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  1. Bing


  2. Warthog


  3. M

    SOUTH AFRICA: Hunting Kwalata

    Thanks on the Kudu and yes we had a great time with Jaco. I tried to put a picture of the Warthog & bing in the last post and for some reason it put antother picuter in there so here they are.
  4. M

    SOUTH AFRICA: Hunting Kwalata

    Well the second day we woke up very tired but ready to start the day's adventures. The best part of every morning in Kwalata other than the much needed coffee was jumping into the truck with my buddy "Binga" only 11 months old and we got to see him learn to be a great tracker just during our...
  5. Hunting


    Shooting stick.
  6. Eland


  7. Blue Wildebeest

    Blue Wildebeest

  8. Gemsbok


  9. Blesbok


  10. Warthog


  11. M

    SOUTH AFRICA: Hunting Kwalata

    Well I never thought I would go to Africa, I just started hunting 3 years ago. My wife just finished her Masters and we decided to go to Africa. I told her I would go If I can hunt (She also likes to hunt). I was not sure we could afford the hunt but then got in the mail a coupon to visit Africa...
  12. Kudu


    Well I never thought I would go to Africa, I just started hunting 3 years ago. My wife just finished her Masters and we decided to go to Africa. I told her I would go If I can hunt (She also likes to hunt). I was not sure we could afford the hunt but then got in the mail a coupon to visit Africa...
  13. M

    First African Safari

    First African Safari First day in Africa, at Kwalata with Jaco Strauss... Well I never thought I would go to Africa, I just started hunting 3 years ago. My wife just finished her Masters and we decided to go to Africa. I told her I would go If I can hunt (She also likes to hunt). I was not...