

    It seems to me two methods for hunting leopard are used: baiting and dogs. But, as the title says, I wonder if there are any realistic alternatives to leopard hunting other than baiting or with dogs? Other than pure chance that is. I have been searching hunting reports, but can't find any...
  24. L

    Blaser R8 Owner in USA

    Sorry, a few clarificiation in case somebody does not check themselves further: Re 3: On mine, an R8 Ultimate, I do not not have to do anything for it to also be a top loader, which is somehow implied by '...can be made to be a top loader...' It comes like that. Re 4: Yes, you can go from 7mm...
  25. L

    Blaser R8 Owner in USA

    Indeed, a very 'dangerous' forum:ROFLMAO::giggle:
  26. L

    Experience with a 19mm .416 barrel for R8?

    Seems I just can not find that thread (the search function leaves something to be desired, seems the search titles only do not work). Do you remember when, approximately?
  27. L

    Blaser R8 Owner in USA

    Me too, haven't regretted it for a sec, and resale value is really high her. Congrats
  28. L

    Experience with a 19mm .416 barrel for R8?

    And, one could argue if I shorten the barrel and take off surpressor modules it becomes even lighter, all to be tested. Initial shooting seems to indicate that the possibility of adjusting the comb and length and height of the recoil pad makes quite some difference on how recoil feels.
  29. L

    Experience with a 19mm .416 barrel for R8?

    Thanks, yes, good point. The surpressor I have is modular, with all three modules it ads 6" to the total length. And the R8 is an inch or two shorter than a normal rifle, and I if I take off a module or two, I think I am getting closer (almost) to most normal rifles. My 9.3x62 is shortened a...
  30. L

    Experience with a 19mm .416 barrel for R8?

    Why do you assume it's not to be used for hunting? It is. I am not yet at a stage where I have considered barrel length, any suggestions?
  31. L

    Experience with a 19mm .416 barrel for R8?

    Just did some calculations. Seems there would be 220 cm3 more steel in a 22 mm barrel than in a 19 mm, 57 cm long. That would be around 1.7 kg. Scope plus surpressor around 1.2 kg, so a total of 0.5 kg less, which is probably more than made up for by the recoil reduction of the surpressor. All...
  32. L

    Experience with a 19mm .416 barrel for R8?

    Thanks. I will have a scope and a surpressor, thinking that more than outweigh the thinner pipe.
  33. L

    Experience with a 19mm .416 barrel for R8?

    No, it won't be a factory barrel, .416 do not come in 19mm, has to be custom made. For my ultimate. Sorry I wasn't clear.
  34. L

    Experience with a 19mm .416 barrel for R8?

    Has anybody had a .416 barrel in 19mm made for their Blaser R8? If so, so how did that go, how did it shoot, price, etc?
  35. L

    Big Elephant Reportedly Taken in Tanzania

    In the link you can read more about the data. Obviously no-one counted them in 1500, its estimates ("Long-run estimates from 1500 and 1913 in particular have alarge degree of error and should be interpreted with caution; however, they are a useful indicator of the magnitude of population change...
  36. L

    Big Elephant Reportedly Taken in Tanzania

    And I was curios about elephant status, didnt recognize the 200,000+ mentioned above. So looked at As usual the have nice charts, here are three of them: Total elephant pop development since year 1500: Total elephant pop development since year...
  37. L

    African shooting targets

    Since these two took me 10 seconds to find it might not be what you are looking for, I would therefore like to suggest that you specify it more (perhaps its not possible/good enough to be adjusting the distance to simulate real size).
  38. L

    Blaser R8 Owner in USA

    Fully agree, the scope thing was perhaps the final selling point for me, the idea of attaching the scopes to the barrels is really fantastic, never concerns about zeroing after barrel swap. Just one bit of caution though re using all calibers from 17 to .500: pibe diameters are 17, 19, or...
  39. L

    Blaser R8 Owner in USA

    Wasn't my thread I'm afraid. But I used it for inspiration, only got mine last year, love it, and the most expensive thing I ever bought except for my house:-) I'm a leftie so that reduced my options, also looked at BRX1s but the relatively limited choice of calibers made it a no go for me...
  40. L

    Blaser R8 Owner in USA

    This is in my view one of the most comprehensive discussions of pros and cons, did it for me anyway:
  41. L

    TANZANIA: Rungwa Game Reserve

    Asante sana Rafiki, really good and detailed information. I will discuss it with my friend, perhaps I can convince him, would really like to hunt in Tanzania! And I think he would also value the overall experience, and difficult humts, more than huge herds, we will see.
  42. L

    TANZANIA: Rungwa Game Reserve

    Are u asking me? I have not been on it, I'm asking questions... your other questions can be seen in the OP's report.
  43. L

    TANZANIA: Rungwa Game Reserve

    Thanks for the great report, sounds like a perfect hunt, fingers crossed you will get your trophies. I am looking for a trip where some will hunt PG only, I might want a buffalo, and that the same want there to be plenty of DG around just for the experience. Seems DG is there, in Rungwa, and...
  44. L

    Curious why cape buffalo have the same minimum caliber requirement as Rhino, Hippo and Elephant?

    This sounds very interesting but I am afraid I do not fully understand. Perhaps I get confused about who are the guides, are they the same as the gents? Or are they the PHs? Perhaps I will then be able to grasp it, would really like to as sounds interesting.
  45. L

    Big Elephant Reportedly Taken in Tanzania

    Let us just hope they didn't have names! 10 years ago the zoo in Copenhagen had a surplus giraffe, named Marius, that they announced they would butcher, in public, and feed to the lions - there was an international outcry with dead threats etc! (most Danes were ok with it). A year later the...
  46. L

    Namibian safari

    I was there in 2022 with my two daughters (20 and 25). We rented a truck with two tents on the roof, sleeping mostly in campsites that are dotted everywhere. Weather when we were there was pleasant (October), but you can look it up for May, depends also a lot on location, coast is chilly, fish...
  47. L

    Anyone else watch On Safari hosted by Sitka Osei?

    Where is she staying? If you do not provide that information I am afraid you might not get answers from those of us who will/can not see the show. If you then, also, changed the name of the thread to 'Has anyone stayed at xxx, yyy and zzz", there might be many more responses. Just saying.