Search results

  1. Hillcountry63

    Game possibilities for .30-30 Contender

    I hunt with a Contender with a 14" 30-30 barrel often, topped with a 1-4 Burris scope. I also use a Contender in 44mag with a 10", Encore in 30-06 with 14" and a Ruger Blackhawk Hunter in 44mag with a 10". I've taken Whitetail, Mule deer, Axis, Hogs, Javelina, Blackbuck, various feral and exotic...
  2. Hillcountry63

    New and Unused - Safari Purse w/ Buffalo and Zebra skin

    Too Late @rookhawk did you have the construction completed in Africa or in the locally
  3. Hillcountry63

    Likely Scammer

    Here's another one for you @BRICKBURN. They sent me an email over the weekend and I reported it.
  4. Hillcountry63

    Federal 375 HH 300gr Swift Aframe

    @Mark Biggerstaff I’ll take 2. PM for payment instructions, thanks Chuck.
  5. Hillcountry63

    What gun do Professional Hunters like to use?

    In Africa my PH's have carried the following, Winchester 70 375 H&H, Winchester 70 458 WM, Merkel 88 450NE, Mauser 98 9.3x62......all iron sights
  6. Hillcountry63

    Skull prep

    I use a "Buck Boiler" with some Dawn dish soap for all my euro/skulls. It doesn't make the bone brittle like standard over boiling can do.
  7. Hillcountry63

    LVPO question for a DG rifle

    Trijicon Accupoint 1x6 with the green dot. I've got that LVPO on my Winchester 375 H&H and 458WM both and have taken two cape buffalo and numerous bears with this setup. I use Trijicon products daily and bet my life on them, they're bomb proof.
  8. Hillcountry63

    Winchester Pre-64 Model 70 Supergrade African 458 (1956)

    As unfortunate as it is, I'd be hard pressed to even bid on this, even if it sold for a $1000. Too many issues........
  9. Hillcountry63

    New member from Ga

    Welcome from NW Ga!
  10. Hillcountry63

    Opinions on 1” Quick Detach Picatinny Rings

    Please don’t use anything Leapers for a DG weapon. I prefer Warren but Talley is also excellent. A couple of ounces is worth it for quality.
  11. Hillcountry63

    American Hunter Killed in Uganda

    I have never seen an individual more contrary and uppity than @Ontario Hunter. He is the self-proclaimed expert on anything he pontificates and is the smartest man in the room anywhere he goes. It must be a burden to be that all knowing......but who are we to question his vast knowledge as we...
  12. Hillcountry63

    Another New Guy from Georgia

    Welcome from Cartersville
  13. Hillcountry63

    Hi from Georgia

    Welcome, I'm in Bartow just west of Cartersville myself. Hit me up
  14. Hillcountry63

    Buffalo Hunter killed

    Just saw this press release from Uganda. All that I know.
  15. Hillcountry63

    Scope or red dot as primary for Buffalo in Eastern Cape terrain

    A good quality LVPO scope is the ticket. I run a Trijicon Accupoint 1x6 on my Winchester 70 in 375 H&H and 458WM both. Keep it on 1 for close shots and crank it up to 6 for distance. On my double I run a Trijicon RMR.
  16. Hillcountry63

    Barnes TSX vs Swift A-Frame on Buffalo

    Having used both on Buffalo , I prefer the Barnes TSX 300gn. My rifle likes them better but I wouldn’t be afraid to use the A-Frame any day.
  17. Hillcountry63

    375 H&H Ammo

    PM sent
  18. Hillcountry63

    Thinking about a new .30—06

    I would be hard pressed to find anything better than a Winchester 70 topped off with a Trijicon Accupoint.
  19. Hillcountry63

    Euro desk mount

    I like the heck out of that.......what'll it cost you to make me one?
  20. Hillcountry63

    MEXICO: Sonora Mexico - Mule Deer

    Congratulations on a Muy Grande Venado Bura!
  21. Hillcountry63

    Preferred bullets for RSA Plains Game

    Barnes TTSX and TSX, exclusively
  22. Hillcountry63

    Wild Pigs Kill More People Than Sharks

    I've got a pretty good scar on my calf just above my boots that a boar gave me and I've been bit by a couple of sows also. All were the product of dispatching said pigs after my hog dogs had caught them. Point being, a pig can and will hurt you if you get carless around them or if they're...
  23. Hillcountry63

    Want To Buy TC Encore 22 Hornet Rifle Barrel

    I've been looking for one in Contender....I recently saw a few Encore barrels on Gunbrokers and there are a few on Ebay. Good luck.
  24. Hillcountry63

    I may have created a monster

    That's actually a good problem to have!
  25. Hillcountry63

    Blaser R8 375 & 30-06

    I’m not a Blaser guy, but at that price I might be!
  26. Kudu Horn

    Kudu Horn

  27. Red Hartebeest Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Red Hartebeest Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  28. Sable Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Sable Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  29. Kudu Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Kudu Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  30. Buffalo Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Buffalo Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  31. Tsessebe Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Tsessebe Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  32. Bushbuck Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Bushbuck Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  33. Bushbuck Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Bushbuck Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  34. Lioness Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Lioness Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  35. Warthog Hunt Limpopo South Africa

    Warthog Hunt Limpopo South Africa

  36. Hillcountry63

    SOUTH AFRICA: Return From SA

    I’ve been back for a couple of weeks from my latest trip to SA, but work commitments have prevented me from doing a proper report. I will rectify that in the coming days but just wanted to share a few pictures from north Limpopo.
  37. Hillcountry63

    What scope do you trust? Most rugged, dependable rifle scope?

    Trijicon…..bomb proof. Used by Military and SWAT worldwide. I’ve got them on all my work guns and personal….pistol/shotgun/entry rifle/precision rifles and hunting rifles. Research them out.
  38. Hillcountry63

    Taxidermist recommendation near Atlanta Georgia for African game

    McMickin Taxidermy in Cartersville Ga. He has all of his personal African animals onsite so you can look at his quality and he has won numerous blue ribbons in competition. Give Daryl a call
  39. Hillcountry63

    Outbound 7/30

    Well, I'm outbound back to South Africa tomorrow for a few weeks. I'll be taking four experienced hunters, but first timers to Africa with me. At this point in my life, I get more of a kick out of introducing folks to places they've never been or new hunters in general. PG and a couple of crocs...
  40. Hillcountry63

    .375 H&H

    Winchester 70's are currently manufactured in SC and readily available, just need to look. Winchester 70's are the only bolt guns that I own, by choice, and I've got most calibers in the vault with many duplicates in different configurations. There are several on here for sale, has...
  41. Hillcountry63

    Armageddon Gear

    My Team and I run their slings on our entry rifles and my sniper element uses some of their squeeze bags. Good stuff, I’ve started using their slings on my personal rifles also.
  42. Hillcountry63

    African Sunset Pictures

    Limpopo SA and Botswana
  43. Hillcountry63

    Skulls on shield taxidermy piece

    These are the ones I selected from my Taxidermist in SA.
  44. Hillcountry63

    Atlanta to Jberg July 28

    I'm flying out the 30th, good luck with your trip.
  45. Hillcountry63

    Which scope

    I know it’s not on your list but look at Trijicon Accupoint LVPO’s. There’s a 1x4 on here for sale at a great price.