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  1. H

    Luxury versus not so luxury accommodations

    Hey Gents, I think this is a great topic. Each outfitter when they started had a vision, "this is what Africa means for me" then they set out to create their outfit. For some it was a grand luxury lodge with a cigar bar and an ante chamber for the cigar bar. These are awesome and I would not...
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    Shot Show Las Vegas

    Agreed, Clifford nailed it in his letter to Chet in the other harrisburg thread and I think that reed exhibitions should be boycotted throughout the US. Get a company that understands what makes sportsman and woman tick.
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    Harrisburg show cancelled by Reed Exhibitions

    I just recieved this email. Cliffy, I guess I jinxed myself!!!! Reed Exhibitions has decided to postpone, for now, the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show given the controversy surrounding its decision to limit the sale or display of modern sporting rifles (also called ARs) at the event. The...
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    Hello to everyone out there......

    Welcome to AH Joe, Upstate New York hey, you going to Harrisburg?
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    Harrisburg Sports Show boycott??

    Thank you everyone for the show of support. Like I said, I would love to be in a position to go with the mainstream in regards to the boycotting of Harrisburg. I am looking forward to meeting anyone that is still going to go but I also understand what is at stake for the hunting public in the...
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    Harrisburg Sports Show boycott??

    I have been following this for the past few weeks and now have come to the conclusion that my first foray into the US market is going to be a bit of a flop. I agree with everyones remarks and comments and cannot agree more that the bastards behind the proposed ban of assualt rifles are the same...
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    Hello from Alberta, Canada

    Hi Gord, Loving the freezing weather at the moment, AH family is great!
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    Dangerous Game Hunt Price Trend?

    I only see an increase in DG hunts moving forward in the vast majority of African countries, but I do see the price of Buffalo decreasing or staying the same in long term in RSA and here is my reasoning. (If you hate the idea of shooting enclosed properties then this wont appeal to you)...
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    Zambia seems to be following Botswana

    Spike.t, you are quite correct. I have been following the press in this regard (Not that there is much). I am just worried that this is giving the antis a foot in the door so to speak, as I am on a couple of other forums where, lets say, folk are a little more closed minded than AH and the way...
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    Zambia seems to be following Botswana

    Brickburn, your answers are 100%! I know that we have all tried to convert someone sitting on the fence in regards to pro or anti hunting and we must continue to do this. Something that we are horribly failing at is in the positive PR of hunting in general. I hate to say it but us hunters...
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    Woohoo! I'm In!

    The smile on your face says it all, welcome Robert
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    Hi Zachrue, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Patrick Fletcher...

    Hi Zachrue, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Patrick Fletcher and I am the owner operator of Hotfire Hunting & Fishing Safaris. I will be in Harrisburg, Calgary & Toronto for the show season and if you are attending any of these shows please drop by should you...
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    Director SACKED - Zambian Wildlife Authority

    Sorry brickburn, didnt scroll down before I posted another thread on this subject. Sounds like there might be a 5 year ban on Safari hunting in Zambia. Not sure how much truth is in the article I posted, but some of the greens around Zambia are talking as if it is a done deal? We are losing...
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    Zambia seems to be following Botswana

    Well it would seem that Zambia has been overrun by the photographic safaris movement. Tenders for the 19 govt concessions are not going out and it seems likely that a ban of 5 years (2013 to 2018) will be in effect. I will be interested to see how this transpires. Masebo hailed on safari...
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    Introducing myself!

    Good luck stephwottrich
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    Introducing myself

    Welcome reaper!
  17. H

    Bad Taxidermy - What To Do?

    I hate that it is an RSA outfitter that has screwed you and Daggaboy, as hard as we try as outfitter here in RSA to keep our industry clean, rotten apples just keep appearing! This new trend of Outfitter/Taxidermist is just another way guys are trying to squeeze every dollar out of their client...
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    as you get ready for the hunting shows

    Some sound advice Ivan, just finished reading your article about Magical Maasailand, once again an awesome bit of writing!!!!
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    Hi All

    Welcome to the forum, there is a huge wealth of knowledge on this forum and most of all, it passes the time when not out in the bush!
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    Hello from Herve, Bordeaux, France, dreaming of Cape Buffalo safari in mother of mankind

    Welcome to AH Herve, a quarter of the fun is the planning and anticipation of your hunt. You will love it no matter what you choose to do.
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    2012, 34th annual PHASA AGM

    I agree Jaco, it would be great if they would hold it down here in the Eastern Cape.
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    Safari for the little guys

    Heavy Caliber, is the way to go, like you said, it is normally in long grass, fleeting glimpses. Definitely want something that will be a little forgiving if your shot deflects etc.
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    Botswana Bans Hunting from 2013

    I have been getting myself in a real bind over on some of the other "Conservation" based forums I follow. All the seemingly open minded, conservation orientated folk that are on these sites are suddenly all for the closing of hunting in botswana. What really gets me going is that the wonderful...
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    Botswana Bans Hunting from 2013

    I wonder what percentage of the 12% of GDP that "tourism" brings in, is directly related to hunting in bots? I see our wonderful green friends out there have jumped on the band wagon in regards to this topic and are all piping in that this is the model Africa should follow, I think they said...
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    Another Successful Kudu Hunt With Bow

    Great bull, Blind or walk and stalk?
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    Hi from another newbie...

