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  1. Gatorhunter1313

    What Is Your Dream Rifle?

    My dream rifle for a long time has been anything in 505 Gibbs. I just love big bore rifles. I have had 375 h&h mag and 458 win mag. I want to replace both of them. Had to sell them when I needed the money. I still want a 505 Gibbs
  2. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    i have already started planning out closing in part of my lanai and making it a gun room. It already has 1 block wall and has a door off the master bedroom. I’ll just have to build 2 walls and add a door out on to the lanai. Being all block walls with hurricane rated doors will make for a...
  3. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    that’s a big reason I don’t want a 300 blackout. I have a bunch of rifles in 223 and don’t want the chance of a 300 blackout round making it into one of them. I don’t even have 300 blackout ammo around.
  4. Gatorhunter1313

    10mm auto new pistol which one?

    When I had my p220 10mm it had rear sight issues as well. I sold it and got a rock island 10mm 1911
  5. Gatorhunter1313

    Opinions on 30-06

    We keep a Remington 742 at our property in Georgia. Anyone who comes up and needs a rifle gets to use it. It has see through scope rings so the iron sights still get used. Deadly accurate out to any range we hunt at in georgia
  6. Gatorhunter1313

    Best .45 ACP round for black bear protection

    I love the Underwood 200gr as well. Once I found a 250gr mold I started using that and it’s perfect in my xd45. My xds loves the Underwood 200 though
  7. Gatorhunter1313

    Best .45 ACP round for black bear protection

    I carry a 250gr hard cast in my 45 any time I’m wandering the woods in Georgia. My reloads aren’t as fast as Buffalo bore but they will still hit really hard
  8. Gatorhunter1313

    Your 3 favorite hunting cartridges of all time

    Being from florida and not needing much for long range I would say my top choice rifles would be 10mm auto, 458 socom and 308 just in case I go deer hunting in other areas
  9. Gatorhunter1313

    10mm auto new pistol which one?

    I have a rock island single stack 1911. I have thousands of rounds through mine with no issues. It will eat anything you put in the chamber. I shoot a lot of powder coated cast bullets and it really loves hornady xtp’s. I carry that pistol all the time as my hunting back up. Right now it’s...
  10. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    I have kitchen scales I have used for the same purpose. I used to go to the post office and weigh it and it was cheaper to buy a cheap kitchen scale. Too much driving to find out what ammo weight lol
  11. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    I have a lot of ammo and components. I found 300 Barnes ttsx 180gr’s at a good price. If I shoot through it and you still have ammo I’ll let you know. Thank you though
  12. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    My current bag is a soft bottom but the bags I have been looking at are hard bottom
  13. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    Gotta get a little of everything into a thread. Maybe I should change it to a load out thread lol
  14. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    The duffle bag I have is actually a soft sided roller
  15. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    I run Nikon scopes for almost all my rifles and use the app. It’s not perfect but it keeps me close on ranges. I have load data and speeds for all my rifles and main ammo used. I print out a ballistics table and tape it to my rifles when I am hunting.
  16. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    I'll take $875.00 shipped to your FFL. It has a VX-R 3-9x40 on it. $200.00. My wife will kill me but I have a couple side jobs next weekend and if I get paid right away and you still have it I might take you up on that
  17. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    I’ll have to look into that and make sure I get a bag that’s legal
  18. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    That’s why I got the hard case from bass pro. It’s the same size as a pelican 1200
  19. Gatorhunter1313

    Bullet Performance Database

    I have a plan for that. I’m drilling a 5” hole in the middle and I’ll use plastic and gorilla tape on the inside to cover the hole. Then I’ll fill the tank up and shoot through the plastic. I’ll have to tape it up after every shot but the box should last forever as long as I’m accurate
  20. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    That’s a long trip though. Better to pack heavy for a trip like that. I’m looking at 7-10 days oh hunting for my first trip
  21. Gatorhunter1313

    Bullet Performance Database

    Soon I’ll have some interesting pictures for this thread. I just acquired some 1/2” lexan sheets. I’m going to make a water box to test bullets in. When done I should be able to shoot anything into it and catch bullets to see how they perform
  22. Gatorhunter1313

    AR-458 Win

    That has been on my want list for a while. I love 45 caliber rifles. I have the 458 socom, 45/70, 45 acp, 460 rowland, 45 colt and am working on a 454 casull
  23. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    I’m seriously considering taking my 338 win mag and that’s it. I have Barnes 200gt ttsx bullets I can load.
  24. Gatorhunter1313

    AR-458 Win

    A 338 win mag ar would be a lot of fun. I have a 358 win ar and love it
  25. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    I found a smaller case that will easily hole 60 rounds of 30-06 and will still fit in my duffel bag. I just have to order it and make sure. On top of that I’m going through my list of what to bring and make sure I can fit everything. I have also ordered new foam for my rifle case. I’m going...
  26. Gatorhunter1313

