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  1. D

    Premium bullets needed for PG?

    Absolutely needed? No, but there are a few good reasons to use them. They are more likely to exit and leave a bigger hole for more blood to trail. They are more likely to penetrate deeply and reach vitals that a more frangible bullet won't. I've had basic cup and core bullets come apart on small...
  2. D

    Looking for advice…

    But Bob, I thought you used a .243 to take that oryx Just kidding. That's a beautiful bull my friend! Doug
  3. D

    Eland with a .30-06?

    Of those three, 180 gr. NF for sure! Best of luck on your dream hunt.
  4. D

    Ruger Hawkeye 375 Ruger barrel thread?

    Something I did with my .458 WM, which was a vicious kicker, that helped a lot. I had it Mag-Na-Port ed. The ports vent a little gas up and some down. The recoil and muzzle rise are greatly reduced. The best part is that without vents to the side there is no noticeable increased muzzle blast...
  5. D

    Video of giraffe harvested with 6mm

    I'm not sure that I get your point. All safari hunts in Africa are for sport. And all game animals taken ate eaten (yes, that means survival). The giraffe in this video would not be an exception. Where I and most other AH members object is that a 6mn/.243 caliber would be unreliable on anything...
  6. D

    Video of giraffe harvested with 6mm

    That may or may not be true. Broad sword injuries (or broadhead) kill due to blood loss. Bullets kill by shock. There are many stories of elk, which are much smaller than giraffes, being shot through both lungs with under powered or sub optimal expansion rifle bullets, surviving. The bullets...
  7. D

    Video of giraffe harvested with 6mm

    Before I retired I would go off on hunting trips. When I gay back, people that I worked with would ask.where I had been. When I told them I had been hunting many of them would ask, "Did you catch anything?" They didn't know how to politely ask if I had killed an animal. I would usually say that...
  8. D

    Video of giraffe harvested with 6mm

    Using the word "harvest" in lieu of what is clearly meant as "killing", " taking" or "shooting" seems to be intellectually dishonest. I will not use it to describe what is a natural act just to save the feelings of a Disney trained snowflake.
  9. D

    Recommendations for a Rifle to Take to Africa?

    If you want a new .375 H&H you're probably looking at a Model 70. Best order it soon though as there seems to be a 6 month waiting period. If you'd be happy with a used rifle, good .375s show up now and then. CZ and Whitworth are both good CRF Mauser actions, but you may want to make some...
  10. D

    Premium bullets needed for PG?

    The cheaper production cost is probably true, but I got a slightly different story from a Nosler rep that I met. He said that the Accubond was designed to provide Partition like performance on game in a more aerodynamic design. Hunters buy them to get a flatter shooting and harder hitting bullet...
  11. D

    Premium bullets needed for PG?

    At the time of my first safari (in 1983) Federal Premium loads with Partitions were considered to be the best hunting ammo available. I used then with 180 grains in a .30-06. I used them to take a steenbuck with ribs on both sides. Killed him DRT with entry and searching for holes not much...
  12. D

    Video of giraffe harvested with 6mm

    The giraffe was shot with a 6mm (.243). The entry wound would be a round hole slightly less than 1/4" in diameter. Obviously there would be no exit. Had the shot been slightly off, tracking the animal would have been difficult. Of course, being inside of a fenced enclosure with a professional...
  13. D

    Video of giraffe harvested with 6mm

    Terminology question: What's the difference between going out and searching for an animal, and actually killing it? Both functions are "hunting." ;-) Other than that, I agree with everything you wrote.
  14. D

    Premium bullets needed for PG?

    If one premium bullet doesn't group well in a rifle, there are many other controlled expansion bullets available.One of them will probably work. If you can't find one that does, using standard "Wal-mart" ammo probably won't group either.
  15. D

    What do you like about where you live?