    Welcome Sakkie, some great guys on here!
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    Greetings from the Ozarks

    Welcome Custom. KZN is an awesome place, you will love it in Africa!
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    Teaching How to Shoot off The Sticks

    My two cents on the subject; Get the hunter to stand with the rifle held as if they are going to shoot out of the shoulder, this will get the correct height that the sticks should be at. When the hunter is comfortable, put the sticks up with rest part at the height that they would shoot at out...
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    Hi Steve, PM sent
  30. H

    Big Namibia leopard

    That pic is fantastic, the leopard looks like it was set by a taxidermist and the client is showing so much emotion. A great leopard and a pic that is up there with the best!!!!
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    New to the forum

    Welcome Stuart, Look forward to hearing about your trip to Namibia!
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    Last Minute S Africa Hunt

    Too bad youre not in the Eastern Cape. Good luck, I hope you get your hunt in.
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    SOUTH AFRICA: 1st trip to SA, Shangwari Safaris & Juan Pace

    awesome, reading hunting stories will never get old, I am glad you had a good time in South Africa
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    Greeting from the land of the long white cloud!

    Welcome Spud! thats enough time in NZ, come home now...
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    What to do when your walls are full of trophies?

    Become a PH, and live vicariously through your guests and the trophies they take. There is no greater feeling than seeing the Pleasure and Emotion which someone else derives as they approach an animal that they have dreamed of their whole hunting career. Or buy a cabelas, then you have a great...
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    All around rifle for 1rst trip to South Africa..

    I must agree with Gforce, if you dont have a 30-06 a 7mm Rem Mag does real good. Although I have a 270, I still see that it just doesnt have that same mmmph that you get with the 30-06, especially since a perfect broadside doesnt always present itself. Just recently I had a hunt where the 270...
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    Jan Oelofse has passed away

    Our condolences are with Jans Family. RIP Jan
  38. H

    Binos 8X or 10X

    Bought a pair of the new nikon monarch x in the 10.5X45. I have been so impressed by these binos. They are light enough to hold steady and in low light they are great, only thing I can fault is that they struggle abit when glassing into the sun (sunset/sunrise). price wise they are double the...
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    Hello from British Columbia, Canada

    Good day to you Spartacus, more information here than any hunter will ever be able to remember!
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    Was told a story by one of the local outfitters here that hosted a chap for his first hunt. Guy paid and tipped well and all was good. So when the PH got a call from the guy saying he wanted to hunt again, the PH said that the guy should go through the Outfitter as is always the case (should...
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    Gaining a Professional Hunter license

    Redriverjake, You cant run through a brick wall, but you can definately try!!!! Some of the best PHs I have met are from lands beyond africa (also really helps with marketing!)
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    Lefties on TV, why so many?

    couldnt agree more, Left is the new right!!!
  43. H

    Eastern cape hunting...

    Ray is a real master of the Eastern Cape and knows his stuff and is known for being brutally honest.
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    New to the site. Just wanted to say hi.

    Welcome, enjoy the site, not as good as hunting, but close
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    some cammo facts pls!

    Have to agree with Ole Balley. I have a complete dislike for anything that glints in the bush, take for example when you are glassing into the sunlight and that brief but distinct glint off the binos sends every animal into disaray, same as a scope or a watch etc etc. Best camo I have seen is...
  46. H

    SA East Cape: Kudu Min Legal caliber??

    Basically it used to be 6.5mm min caliber, they are now going with bullet weight instead of diameter, see dimondhitches reply. Personally I prefer 7mm and up for kudu, but that is just personal preference.
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    Genocide looms for white farmers - Article

    Docman, heard about this and agree on the EE hiring policys. What erks me the most the woolworths issue is that the fact that as a franchise chain, woolworths is majority owned by whites. So it is beyond comprehension why white owners would in fact stand for such a load of BS. Once again the...
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    Genocide looms for white farmers - Article

    Here is why I dont think that it is genocide... Murders in RSA per day =50 (Published stat, wiki) equates to 18250 per year (not a math genius but 50x365) no of white farmers murdered from 1994 to present just on 3000 (thanks wiki) So that works out to be 167 per year (1994 to 2012 =18yrs...
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    currency in canada

    Id say get Canadian $s and then what you have left over you can spend along with your left over US$ with your Outfitter in Gods Country, dollars in any form (Except Zim) are sought after by all Africans!!!!!
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    Daily Rates, Trophy Fees, and price negotiations

    Spike.t, Correct, that is what I meant. Is it even fair to ask a person to pay for the bank charges?