    AR-458 Win

    Would go nicely next to my 458 socom
  27. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    i agree on the opinion theory. I wasn’t asking this question because I am going to change my caliber collection in any way. I was just curious what others though on having many calibers vs very few.
  28. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    I don’t have anything in a 6.5 caliber. I will say, if things ever go back to somewhat normal I want to start working on some new purchases in calibers I haven’t owned yet
  29. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    i have a 10/22, a marlin model 60 and a s&w ar-15/22 all in 22LR. one can never have to many 22 rifles
  30. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    all my favorite rifles go for weight over speed. in my 30-06 i run 180gr because i have so many of them. even in my 308 i run the same 180gr sst. my 458 socom i run 525gr hard cast. they are super accurate and hit like a freight train.
  31. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    i haven't gone that far yet. i have binders full of load data for all my rifles. i have a perfect load for each one. i have reloaded for so long i have gotten good at replicating the exact same load every time i need more ammo. although now i have run into a new issue. it would see they...
  32. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    so very true. i was just curious what other people think. i can't stop myself from expanding my caliber range. i think i have 80 sets of dies from all the calibers i have owned
  33. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    out of curiosity which do you like better? the 9.3x57 or the 9.3x62? they have both always topped my list of curiosity and i have always wanted to get one of them
  34. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    the 9.3 has been on my watch list for a while. i have dies for a 9.3x62 but never had a rifle for it. i hate to ask how much you want for it because i have 5 rifle builds in the works right now but i must know.
  35. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    30-06 is one of my favorite calibers. i want to get another one. i have a ruger american in 243 and a savage axis in 308 i use at my loaner rifles. every year at our property in georgia someone needs a rifle. i keep a lot of 30 caliber bullets on hand. i do need to get more powder but i...
  36. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    i will say that has never stopped me from hunting. i have a budget i stick to. i do a lot of side work being a plumber and that pays for my shooting habits. i also make shirts and stickers to fund my horrible habit that costs more than children
  37. Gatorhunter1313

    Firearms I Have Owned

    when its so easy to trade off guns i couldn't stop. there have been so many times i have been at a range shooting something and ended up selling or trading someone on the range. i have not regretted selling off any of my guns except a very few. i wish i never sold my pair of remington 798's...
  38. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    i want a 204 ruger so bad but i have never had one. i did have a 17 hmr for a while but i was offered a good price for it so i sold it. i have considered getting a 17 hmr barrel for my T/C Encore. i already have about 10 barrels for it now
  39. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    talking wild cats. i have a couple that one can't even buy ammo for. i have a 358 mgp which is a 6.8 necked up to .358 and i had a barrel made for a wildcat i made up in an AR platform. i took a 10mm magnum and necked it down to 6.8. i already had the 338 spectre which is the 10mm necked...
  40. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    i only have a couple rifles i regret selling. my pair of 798's i got when i traded off a lar grizzly big bore 50 bmg. i wish i would have kept the lar but shooting a 50 is expensive. i had the pair of 798's for a while a loved them. i was at the range one day shooting both of them when a guy...
  41. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    my biggest concern so far is that my hard case is a little too big to fit into my luggage. i am going to need to downsize
  42. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    yeah i agree but I'm not actually talking about how many guns total. I'm talking about different calibers. i only have a couple rifles in matching calibers. i have 3 30-30 marlins. i have a 308 bolt gun and an ar-10, things like that. but how many people keep it simple with just a few...
  43. Gatorhunter1313

    Firearms I Have Owned

    I don’t even know if I could make a list. Living in Florida and being able trade guns so easily makes for a long list. I would be under estimating if I said I have bought sold and traded over 300 guns in the last 12 years. I tried to keep track for a while but I gave up with I filled a binder...
  44. Gatorhunter1313

    How many is too many?

    I tried to do some searching and didn’t see anything on the topic. I was wondering what other people’s thoughts on different calibers in a collection. I’m a wildcat nut and I’m always looking for new calibers. So in your idea how many different calibers is too many in a collection. As of...
  45. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    I looked at a lot of cases and got the bass pro case in orange. It’s built like a pelican case and bright orange is easy to find
  46. Gatorhunter1313

    Your 3 favorite hunting cartridges of all time

    Just found this. It’s a tuff question but my top 3 choices would have to be based on what I’m hunting. If I was going to pick 3 rifles I can’t live without it would be my 223 wylde, my 30-30 and my 458 socom
  47. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    Not sure I would take my 243 to Africa. My 30-06 is the smallest rifle I would take
  48. Gatorhunter1313

    How much ammunition for plains game hunting trip to South Africa?

    Once I load up more 375 ammo I’m going to see how much it takes to hit 11 pounds including my case
  49. Gatorhunter1313

    Overpriced Reloading Components?

    I had an offer today of $500 for 3000 large pistol primers. How can one say no to that?