    I was born in Northern California (Napa) and lived there until I was 40. Job issues forced a move to Washington (aka California North, yuck). Plan was to.move to Idaho when I retired (5 years ago). So why am.I still in Washington? Daughter and grandkids are here. Wife says she isn't going where...
  16. D

    Premium bullets needed for PG?

    I think 375Fox has it exactly right. I took 200 grain AccuBonds for my .300 Win Mag last trip. All bullets passed through and the animals all did the "bang flop" or took just a couple of steps. The PG ranged from a small impala ewe up through a big waterbuck bull. If I had wanted another...
  17. D

    on a lighter note...

    So, everyone that spends less than $500,000 is poor? Don't think so.
  18. D

    on a lighter note...

    Who are "the rich" and who are "the poor?" In the US, Canada and Europe the lines really aren't that clear.
  19. D

    Of all the African game meat, which is your favourite? How would you rank them?

    Although I've never actually killed one myself, I've eaten more eland than anything else. It was all really well prepared and excellent. Much like beef. Braised oxtails, made out of one of my buffalo was really good. Strangely, although I'm not normally a fan of liver, the cook had a knack. The...
  20. D

    Which one should be my third rifle and why...

    I've been using a .300 Win Mag a lot lately including on my last safari for PG. Very effective caliber and I don't think anything else would suit me better. Now for wet and rugged country I use a Remington Model 7 in 7-08, synthetic and SS. Very rugged, light and handy. About the same as .275...
  21. D

    Taxidermist is asking for copy of my passport

    If I remember right, in 2022 the taxidermist that I used in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe made a copy of my passport while I was in the shop. It made sense. They could come under investigation and need to show that the animal parts belonged to legal hunters and where they would be shipped to.
  22. D

    Good article about the wildlife trafficking bust in Argentina

    It seems that Argentina is like the US and British media propaganda regarding hunting and animal rights. Hunters are guilty until proven innocent.
  23. D

    on a lighter note...

    You'd like a sandwiches? Sure, what kind? While I'm up, I think I'll have a beers too. Or is that two?
  24. D

    Has it ever happened to you..

    Did elephants are nothing to under estimate. I knew a PH slightly named Alan Lowe.He was caught and killed by a cow. Others here may have know him better than I did, but it made an impression on me.
  25. D

    Good article about the wildlife trafficking bust in Argentina

    Did anyone notice that the article said that hunting water buffalos and mouflons was prohibited? These animals are not native anywhere in the Americas. I don't know for sure, but I doubt if they are protected under Argentine law.
  26. D

    Best 1 inch tube variable power scope

    I really don't know anything about the Swarovski, but I do have a Leupold VX3 3..5-10 x40 on my .300 Win Mag. I have used it to take game in Washington, B.C. and Zimbabwe. It hasn't changed zero and is still working well.
  27. D

    Happy New Year to all my fellow Jewish Hunters

    That makes sense to me. My uncle (by marriage) immigrated from Italy. I do.not remember him ever eating pepperoni, or pizza for that matter.
  28. D

    Happy New Year to all my fellow Jewish Hunters

    "Tobacco?" Really? Never r heard that one before!
  29. D

    Happy New Year to all my fellow Jewish Hunters

    Okay. One more Jewish meat story. It is quite customary to eat corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's day here in the US, even among those of us that aren't Irish. It was known to be something that Irish-Americans ate a lot of here. In Ireland it is rarely eaten. When the Irish immigrants...
  30. D

    on a lighter note...

    "Post-modern dipshittery." Gotta love it! I'm going to steal the term for use with my buddies!
  31. D

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    NYC, LA, San Francisco and other cities and all the suburbs. What happens when Mittens the kitty doesn't come home?
  32. D

    Plains Game Ammo

    Putting the bullet in the right place is always the most important thing. It's just not the only thing.
  33. D

    Good article about the wildlife trafficking bust in Argentina

    Right. If you live in California, go to.say Idaho and kill a mountain lion (cougar, puma, etc.) Then take any.part of the cat home, you are committing a crime. Stupid but true.
  34. D

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    I guess in ice cream, it depends. On a hot slice of apple pie, or a warm chocolate fudge brownie or something, vanilla would be the way to go. But if you are just having a bowl or cone, chocolate is the only choice!
  35. D


    That does help put things into perspective.
  36. D

    Happy New Year to all my fellow Jewish Hunters

    Jews invented pastrami? Now I have one.more reason to admire them!
  37. D

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    The three bucks inside 100 yards were taken with a.muzzle loader. Again, I wasn't competing with modern rifle hunters, and had more sightings and opportunities than would have been likely during a modern rifle season. Could I have tried to lob a shot at 200 yards at a huge buck with my side...
  38. D

    Happy New Year to all my fellow Jewish Hunters

    Hunter-Habib, Although we've never met, I've read enough of your writings that I feel I know you a little and think of you on friendly terms. It makes me happy that you extended these greetings to our Jewish friends. I am not Jewish either, but I admire the people. Doug
  39. D

    Good article about the wildlife trafficking bust in Argentina

    Good luck. If they have stuff of yours, I hope it works out for you. Doug
  40. D

    Plains Game Ammo

    I guess if it's made, you can have a failure, no matter what the product is.
  41. D

    Plains Game Ammo

    I find that hard to understand. I have used 180 and 200 grain AccuBonds in a .300 Win Mag to take mule deer, black bear, moose, waterbuck, nyala, bushbuck and impala. I also used a 7-08 with a 140 grain Accubond to take a blacktail buck. All animals (except the moose) died on the spot or within...
  42. D

    Plains Game rifle choice... Am I crazy???

    If you want someone to talk you out of buying a new rifle, you've probably come to.the wrong place! You won't need a .375 for any of the animals you've listed and if you have a .30-06 or even better a .300 Win Mag you're good to go. I've used both, but a zebra is big and can be tough, and what...
  43. D

    How did you get your handle or user name?

    I was named dad, so to save confusion they just went with my middle name. Doug is friends know me. I figure that AH members qualify.
  44. D

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Archers aren't competing with rifle hunters. I have always found it was easier to see deer during the archery season. See not take, but there may be.more opportunities. I have taken three mule deer bucks on inside 100 yards in open country, but so have also had to leave some huge bucks without...
  45. D

    Happy New Year to all my fellow Jewish Hunters

    Well there's Saul. I inherited the .30-06 when my dad passed. I have another '06 as well as many other rifles that my own grandson will inherit, but he didn't know my father. My nephew did know his grandfather, so What thought it should go to him. It he story of the rifle is that it was custom...
  46. D

    Upland Shotgun Recommendations

    Like you, I've shot a lot of waterfowl with my 870. I have to say though, that for upland birds, nothing suits me like a sxs. I have an old SKB that has worked well on quail (valley and mountain), pheasants and a couple of grouse. I really don't need a new shotgun, but lately the CZ Bobwhite...
  47. D

    Happy New Year to all my fellow Jewish Hunters

    Happy New Year to you! Now I have to ask, are there a lot of Jewish hunters out there? I just gifted my dad's .30-06 to my nephew. His father is Jewish (and a good guy) but he has no concept about hunting. Under Jewish law, my nephew is not Jewish, but still pretty close! We'll see if he...
  48. D

    A Death Of Ethics: Is “Hunting” Destroying Itself?

    Maybe you haven't heard, Walt Disney taught us that animals all love each other and live forever unless some evil human kills them. "Run Bambi! Man is in the forest!"
  49. D

    Interarms Mark X 7mm rem mag

    I have a Whitworth Express in .458 WM. I've had it for over 40 years and have taken two buffalo with it. That is the Interarms X action. I liked it so well that I bought another Mark X action a couple of years later to build another rifle. Life got in the way, but I finally had a well known...